Wait, we can't bitch about Halo 4 to @HaloWaypoint?
It's 343...or Saber... you never know what they might do.You can't ruin a remake can you?
Wait, we can't bitch about Halo 4 to @HaloWaypoint?
I can see it now AA's and perks everywhere ugh.It's 343...or Saber... you never know what they might do.
That's a point did certain affinity do those maps?
It's 343...or Saber... you never know what they might do.
Apparently not. You'll get called an asshole by a few gaffers.
I thought the tweet was actually pretty funny as a joke, and not much different than a yo-momma's-so-fat type joke. But tagging waypoint and a bunch of 343 employees was distasteful and unprofessional (imo). Twitter has definitely become a medium that requires a little more professionalism. People get fired from their jobs all the time based on the dumb things they say on twitter. And honestly, I'm not sure if pulling stuff from Speedy's twitter account and using it as a means to harass him for several pages on neogaf is any better. Hopefully, it's all in good fun, which I think most people here have been doing.Apparently not. You'll get called an asshole by a few gaffers.
I've finally grown tired of shitting on 343, personally. I still find myself shaking my head at many of their decisions, but after been vocal about it for the past year, I think I've finally gotten it out of my system. I'll be happy to complain about any new shit that may arise, but seriously, 343 has heard us loud and clear when it comes to Halo 4. Going out of your way to make offhand tweets with no particular context or relevance is stupid.
It's funny because he's mormon too hahaSpeedy Blue Dude |OT| Have I Told You About Our Lord And Savior Microsoft?
Dude cmon.I'm sorry they didn't offer you a job too
What did sabre do in CEA?
Halo fans have been doing this for years, but what does it ever amount to?Never do consultation work for free.
You can't ruin a remake can you?
I avoid ever naming anyone at 343 specifically since it takes a village to make a game. I know it won't make it hurt any less, but there's being positive and then there's being fake positive just to smooth over someone's feelings. Nerds tend to be very passive, but I can't lie. I feel like most people explain why, they just don't go "u suk lol".
If you spend every developer conference talking about how awesome you are and you hired the best and brightest and by the way you're so awesome, and never about the faults of your game, and come off as Microsoft recruiters instead of developers, you come across as full of yourself and living in your own world. Seriously, none of the Halo 4 postmortems I saw or attended felt like postmortems at all. Not a single use of the word "failure" or "what we could have done", it always goes:
1) we were made to make halo
2) we were so ghetto we had to conduct interviews on the toilet inside bill gates' house
3) omg we had to take over a game from bungie, woe is our lot in life
4) we hired the best and the brightest
5) lookit all dese years of experience
7) thankyouwe'redonelaterbye
Part of the reason people found Bungie so personable is because they admitted when they fucked up and they made fun of themselves all the time.
343's answer to fucking up was to go along with Microsoft's PR department and completely lie to us with 14 Day Buy and Play.
But what about that GFWL shutdown issue we were promised would be resolved? ;;;;;;;;;;;![]()
It's funny because he's mormon too haha
Dude cmon.
Fyre offered a VERY valid point.
The closest I've seen to a decent post mortem was that letter in the bulletin that said "We learned a lot"
On the build up to Halo 3, Bungie would be saying they thought they messed up with Halo 2, despite it being highly praised by the media, despite it being the most played game on Xbox Live until GEARS OF WAR ON THE XBOX 360.
Who knows, maybe they'll do something similar as Halo 5 draws near. But so far it seemed to be endlessly patting themselves on the back
Well it was quite good for what it was based on, it's better than 4 though(possible rose tinted glasses). Doing the exact opposite of what people want isn't good.Halo fans have been doing this for years, but what does it ever amount to?
- CE to H2: People were just expecting another Halo to blow us away. Gameplay took a turn for the worst, but the game excelled in other areas (XBL).
- H2 to H3: Expectations rose and suggestions increased. After Halo 2, people wanted a single shot precision rifle and for the game to get faster and more consistent (kill times, movement speed, overall gameplay). Halo 3 literally did the opposite.
- H3 to Reach: Expectations rose and suggestions increased. After Halo 2 and Halo 3, people wanted a single shot precision rifle (check, but it came with bloom..) and for the game to get faster and more consistent (kill times, movement speed, overall gameplay). Reach literally did the opposite.
- Reach to H4: Expectations rose and suggestions increased. After Halo 2, Halo 3 and Reach, people wanted a single shot precision rifle without bloom and for the game to get faster and more consistent (first game to be faster and more consistent than its predecessor) with less random nonsense (AA's, etc.). Halo 4 literally did the opposite and even added more CoD elements to the game.
