Actually I was just going to ask you on twitter about that footage, haha. I'm still ready to work on the montage, just waiting for enough clips.
Multi, Campaign, Firefight, whatever. Anything goes!
Production & Event:
Behind the Scenes Making of Halo 2
Halo 2 - Beyond Single Player, Multiplayer and Live
First Look at Halo 2
Halo 2 E3 Teaser Trailer
Halo 2 E3 Real Time Demo
Halo 2 E3 Multiplayer Demo
G4 Icons - Bungie
Halo 2 - Making of Halo "Bungie Factor"
Making of Halo 2 Map Packs
Halo 2 Trailer "Already Here"
Halo 2 Theatrical Trailer
Halo 2 Vista Trailer
Halo 2 "Another Day At The Beach"
The Ultimate Gamer - Part 1 | Part 2
Halo 2 Beta at MLG Seattle
First MLG Halo 2 Tourrnament
Sex Drugs and Halo Pros - Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Fan Made:
Halo 2 Trash Talk
Croyt's Anger Part 1 | Part 2
Ghost of Lockout
The Yellow Warthog Unlocked
Hidden Flood Juggernaut
In Remembrance of Halo 2
Sure for campaign balance is less of an issue, for multiplayer if your only going to have it for select modes or customs its hardly worth adding it doesn't do anything for base game play really. It has little depth or improvements to offer gameplay wise, especially if you don't spawn with DW weapons.Balance one-hand weapons as if they were two-handed weapons. Sure, they will be ridiculously powerful in campaign but so what? If necessary, add recoil or more spread when dual wielded, or use damage modifier like Halo 3 did (DWd weapons did 75% of their normal damage).
EDIT and a toggle for multiplayer, with default off, ie DW exists in practice only for customs, and perhaps for VIP/Juggernaut in their modes or something like that.
Do you have a filesharing site you prefer?
I usually use Dropbox or Mediafire.
Oh shit I just realized Halo 2 Anniversary probably will launch with all the maps (except H2V ones because they are trash)Some suggestions for Halo 2A:
Make a Team BRs playlist, please. SMG starts were so bad. BR/SMG starts are fine too
Include all Xbox and PC exclusive maps (Desolation, Tombstone, Uplift, District)
Just make gametypes "Team Slayer BR's", "Neutral Bomb BR's", "Multi-Flag BR's", instead of a random playlist. But really that's just asking for proper playlist management.Some suggestions for Halo 2A:
Make a Team BRs playlist, please. SMG starts were so bad. BR/SMG starts are fine too
Include all Xbox and PC exclusive maps (Desolation, Tombstone, Uplift, District)
First match of Halo 4 I get into, me and this guy get a combined 47 kills and lose, because we had two afk teammates who got 27 deaths and zero kills, fuck this game.
One day developers will gain common sense and put a "after a player is inactive for X seconds boot player"First match of Halo 4 I get into, me and this guy get a combined 47 kills and lose, because we had two afk teammates who got 27 deaths and zero kills, fuck this game.
That's the worst thing for people idling, its the ultimate form of carrying someone especially in 4 were it they can be used to rack up ordinance with no risk. Their dead weight that offers a huge advantage for the opposition. A auto boot function for idlers is needed.First match of Halo 4 I get into, me and this guy get a combined 47 kills and lose, because we had two afk teammates who got 27 deaths and zero kills, fuck this game.
Just make gametypes "Team Slayer BR's", "Neutral Bomb BR's", "Multi-Flag BR's", instead of a random playlist. But really that's just asking for proper playlist management.
Of course you must remember KotH on Ragnarok, Oddball Complex, or the awful changes they made to Reach's like putting in a dozen Slayer playlists or like nine CTF variants in Team Objective.
Yeah I would prefer it too with a bit more tooling. Larger maps getting BR's and smaller ones being default; also, putting in those other variants like Slayer BR's and Team Rifles in Team Slayer works fine. If they kept the game as it was in summer 2005 I can be assured it would still be in better hands than what it would be when they make Oddball on Zanzibar or something awful they've done since taking over Halo's playlists. I honestly don't think they know what makes objective games fun.why not just keep the original playlists?
You just awakened some terrible memories. JIP is beyond a shadow of a doubt the most frustrating aspect of Halo 4 matchmaking. A couple months in when the population went down the shitter every time I tried to play MM it used JIP to put me on a losing team. Every fucking time. Eventually I just started quitting every JIP game, then I got quit banned, then I stopped playing Halo 4. In a game plagued with shit balancing, awful ranks, atrocious maps, wallhacks, DMR sniping, glitches, instant respawns, and killstreaks, JIP might actually be the worst thing about Halo 4.I just remembered that Halo 4 had JiP. Get rid of that shit in Halo 5 or have an OPTION to never join a match that has already started.
Or just get rid of that shit.
Watched the whole thing. Reach is an amazing game.Sudds Reach dualtage dropped Jan 29th, remember to check that out some great stuff on the old pro's. REALITY CHECKKKK
This is very true in 4 where objective is awful due to asinine changes along with poor map pairing/ design. Complex is one example of this where it has several flaws in the map that the base game play in 4 easily exploits with the DMR and boltshot.I honestly don't think they know what makes objective games fun.
JIP seemed to have a habit of putting me back in the same game :/.
All the feelings.still working on this, some of you will enjoy this:
The reason I ask about yours is it seems really fine tuned to just this screen. What about other lobbies and pregame areas?
The left column is the main content window and is for the big picture information
The worst I had was being put into a game where it was incredibly lopsided, quitting getting put back in again with the other team had long range weapons from ordnance and randoms were running out and getting slaughtered. The I quit again and waited for a couple of minutes and ended up with the same group at the beginning of a new match. I would rather wait for a new game then join one mid game.Oh man. Just yesterday I was thrown into the same game 3 times before I gave up playing. Was really laggy and everyone was red bar every time I joined it.
This is from a musicvideo, made in 2014.
Best page.
Okay Gaf, Halo 2 Brutes or Halo 4 Knights?
She have an amazing and beatiful body but man why she always try to move her hips like a robot.
What kind of robots do you have over there?
How about androids instead?
So, even after everything is all said and done I'm STILL perplexed at why such a General Failure such as Del Rio was given command of Humanity's greatest ship. Practically no one listens to him or hell even remotely LIKES him and only follow his shitty orders because the chain of command says so, but really? Come on.
I know Hood didn't want Parangosky to have one of her spooks in charge of the thing, but he really chose fucking Del Rio? I wouldn't trust him with a Frigate, let alone with Infinity.
Remove bloom, remove AAs, and bump up the movement speed and Reach is my favorite Halo. But the maps are still mediocre.
Del Rio had a pretty good track record, he was good at bringing home these trillion dollar ships home safe during the war.So, even after everything is all said and done I'm STILL perplexed at why such a General Failure such as Del Rio was given command of Humanity's greatest ship. Practically no one listens to him or hell even remotely LIKES him and only follow his shitty orders because the chain of command says so, but really? Come on.
I know Hood didn't want Parangosky to have one of her spooks in charge of the thing, but he really chose fucking Del Rio? I wouldn't trust him with a Frigate, let alone with Infinity.
Thank god Asylum was included, though. One of the few solid maps at launch (or now).Yep. Reach relied too much on DLC and Forge. It is still funny that Asylum, Hemorrhage, The Cage, and Pinnacle were treated like official maps. Honestly, even if they didn't play well, they should have unlocked the Firefight maps for MP too... Some of them probably would have been fun, at least that big beach one for BTB.