So I didn't know you could endlessly spawn kill in Grifball, how nice.
Still streaming -
Are you on Halo 4?
So I didn't know you could endlessly spawn kill in Grifball, how nice.
Still streaming -
Exwife and I will be in a competing party in Halo 4 momentarily... sorry Ghazi.
I looked back at a comment somebody linked back to earlier and saw Exwife is banned. I mean, I knew he was banned, but perm'd? Anybody know why? (or are we not supposed to ask that kind of stuff?)
This an example of how they tried to be subtle, but buried it under 600 tons of the exact opposite... like a few seconds will somehow balance everything out. That shot works sort of, but it would work better if he were like 60% less of a little bitch with everything else he says. At best as presented he has like middle schooler-level emotional intelligence ("I am nervous and Master Chief makes me seem weak... better BE LOUD AND TALK DOWN TO HIM"), and yet is a decorated war hero in charge of the most powerful ship humanity has.
Additionally, the "aging Spartan" and "been out of the field for a while" stuff makes no sense since presumably a UNSC Captain would be somewhat familiar with the concept of cryosleep. To me it almost seems like they wrote the script with no ear to how the dialog would sound actually delivered, since the words themselves aren't bad, but somehow doubled-down on the asshole angle when it came to whatshisface actually recording them, if that makes sense.
At best as presented he has like middle schooler-level emotional intelligence ("I am nervous and Master Chief makes me seem weak... better BE LOUD AND TALK DOWN TO HIM"), and yet is a decorated war hero in charge of the most powerful ship humanity has.,33427/No disrespect to the military, but this happens quite a lot. Ranking up after (a friend of mine, who happens to be Seargent) about Warrent Officer (I hadn't even heard of that rank before; it's between Seargent and Lieutenant) or so, you pretty much don't get anywhere without a bunch of but kissing. As long as you don't make dumb ass decisions; you can apparently get as high as you want if you politic well enough.
Besides, power brings out the worst in people, usually in the form of pettiness and immaturity. Once people start feeling like their position is being threatened, they get super defensive and unreasonable. It isn't relegated to the military either. Happens in the business world a ton (my father got fired for it. Really complicated story, but it much came down to people being threatened because he was doing a better job than them).
Exwife is banned
No disrespect to the military, but this happens quite a lot. Ranking up after (a friend of mine, who happens to be Seargent) about Warrent Officer (I hadn't even heard of that rank before; it's between Seargent and Lieutenant) or so, you pretty much don't get anywhere without a bunch of but kissing. As long as you don't make dumb ass decisions; you can apparently get as high as you want if you politic well enough.
Besides, power brings out the worst in people, usually in the form of pettiness and immaturity. Once people start feeling like their position is being threatened, they get super defensive and unreasonable. It isn't relegated to the military either. Happens in the business world a ton (my father got fired for it. Really complicated story, but it much came down to people being threatened because he was doing a better job than them).
How do you know it was a perm? The "no avatar means it's a perm" thing is just a myth, if that's what you're going by.I looked back at a comment somebody linked back to earlier and saw Exwife is banned. I mean, I knew he was banned, but perm'd? Anybody know why? (or are we not supposed to ask that kind of stuff?)
It's not perm and he was banned for that sarcastic ("You could've fooled me") post response to one of your megaposts.
aaand my power cut out![]()
Damn ghazi
Just abandon a bro
No way to tell, I only know about it because we were talking over Twitter about it.Ok, good that it's not a perm, but I thought you were permed if you're avatar can't be seen anymore. I mean, obviously we can't tell about people who don't have avatars, but ExWife had one. Does it disappear after a while or something?
Edit, snaked by kittens.
Is there some sort of way to tell at all then?
Eh, but to get an assignment like that you have to have a modicum of acumen when dealing with other humans and not be so ridiculously transparent.
The KI rank system is awesome. Take notes 343.
I like it. It's very punishing.The KI rank system is awesome. Take notes 343.
How does it work?I like it. It's very punishing.
The KI rank system is awesome. Take notes 343.
I'm going to say that it's similar to Halo 2/3's system. Basically if you win matches your bar increases but if you lose, it goes down.How does it work?
Strange ad I had GAF serve up.
posted on r/xboxone, head of concept art at Saber interactive (team responsible for Halo 1 Anniversary)
hype rising
posted on r/xboxone, head of concept art at Saber interactive (team responsible for Halo 1 Anniversary)
hype rising
Kaaaaoooos...I was honestly going to play Halo 4 tonight but had some friends over.
Sorry ExWife and Prinz. I tried.
He hasn't denied it since the least I haven't seen him deny it.