That's cool so certain affinity just did the multiplayer stuff. Sabre did quite well with the single player.Almost everything single-player related: new graphics, the new graphics engine, etc.
I might ask what the whole point is. Fyre seems to be looking for self-flaggelation and a checkbox that they hit to atone for their sins.
I don't care about appeasing people who want to hear an apology, I'm more interested in the games to come.
As for the faults of the "Bungie method"--they shit all over Halo 2 to the point that they neutered all their alien characters in Halo 3 because players complained about playing as the Arbiter and apparently didn't understand the Covenant. You can be unhealthily and unnecessarily critical of your product to the detriment of future work.
You mean this one?The closest I've seen to a decent post mortem was that letter in the bulletin that said "We learned a lot"
Conspiracy theories now?I'd imagine Microsoft and marketing being part of the reason Halo 3 had less alien friendlies. I mean, like "Hey Bungie, people didn't like that alien master chief, could you reduce the screen time he gets, kkthxbai" and "It is kind of hard to sell, after Halo 2". Figure this is the worst case though, but i wouldn't be surprised if it did happen.
I've heard MS pushed Bungie to focus more on the Halo 3 multiplayer, to detriment of its campaign but not sure if that is true actually.
First of all Tyler Hoyt is an idiot and shouldn't get attention at all. His tweet was also super stupid.
Secondly Jess' resoonse was also a joke, like those people didn't shout their criticism and how to improve the game since reveal and release. But 343 never gave us anymore insight except that they will listen.
There is just no trust.
I hope 343 releases a behind the scenes vid someday like we had for Halo 2 and 3.
This is my problem with the situation.... Tyler was being a fucknut, but had he actually posted a constructive tweet, the only reply would have been "we'll pass it along to the mp team."
343 just needs to be more open during development to be honest... or... you know... do the same thing Double Helix and Team Dakota did with Killer Instinct and Project Spark respectively and give us a bi-weekly stream showing off new stuff and getting a software or mechanics engine out there to talk about the stuff they've been messing with in the weeks prior.
Bravo and/or Jess, Quinn as hosts with a random guest every stream... show off your test levels, just running around shoot with a BR for 5 minutes and people will be happy. You'll get free criticism(lol) and you'll build hype.
I don't think it's far to demand that developers spend an inordinate amount of time catering to a tiny percentage of the player base and open themselves up to more shit from all sides. What is so wrong with waiting for trailers, interviews and demos and builds at expos, exactly?
I think the one major difference is that Bungie had produced several games by the time they went back and explained the miscomings of Halo 2. 343 has made one game. Bungie didn't become transparent immediately. And it's not that I'm giving 343 a free pass, but the circumstances are a bit different. I don't know what apologizing at this point would do, anyway, other than possibly (and only temporarilly) appease the most die hard of halo fans - and I know that the number of die hard fans is more than just small minority. It's like the xbox one drm fiasco. Microsoft pulls the 180 in response to fans and then everyone says MS is untrustworthy. It's a lose-lose situation. Might as well just focus on Halo 5 and hope for the best.I agree with this 100%. By now we would normally have Bungie publicly admitting where they messed up or what they wished they could have done better. But 343 has not done that once. I don't know if it has to do with bravado or they don't want to admit any mistakes with their huge giant corporate overlord above them, but it sucks. It makes me not want to trust them as a developer.
Conspiracy theories now?
That's probably the wrong word for it. But it seems a little far fetched... IMO
What is this lol, I want to see mine.I'd like to publicly apologize for this quote:
Which was weird, unfunny, unnecessary, and awkward.
Microsoft pulls the 180 in response to fans and then everyone says MS is untrustworthy. It's a lose-lose situation. Might as well just focus on Halo 5 and hope for the best.
That ChromeHounds like thing I teased is up now if anyone else played that game religiously.
Hopefully the Speedy Twitter reposts die down soon around here.. They're disgusting to read, and this is coming from the only guy who wanted zoojoo back after he was banned ;\And honestly, I'm not sure if pulling stuff from Speedy's twitter account and using it as a means to harass him for several pages on neogaf is any better.
Dude cmon.
Fyre offered a VERY valid point.
The closest I've seen to a decent post mortem was that letter in the bulletin that said "We learned a lot"
On the build up to Halo 3, Bungie would be saying they thought they messed up with Halo 2, despite it being highly praised by the media, despite it being the most played game on Xbox Live until GEARS OF WAR ON THE XBOX 360.
Who knows, maybe they'll do something similar as Halo 5 draws near. But so far it seemed to be endlessly patting themselves on the back
I agree with you there Fuchs, I don't need a postmortem. Bungie's given us several of those and their games were never unquestionably better than the last, so what's the point?I don't care about appeasing people who want to hear an apology, I'm more interested in the games to come.
