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Halo |OT19| 793 Posts, And None Worth Reading

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The Sins of a Solar Empire Halo Mod is looking real nice. Never played SoSE but this might make me buy it.
Got a link to this mod? Would like to try it out.

By the way, I spotted two War Sphinx in the Jupiter Ascending trailer:

Sorry for the shitty gif
Not the only thing that looks like it has some artistic influence from Halo. The background of where she's falling into at the end of the trailer reminded me of the portal to the Ark from halo 3.


Get fuchsdh is the single best thing to come out of this thread in a long time.

Where've you been? That ground's been plowed, planted, reaped, and salted (well salted) a couple OTs back. :)

As for the UNSC logo, they should just really tone down the edges so it's not so fine-detailed. It's bizarre that you would make a logo you replicate on everything so difficult to just straight stencil.

Also: I refuse to believe that A) Optima still exists in the post-war 26th century, and B) The UNSC would use it for their typography.


Watching Kotaku play Spartan Assault and the guy was on about powers and AAs and then said "which you expect from a Halo game."


I'll stick to watching Laserfrog from now on.


343i Lead Esports Producer

Seriously though, that map needs no more than 4 people total imo.

Doubles is alright for it, but 4v4 es no bueno.

It should only be in doubles...

And idk man I love that map. Everytime I play on it I have some awesome matches, especially in CTF.


Somewhere around OT6.


But seriously I need to do an OT at some point, move over Speedy. I'm upset that AA are so accepted they add to many variables that affect game play to be beneficial, anniversary settings or bust really. Hey Fuchsdh it could be worse there are uglier fonts out there, what was wrong with the old font anyway?


At this point, we should have a mod change the title to Jurassic Park OT

Speedy would most definitely be banned if he did an OT though. Shilling up the wazoo.
Yeah, MS employees can't make Halo OTs, that's just how it is Speedy, sorry.
Holy shit, fucking really? Halo CE is a game to master. It's all about timing, precision, and batshit crazy luck. Not a cheelchair game... Bcuz it's not called Combat Devolved. And there are no wheelchairs in it.
I remember it was BBC news and they where talking about the UN. How bad do you have to be to not land one shot with the CE pistol?
Apparently the baby in that waypoint thread..


Speedy would most definitely be banned if he did an OT though. Shilling up the wazoo.
It would end up like something from way point It will be the fastest OT ever just so we could make a new one, I am amazed that he got unbanned still.

dramatic reconstruction of a Speedy OT featuring Shillasuarus Rex :p

At this point, we should have a mod change the title to Jurassic Park OT
That would be cool I've got like 30 Jurassic park gifs and tons of SG-1 ones as well.

Halo IOT20I Nostalgia, Laura Dern and Dinosaurs Oh my
How about that for a title?

Oh I did a bit of checking around that person who hates the CE pistol loves automatics it gets worse drastically so just a choice selection of their posts:

Automatics are IMMENSLY skillful weapons.
Users of automatics must be highly skilled at a number things in order to perform well. First of all you have to be good at getting into close range without taking any shots beforehand. This is not easy. To do so you need to use map features extremely well as cover as you press up on enemies, even if it is a bit counter intutive. For example if an oppenent was on the ramp connecting ring 2 with ring 3 on abandoned and I was heading up the adjacent ramp connecting ring 3 with the rock face, I wouldn't jog right at him allowing him to shoot me a couple times with his BR, before im in effective range. Instead I would walk AROUND the lift structure, granting me cover as I closed the gap.

You need to be quite patient, sneaky, and smart about it too. You don't want to sneak just for the heck of it. You need to sneak in areas where there is a HIGH probability of enemies passing through. Get good at predicting spawn locations and you will be able to set better ambushes. Also never sneak in an area they suspect you're at. Surprise is key.

Another big part about automatics is knowing how to escape well. If you do take a shot or two before getting into effective range, you need to immediately recognize that and escape and FAST!

Aiming with automatics is NOT easy. Ever since the aim assist cuts autos take lots of skill to aim. Running straight at someone relying solely on your right thumbstick to aim will get you killed every time as you miss half your shots! You need to let the bulk of your aiming flow off your strafe via the LEFT thumbstick, using the right only to level your aim at his chest and fine tune/minor adjustments.