Okay, this needs to I said, all they do is lie. either way they lie. halo 5 coming 2014 - lie. No H2 - lie. Misdirection like I keep saying. only way no lie is If halo 5 or next gen halo comes out 2014.
like I said, all they do is lie. either way they lie. halo 5 coming 2014 - lie. No H2 - lie. Misdirection like I keep saying. only way no lie is If halo 5 or next gen halo comes out 2014.
like I said, all they do is lie. either way they lie. halo 5 coming 2014 - lie. No H2 - lie. Misdirection like I keep saying. only way no lie is If halo 5 or next gen halo comes out 2014.
I'll be surprised if that thing turns out well. By and large, most collectors edition statues or figures turn out to be ugly junk compared to merchandise put out after the fact.Am I the only one obsessed with that Titanfall Collectors edition? That freakin statue is nuts.
False hope my friend.Looking forward to that halo 2 anni trailer at the superbowl tomorrow.
Am I the only one obsessed with that Titanfall Collectors edition? That freakin statue is nuts.
His blog post about the matter is super weird.iirc famousmortimer feels that 343 essentially restarted Halo 5 development and moved up Halo 2 Anniversary to 2014. Probably false but still somewhat plausible.
So he thought, without a source to back it up that, it was a controlled leak and tweeted it. Strange thing to tweet.So putting all of that together I decided, with 99.99% certainty (as I said in my tweet ><) that this guy was a controlled leaker. In my opinion Microsoft had planned this to get the core excited while most of the world stayed in the dark (like most things that happen on GAF or gaming-reddit).
Wait, somebody just contacted him and vouched for another person that was going to mail him. That sounds...weird.After I had posted my 99.99% sure he is a controlled leaker tweet I got an urgent message from someone who is very respected in the videogame community. Part of the deal was that I wouldnt give his/her name (which I wouldnt do anyway) and Im not trying to pseudo-namedrop right now but I do want to make the point that this person is trustworthy and known and it would be counter-intuitive for her/him to ever lie to me. He/she asked me if a person from Microsoft could contact me. He/she vouched that this person was very high up and that he/she has known this person for a long time. I said sure and about 20 minutes later I got an email from someone at Microsoft.
Why is he suprised that somebody would contact him directly just when the other respected source said he would be contacted directly?The email was written expressly for me. I mean, obviously all emails you get are written for you, but this person wasnt just putting together a mass email and trying to hit industry personalities with info. He was responding directly to my tweets saying that NTKRNL was not a part of Microsoft marketing and that Microsoft was trying to track him down with all available resources and that not only was he going to be fired but they were also going to press charges about releasing trade secrets. I read the email about five times. It made zero sense to me. Actually, let me clarify that, it made zero sense that they would spend the time writing this email *TO* me. Yeah, #PS4NoDRM was a big deal, Im also not oblivious to the fact that I am much more visible in the community now than I was several years ago but Im not a bigtime player. Im barely a bit player. Why spend that time communicating with me? This person didnt care what I thought. They just knew that I had some sort of reach and were trying to spin it. Big or small. IGN or YouTube personality. They know they need to get the message out through everyone. At least Royal Caribbean sent a vice president
3rd party source and bias claims being explained, super weird.I then got on twitter and said he wasnt a controlled leaker. He was a renegade employee that was being hunted down by Microsoft. Even with the questions I had about the email they sent (especially since it just told me info and asked me nothing) I believed it because I trusted (and still do) the person who hooked us up to talk in the first place. It was weird but it had to be the truth. So my 99.99% tweet hit the .01% jackpot at that point. I said as much on twitter. I know a lot of people think Im in this for the attention (I like attention but its not the only thing that drives me) or think I want to destroy companies (I have preferences but Im not fucking insane). The truth of the matter is that I always say what Ive been told if I trust the source.
Another blanket statement that contradicts the above statements and his sources.NTKRNL is controlled marketing. Why?
January NPDs. Also, no Titanfall Xbox. Dont try to spin me, motherfuckers.
There is this thing called Husky Raid in Action Sack and damn does it get intense. As long as you don't have shitheads on your team, it's quite easy to push and go for the flag. Quite fun, maybe because both sides were good players. Anyone else tried it?
Yeah.His blog post about the matter is super weird.
So he thought, without a source to back it up that, it was a controlled leak and tweeted it. Strange thing to tweet.
Wait, somebody just contacted him and vouched for another person that was going to mail him. That sounds...weird.
Why is he suprised that somebody would contact him directly just when the other respected source said he would be contacted directly?
3rd party source and bias claims being explained, super weird.
Another blanket statement that contradicts the above statements and his sources.
This is just all so weird.
Do it some more really rub it in lol.He was very hurt that you did that to him. You should apologize.
What does everyone think of this destiny armor?