This is where you're mistaken Fuchs. Showing off the game prerelease may initially garner some negativity if the direction isn't want fans want, but the more they show it and the more criticism they receive, the better our chances are of receiving a polished game come launch. Everything plays off each other; 343 shows the game routinely and allows fans to express their concerns. Fans will feel like they're getting involved and they'll start gaining more respect for 343. That's how a positive atmosphere is maintained, especially around a franchise in decline, and the resulting positive effects should be obvious.I don't think it's far to demand that developers spend an inordinate amount of time catering to a tiny percentage of the player base and open themselves up to more shit from all sides. What is so wrong with waiting for trailers, interviews and demos and builds at expos, exactly?
For a minute I thought that Chromehounds was the Xbox game I played before I got Halo 2, but I looked it up and CH was only for 360.
Do you know which game I'm talking about?
EDIT: Nevermind I found it. MechAssault aww yiss.
If you liked MechAssualt you may want to look at MWO
If you liked MechAssualt you may want to look at MWO
Besides Havok's physics engine, what would be better or perfect instead for Halo?
The idea of a post mortem would be them saying exactly what they did wrong and what is being fixed.Hopefully the Speedy Twitter reposts die down soon around here.. They're disgusting to read, and this is coming from the only guy who wanted zoojoo back after he was banned ;
I agree with you there Fuchs, I don't need a postmortem. Bungie's given us several of those and their games were never unquestionably better than the last, so what's the point?
I'm more concerned about the next game's release and them showing it off like Double Helix did with Killer Instinct.
This is where you're mistaken Fuchs. Showing off the game prerelease may initially garner some negativity if the direction isn't want fans want, but the more they show it and the more criticism they receive, the better our chances are of receiving a polished game come launch. Everything plays off each other; 343 shows the game routinely and allows fans to express their concerns. Fans will feel like they're getting involved and they'll start gaining more respect for 343. That's how a positive atmosphere is maintained, especially around a franchise in decline, and the resulting positive effects should be obvious.
Again, Killer Instinct. Look at the positivity Double Helix received from fans and critics alike going into KI's launch; that's what we need for the next Halo. 343 won't get that by simply releasing trailers that are obviously meant to glorify the game; Halo fans aren't being fooled by that shit anymore (on a long-term scale at least). Positive reinforcement + positive momentum = crucial to the next Halo release.
The idea of a post mortem would be them saying exactly what they did wrong and what is being fixed.
Showing the game off could do the same thing as well.
Hoping for a bungie style vidoc where they say what halo 4 did poorly and how they're fixing it.
Besides Havok's physics engine, what would be better or perfect instead for Halo?
Euphoria would be interesting. Presumably movement and driving could be tuned to be what they're in previous Halos, having the AI systems and animations would be great, especially if combined with new systems (for single-player only) like disarming enemies. Imagine that, shoot an Elite's weapon and watch as it pulls out a couple of Energy Swords and charges at you!
ITT People forget the massive outrage of the general population at playing as The Arbiter.
Is it petty of me to suggest that I don't want Havok in the next Halo game so I don't have to wait an extra 5 seconds every time I open the game to look at a stupid Havok logo in the intro sequence?
Seriously, what is up with that shit?
No, Bungie did. And really, I didn't like the CEA graphics layer too much. It lit up too much of the dark areas.That's a point did certain affinity do those maps?
Is it petty of me to suggest that I don't want Havok in the next Halo game so I don't have to wait an extra 5 seconds every time I open the game to look at a stupid Havok logo in the intro sequence?
Seriously, what is up with that shit?
Euphoria is cool but Euphoria requires you to essentially have the Euphoria team work in-house with you, and it's a lot of long hours and work. With how fast FPSes iterate, that would be a potential disaster. You can do the above scenario with canned animations, but any animation system is ultimately limited by the console's RAM. More RAM = more potential animations.
SP was kinda garbagey too. Please get Bluepoint to spend a a few months doing a 1080p/60fps perfect port of the original to modern consoles and Steam please, no need for fancy new visuals, just sharp IQ and framerate, maybe online but that's too much to ask I guess... Having to play my GOAT game on 4:3 30fps on the old 360 doesn't cut it.![]()
Yeah... which is too bad. Wonder what will happen now that Zynga owns Euphoria. Wouldn't be surprised if Rockstar continues using it but... well, was there any game aside from Rockstar games and Star Wars Force Unleashed that used Euphoria?
BTW, to me it looked like in Reach pre-release trailers and video clips and such, Spartans were more... ragdolly. Like the joints could've moved more? I think it was the Reach MP trailer were a Spartan is sniped and the body crumples in a way that doesn't happen in the final game.