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Halo |OT19| 793 Posts, And None Worth Reading

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Did you ever play a high level Halo 2 game?

No you didn't because only cheaters could make it past rank 30.

Nah, me & Nuts made it past 30 for a bit, it was hard to find a legit game after a certain point.

Fond memories of being spawned from the sky repeatedly into a chain gun on Terminal.

Honestly, if they do release the MP, they have to fix some of the glitches/cheats, they were rampant and ruined the game probably 50% of the time in my experience.
The game's biggest issue was netcode/network the system had in 2004.

Now if you're going to ask me, do I want to play something I've played thousands of times and have said time and time again it's been the best Halo MP experience I've played, or a complete question mark that honestly I have extremely little hope for, then the answer you're looking for is pretty easy.

You can point to any online Halo game and easily pick out a multitude of problems. Halo 2 had them as well, I don't think any fan will argue that. That said, it had the best pack of maps and gametypes the series has seen so far. The games after it weren't even in the same ballpark.
I think an absolutely accurate remake would be a waste of an opportunity, but I do agree that a total revision would be suspicious
ly... awful
. Basically, regardless of how much they change anything else (and I hope they don't do much), I want obviously dumb things like ultra-easy noob combos and being able to grief for hours removed. Halo 2 at it's best was probably the best Halo multiplayer I've played, but there were a multitude of things that really damaged the overall experience that could be fixed without affecting the parts that were legitimately great.

Personally, I wouldn't mind at all if they had a "Halo 2 Exactly As It Was" customs option to experience getting out of the map and stuff (maybe they'll finally put that golden hog in Headlong!), but I also would like to see some long-standing balance issues fixed in matchmaking like the weak warthog or weapons that are only worthwhile dual-wielded.

Whoa whoa are we talking fixing glitches and bugs here or entire reimagining of campaign areas? Sorry I've missed out on the conversation in a sense.
Multiplayer. I want multiplayer glitches fixed and the most egregious balance problems fixed. I'm not a campaign guy but I think it would be cool if they kept the old areas almost untouched and then added in some of the missions they had to cut in the Great Crunch.
Fond memories of being spawned from the sky repeatedly into a chain gun on Terminal.

Nostalgia goggles everywhere. No wait.

The idea that 343 would release Halo 2 Anniversary with MP but without any fixes and improvements is an odd one. I never played it on Live, but it seems that everyone who did has more than a few memories like the one above. If it has MP it will have a "fixed" MP for sure.


Nostalgia goggles everywhere. No wait.

The idea that 343 would release Halo 2 Anniversary with MP but without any fixes and improvements is an odd one. I never played it on Live, but it seems that everyone who did has more than a few memories like the one above. If it has MP it will have a "fixed" MP for sure.

No BXR, no buy


Used to super bounce in custom games for hours. The greatest glitch in all of gaming. It really did not affect match making all that much. Everyone knew about them and the odds of hitting them first try in the heat of battle were very low.


It really did not affect match making all that much. Everyone knew about them and the odds of hitting them first try in the heat of battle were very low.

Gonna have to stop you there.


People bouncing out of Turf with the objective, people bouncing out of Burial Mounds with the objective, people bouncing to the top of Ascension with a sniper rifle where you couldn't do anything to fight back against them, people superbouncing onto the top of Lockout with a sniper, people superbouncing to the top of Headlong with the objective.. heck, superbouncing to the top middle of Warlock with the objective, people eventually even found a superbounce out of Tombstone but that was fixed with much more aggressive kill barriers when they had to go back and remove all of it's invisible geometry and re-issue it.

Superbouncing is already "fixed" though, since it was a bug in the specific Xbox version of the middleware. Halo 2 PC didn't have superbouncing solely because they used a different and newer version of Havok that didn't have the bug, so it's gone for good at this point.

One would think in any potential remake, they would seal off the maps and aggressively kill barrier them anyway. It already happened in Halo 2 with Blastacular, both the maps had fall-kill barriers placed over the top of them to nip any potential superbouncing in the bud.


Watching Final Boss vs Str8 Rippin MLG Dallas. Those feels. Makes me want H2A bad. Love Walshy and Ogres. Those Carbon vs. Rippin losers bracket games were intense too! /nostalgia


Modesty becomes a woman
No BXR, no buy

On the one hand I want it to be just as it was in 2004, bugs and all. Fixing them they have to be careful they don't ruin anything that isn't a bug as well.