Spray and pray? More like carefully controlled bursting with fire rate adjusted depending on range. Unless someone is literally point blank, ALWAYS be burst firing. Soooooooo much more effective. How long each burst is depends on range and few other things like are they no shields, exactly what auto are you using (AR, SR, suppressor) etc. this is really the only point I can't out right explain, you simply need to get a feel for it yourself.

None of these skills I have listed are in anyway easy, and it's not just all good sounding theory this is all speaking from what I've learned first hand.

Again anyone that wants my help getting better with autos I'm happy to give it, just please don't be rude or call me a troll.

Halo 4 is by FAR the best halo game to date and I am looking forward to halo xb1 expanding and evolving 4's gameplay.

Everything added in halo 4 was such a great idea.

Loadouts. I love how loadouts let players play how they are comfortable. Why do classic players get so flustered over this? If you like playing a classic style GUESS WHAT?! YOU CAN! Pick a battle rifle, frags, resupply, explosives. Waa laa. Other players like myself don't care for this. I'm not comfortable playing like this. I like plasma grenades not frags, grenade perks are not for me I don't throw as many grenades as I should anyways, and I have a fair BR but I prefer other guns.

Let halo be flexible for every players unique playstyle. Loadouts must stay and be expanded.

Personal ordnance was an amazing addition to halo. They really needed to add an alternate way for players to get weapons. It adds incentive to do well, punishes camps as these players earn ordnance slower, and greatly increases gun variety. New skills such as smartly choosing the best option for the situation, and reacting fast to what opponents get as well emerge as well.

Spartan ops was a natural evolution of firefight. I really like spartan ops.

I could go on and on (and have) about how everything in halo 4 is great, like the less jarring flinch, faster paced gameplay of default sprint, etc.

Again, halo xb1 needs to be an expansion of halo 4, no a revert to archaic halo 3.
These along make my head hurt and i'm barley through the last ten posts they have done.
Automatic weapons require skill
Halo 4 greatest thing ever
Of Halo 3.

It's funny that you say this because the Halo 3 megathread lasted roughly 5 OTs. Not including "spinoffs" like the Halo 3 multiplayer / screenshot threads, the next "mainline" OT would be the Reach Beta OT.

Reach Beta OT is pretty close to the Shitpost Event Horizon.
i may have joined gaf at this time

Also, two questions for Frankie, if you're listening:

Is the double entendre regarding the name Crawlers intentional? I know they're space dog-ants, but I was researching SEO for my job the other day and found out a "crawler" can also refer to a type of web-oriented program that gathers and collects web information. Considering Crawlers are Composing people into data, it's like the Forerunner equivalent of calling something a "deathscraper" or some equally metal name. A web crawler can also be called an ant, and considering what Crawlers are, well...

Second question: is hardlight a single state of matter? I had assumed hardlight only functioned as a solid, but there are a few oddities that had me wondering. It's hard to see in this picture, but check out the top-left blue light source:


In-game, while the beam tower is charging up, that blue light is some kind of diode that's spewing out a bunch of bright, bluish-white viscous liquid. I think it's using effects similar to the smelted iron we saw in the Pillar of Autumn refinery. It'd be a cool gimmick if true, but does that mean hardlight can also be made to work as a liquid?

Also, this is getting into fanwank territory, but what if Covenant weaponry somehow screwed up the temperature ceiling on their reverse-engineered, originally-hardlight equipment and most of their weapons are actually using hardlight, but in plasma form? The "globby" plasma weapons like the Plasma Rifle, Wraith mortar, etc. would finally have an excuse for not having near-hitscan, gaseous electrical beam weapons. Some weapons like the Beam Rifle and Spectre turret are more evidently "native" plasma, though.
Toy fair is February 16-18th, and Neca confirmed some of their Halo products will be present. I asked if they will be based on past games, future games or be standalone and the reply was "more news at Toy Fair". I don't expect anything major by then, but its very possible we may see a new weapon or vehicle design, unless of course 343 has an info blowout before that time.

By the way, I spotted two War Sphinx in the Jupiter Ascending trailer:

Lower-quality version

I thought the same thing when I saw that trailer. :lol


That halo 4 and automatics post made me actually mad

Oh i saved the best few of their posts love automatics, armor lock, sprint, want aesthetic choices to affect game play, hates classics game play and makes awful analogies.

I for thirty thousand am very glad halo is much more than a couple battle rifles fighting over a rocket launcher and a sniper on a tiny mirrored map nowadays.
removing sprint would be the worst move 343 could make.

its just an inherent part of how I play now. if it was suddenly gone I would constantly be clicking down on my left thumb stick and being annoyed to the extreme when nothing or something other than sprint happened.
there needs to be an awful lot more to pick from in loadouts. I want to see different armor ability specific perks to pick from, I want armor itself to be included in load outs and influencing protection vs. mobility of your Spartan in combat. Also I support moving specializations to the loadout menu, where specializations act as far more than just a single perk most of which are not used; it defines your Spartan and how he plays significantly. everyone picks a specialization. Custom shielding is another thing I would add to loadouts; allowing players to tweak stats such as damage absorption, recharge rate, and recharge initiation speed to their liking.

These are just a few that halo 5 needs. There needs to be much much more customization of your Spartan in the loadout menu. of course I expect many new guns, AA's, and perks to be added as well.
Why is this great armor ability missing in halo 4? That was my favorite one from reach. It was the only one taken away and I don't understand why. There are many moments when playing halo 4 I could have made great use of armor lock.

It was very useful armor ability but hard to master! Armor lock required great timing and a keen sense of awareness to be good with. Grenade blocking was one of its best qualities. the moment I would hear the sound of a frag bouncing near me I could reject it. You can even block 2 grenades with one charge, I can't tell you how many times I would punish people for throwing grenades in a gunfight; here's how it normally would go: I shoot them once as they throw a frag, I armor lock reject it, unlock and shoot them again as they throw another frag that is again rejected then the gunfight starts with me two shots ahead. I miss not being stuck too! I get stuck a lot now when I run towards someone ARing but man not if I could just armor lock...

I miss blocking swords too. you could get sword blocking down to a science. The trick was to activate it while an opponent was mid lunge. not before, not right as they hit you. It required impeccable timing to get right but it was doable. lock up before they lunge and they simply wait for it to expire, do it right as they hit and you don't have the time to charge the EMP blast.

Lastly I really like how armor lock encouraged good teamwork and sticking with your team. Something I'm always thinking about when playing. If things went south and you were about to die armor locking with teammates around could usually save you. Half the time I would end up dying in these situations was because some guy on my team would throw a grenade at me as I unlocked! That was irritating and happened from time to time for some reason.

Anyways yea lets get armor lock back for halo 5! how about it huh?
Halo is not "ruined" gosh will you stop saying that! its like you want halo to be ruined.

halo is going through a bit of rough patch because there is a group of people who accept change as fast as continental drift and adapt at the rate of the dodo bird. Their constant negativity has damaged halo badly.
I found an appropriate gif for my opinion of this person and their just plain awful idea's.

EDIT: read thisI don't know what this person is thinking at all skillful automatic weapons :/



A timeline of (most) of the HaloGAF threads starting with the Halo 3 beta thread in 2007. Blue is Halo 3, purple Reach, green is Halo 4, cyan are the Halo |OT|s and orange are general fiction or misc. threads like HolaGAF. Click to make huge. Still needs to labeled and whatnot, so look forward to a giant JPEG of some HaloGAF stats soon.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
A timeline of (most) of the HaloGAF threads starting with the Halo 3 beta thread in 2007. Blue is Halo 3, purple Reach, green is Halo 4, cyan are the Halo |OT|s and orange are general fiction or misc. threads like HolaGAF. Click to make huge. Still needs to labeled and whatnot, so look forward to a giant JPEG of some HaloGAF stats soon.

It's funny that you say this because the Halo 3 megathread lasted roughly 5 OTs. Not including "spinoffs" like the Halo 3 multiplayer / screenshot threads, the next "mainline" OT would be the Reach Beta OT.