But there's really no reason for them to NOT fix them besides nostalgia. Game is perfectly fine without them.

If anything they should fix the ppistol tracking or at least put forge into the MP. Netcode wouldn't fly in todays games either, that will change a lot.


Unconfirmed Member
Why did Bungie put reload on the right bumper in Halo 3? Because of Gears of War?

It's weird.


Why did Bungie put reload on the right bumper in Halo 3? Because of Gears of War?

It's weird.
Eh, the real kicker is that they never included a proper CE/2 control scheme in any of the 360 games (outside of CEA, of course). Neither Bungie nor 343i ever had any respect for muscle memory.


Well, it's not like Halo 2's map design is any good, so there wasn't much damage to be done in the first place. Unlike Reach, where masterpieces like The Cage and Sword Base were unfortunately tarnished by jetpack.

Not sure why Reach is in the conversation now, but I'd enjoy playing Halo 2 maps the way they were intended to be played, and not play some meta-game that isn't Halo 2 of "who has the most glitches in their back pocket and how fast they can execute all of them first to moot the map's design".

The great thing about Halo 3 is that after 3 terrible years of slogging through playing that meta-game, people actually played Halo 3's maps. And stayed on them. And played the fucking game.

Or the way I've said it before, the 15 minutes of fun escaping a map and playing around up in the skybox with friends was not worth the multiple days worth of frustration in matchmaking.

Imagine if they hadn't been able to fix the Relic teleporter bug. That would have made the entire strategy on that map "crouch jump through the teleporter". There would have been no way to defend against it being opened like the intended design allowed the defensive team to do so. There would have been no reward for being sneaky or having a good push.


Unconfirmed Member
Eh, the real kicker is that they never included a proper CE/2 control scheme in any of the 360 games (outside of CEA, of course). Neither Bungie nor 343i ever had any respect for muscle memory.
Yeah, going back and playing Halo 1 and 2 is a real chore for me, especially if I'm using an original Xbox. I'm too stuck in my bumper jumper ways.
I just went 95-21 in Super Bowl.... I think that's my highest scoring game of Halo 4 ever lol.

Ouch, some solid sprees in there too I'm sure. It's so much more fun that Grifball and when the teams are coordinating (in place of randoms just running about) it makes for a close and exciting game. The map design is really quite unique with the see through walls, I really enjoy how that plays out in the teamwork/encounters.

We were playing in a full team for 3-5 bowl games last night and one game was a stalemate until about 2mins, then I pulled an overkill and scored from mid way :) I'll upload that for some fun viewing, you should upload your 95 dong fest too. Despite the naysayers this OT doesn't have enough actual game clips for viewing pleasure. If you need it rendered just fileshare it and let me know.

If you jump and thruster pack you can fly through the transparent walls :)


They should have super bouncing but relegate it to local/customs. Maybe. Keep BXR across all game modes, it's pretty much become a part of the Halo 2 metagame. Sword flys are a must.


They should have super bouncing but relegate it to local/customs. Maybe. Keep BXR across all game modes, it's pretty much become a part of the Halo 2 metagame. Sword flys are a must.

Something I just thought of, is that if they do keep X button glitches, it would be a bad idea if they had a settings option with reload on the bumper. It would be too annoying having everybody able to aim their BXRs/doubleshots etc.


Unconfirmed Member
Another random question, this time for the Forge people. Did the player trait zones in Halo 4 end up being useful? Did anyone do anything cool with them?


Another random question, this time for the Forge people. Did the player trait zones in Halo 4 end up being useful? Did anyone do anything cool with them?

No, because they're bugged and can't even be used in matchmaking maps (well, as of when I stopped being involved in that process, anyway).

There might have been one or two clever gametypes that used them. Maybe Nok or Pete know of them?
I'm not kidding, I had forgotten The Cage existed until just now reading this thread. Proof that there is something to the "our minds don't remember the nightmare times" theory that someone mentioned earlier.


I don't care about those bugs. Asking for them to be kept intact (or reintroduced because I doubt they'll just be porting 10 year old code) is ridiculous. Do you really want time and money used on those stupid bugs? I'd prefer that they squash 'em and keep 'em out of the game. Super bouncing was awful, sword canceling is unnecessary and BXR can stay dead. I'd like them to ocus on the actual mechanics and maps instead; that's what time should be spent on. The bugs and problems of Halo 2 should stay in old Halo 2.


Asking for them to be kept intact (or reintroduced because I doubt they'll just be porting 10 year old code)
Well, when they made CEA, they ported 8-year-old code. They say they had to reimplement certain glitches when they didn't come through in the port, though I know for certain that they eliminated some glitches on accident in some intentional changes.


I dunno. I liked dual wielding. I guess it doesn't really work for multiplayer due to balancing issues... But campaign? It was amazing. Especially in Halo 3. That badass feeling of decimating flood with dual plasma rifles. Or maulers


Unconfirmed Member
In terms of AI I think it goes something like this

Halo : CE > Halo : Reach > Halo 3 > Halo 2 > Halo 4
I might swap Halo 3 and Reach, but yeah, I definitely agree with CE. Every enemy in that game was just perfect, barring some overly predictable reaction animations. Jackals holding their shields to their side while waving their plasma pistol at you with the other arm. Elites flexing their arms and howling into the air. Stuff like that was fun and added personality to the enemies, but happened too frequently and made for some easy / cheap kills.



Ultimately a misfire in the franchise, didn't really add depth and mostly resulted in balancing difficulties with dual-wieldable weapons.

It was amazing how it just became completely forgettable even during Halo 3's run. Halo 2 started you with a DW-able weapon, Halo 3 rarely did and if it was, nobody wanted to DW two pistols in that game.

In terms of AI I think it goes something like this

Halo : CE > Halo : Reach > Halo 3 > Halo 2 > Halo 4

I'm not going to rank them exactly, but my favorites would be Reach and the ODST revision of the Halo 3 AI.

CE had some nice character to the enemies, but as kittens said, they tended to play the same animations a lot, and those animations allowed you to get cheap kills. The only AI I was truly afraid of in that game was sword elites, and that's because they no-sold anything you did to them. Hunters were a joke.

Halo 2 made the Hunters not a joke and gave them the backhand move, and gave us the beam-firing so they were more deadly at range. Buggers were a good addition since they could come at you from any direction. The Elites telegraphed less. Jackal snipers were just cheap, and not fun. The Brutes were not fun to fight at all.

Halo 3 re-invented the Brutes to great effect. Buggers became predictable. Wraiths became smarter.

ODST added the Bugger Captains to swarms which made them a threat instead of an annoyance. We also got the mixed hunter classes and they were made smarter and attacked more aggressively - I still remember a lot of people's surprise and reaction to Buck's first mission and suddenly finding a Hunter inside the buildings with them. They also made the Wraiths finally deadly by teaching them how to lead their shots.

Reach was like a total re-do of everyone's AI. A Heretic Wave of Elites in Reach is still the #1 battle you can have in the entire Halo series. Was a shame they weren't used in campaign.


So just played my first game on the 360 version of SA. It looks a bit darker than the One version but outside of that I haven't noticed any real differences. Achievements don't seem to be glitched so far, they work better on the 360 than on the One.

Edit: Co-op progression doesn't seem to be part of the cross-save mechanic :(


Do I spend all day going through my temporary history looking for clips or do I risk losing some and just try and get more?


I dunno. I liked dual wielding. I guess it doesn't really work for multiplayer due to balancing issues... But campaign? It was amazing. Especially in Halo 3. That badass feeling of decimating flood with dual plasma rifles. Or maulers

Keeping dual wielding single-player/co-op feature (perhaps toggle for MP, default off) would be wonderful.


Keeping dual wielding single-player/co-op feature (perhaps toggle for MP, default off) would be wonderful.
If it can be done so the balance in multiplayer can be maintained I don't see why not. But I'd rather have a stronger singular weapon than dual wielding two weaker ones.


If it can be done so the balance in multiplayer can be maintained I don't see why not. But I'd rather have a stronger singular weapon than dual wielding two weaker ones.

Balance one-hand weapons as if they were two-handed weapons. Sure, they will be ridiculously powerful in campaign but so what? If necessary, add recoil or more spread when dual wielded, or use damage modifier like Halo 3 did (DWd weapons did 75% of their normal damage).

EDIT and a toggle for multiplayer, with default off, ie DW exists in practice only for customs, and perhaps for VIP/Juggernaut in their modes or something like that.
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