Reach Beta OT is pretty close to the Shitpost Event Horizon.
i may have joined gaf at this time

Also, two questions for Frankie, if you're listening:

Is the double entendre regarding the name Crawlers intentional? I know they're space dog-ants, but I was researching SEO for my job the other day and found out a "crawler" can also refer to a type of web-oriented program that gathers and collects web information. Considering Crawlers are Composing people into data, it's like the Forerunner equivalent of calling something a "deathscraper" or some equally metal name. A web crawler can also be called an ant, and considering what Crawlers are, well...

Second question: is hardlight a single state of matter? I had assumed hardlight only functioned as a solid, but there are a few oddities that had me wondering. It's hard to see in this picture, but check out the top-left blue light source:


In-game, while the beam tower is charging up, that blue light is some kind of diode that's spewing out a bunch of bright, bluish-white viscous liquid. I think it's using effects similar to the smelted iron we saw in the Pillar of Autumn refinery. It'd be a cool gimmick if true, but does that mean hardlight can also be made to work as a liquid?

Also, this is getting into fanwank territory, but what if Covenant weaponry somehow screwed up the temperature ceiling on their reverse-engineered, originally-hardlight equipment and most of their weapons are actually using hardlight, but in plasma form? The "globby" plasma weapons like the Plasma Rifle, Wraith mortar, etc. would finally have an excuse for not having near-hitscan, gaseous electrical beam weapons. Some weapons like the Beam Rifle and Spectre turret are more evidently "native" plasma, though.

Halo lore talk! Woh! Yes, I want to know this stuff now.
I got a Halo 4 wallet for Christmas. I'm going to use it.

I got an obnoxiously blue Master Chief hoodie a few chrismussus ago but google image search is failing me. Never wore it once.

That being said, I did try opening up a RedBubble account to make some stuff including a shirt for my canned Promethean Knight concept.


This dude.

The shirt came out with the graphic off to the fucking side. Completely uncompressed, centered graphic on my end, and they somehow herped it. So, I file a complaint and they arrange to send me another one for free...

it's even farther off to the left and the colors are completely desaturated. Dammit RedBubble. I'm actually kind of glad I didn't end up buying any of sltyPoison's shirts just because I didn't want to have to go through their derpotry again.

A timeline of (most) of the HaloGAF threads starting with the Halo 3 beta thread in 2007. Blue is Halo 3, purple Reach, green is Halo 4, cyan are the Halo |OT|s and orange are general fiction or misc. threads like HolaGAF. Click to make huge. Still needs to labeled and whatnot, so look forward to a giant JPEG of some HaloGAF stats soon.

Did you make that graphic in a WYSIWYG DAW? It looks like a weird set of scales you're supposed to play in Big Pianist Pro or something.


You never let me down man, never.


Dongs Macabre

aka Daedalos42
Oh i saved the best few of their posts love automatics, armor lock, sprint, want aesthetic choices to affect game play, hates classics game play and makes awful analogies.

I found an appropriate gif for my opinion of this person and their just plain awful idea's.

EDIT: read thisI don't know what this person is thinking at all skillful automatic weapons :/

removing sprint would be the worst move 343 could make.

its just an inherent part of how I play now. if it was suddenly gone I would constantly be clicking down on my left thumb stick and being annoyed to the extreme when nothing or something other than sprint happened.

Oh god, is he using Fishstick?
It should only be in doubles...

And idk man I love that map. Everytime I play on it I have some awesome matches, especially in CTF.
Whoops! You are correct. Apologies to Shifty.

For some reason my sleep deprived mind was thinking Scythe.

Graphite, on the other hand, is good shit. Map is awesome.

Omg at that troll. I don't even.
So I just downloaded Quake Live and first thing I notice is the training center detailing some advanced techniques.

Halo needs this instead of watering down the gameplay. Give people an incentive to play more (to get better, that feeling of satisfaction and self-reward for improvement) other than through artificial means like unlocks and other fluff.
So I just downloaded Quake Live and first thing I notice is the training center detailing some advanced techniques.

Halo needs this instead of watering down the gameplay. Give people an incentive to play more (to get better, that feeling of satisfaction and self-reward for improvement) other than through artificial means like unlocks and other fluff.

lol good luck,games these days aren't going to do it for the most part. indies are the best hope.
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