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Halo |OT19| 793 Posts, And None Worth Reading

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How is it called when you can't mathematically win a game, like in territories when a team captures 3 territories out of 5? Is there even a name for that?


Bone isn't really visible any more. Wolverine healing factor confirmed.

pain excruciating. Koala Bear manliness calibrated.


I just had this in my clipboard.
How is it called when you can't mathematically win a game, like in territories when a team captures 3 territories out of 5? Is there even a name for that?

I don't know if there's an actual term for it, but maybe "decisive loss," "predetermined outcome," "inevitable loss," something like that?


I feel like the world must be ending as Jurassic Park has invaded Halogaf and it is not my doing.

and on that note...

It's a collector's edition and comes with no figure's? The giant T-rex looks better.

How is it called when you can't mathematically win a game, like in territories when a team captures 3 territories out of 5? Is there even a name for that?
The closest thing I can find is game theory based on the Angel problem or pursuit-evasion but I don't think there is a mathematical word for it but predetermined outcome sound like it would work?


Cast from Stan Winston Studios own molds. =)

Legacy better deliver with Jurassic World.. ILM is good, but I want an overload of practical animatronics.
Nice do you have a link for it? Animatronics look so much better than CGI does compare the 1984 to the 2011 thing to see my point, hopefully Jurassic World is full of them.


Is it just me or are all modern console games (especially FPS) just overwhelmingly filled with features? I feel like so many games are overlooking the appeal of simplicity and true competition. I'm not sure if I'm just becoming too old and growing out of games or if most modern games are genuinely childish, terribly easy, clunky and packed to the brim with shit that doesn't need to be there, confusing menus that make no sense and lack ANY common sense itself (see Battlefield 4). I feel there is a real niche for a mature, balanced, simple FPS, targeted at older gamers rather than teenagers. Make people care about losing, make it have some sort of negative effect, I'm sick of the "everyone has to win" approach. Weapons play their respective roles, good maps, no sprint, harsh ranking (I'm so sick of only progression systems), just remove all the unnecessary rubbish that takes away from a better player/team out playing the respectively worse player/team. There is a (sizeable) market out there craving a Halo 1-3 style arena shooter that just isn't getting anything. I'm not sure if others agree with me in thinking this or if I'm completely out of touch.


343i Lead Esports Producer
I've seen it in TS in the last week I believe. Which is where I was saying it shouldn't be.

Yea it should be replaced right now.

I feel like the world must be ending as Jurassic Park has invaded Halogaf and it is not my doing.

and on that note...

That thing is sick!

My brother bought me the Mega Bloks Warthog for Christmas. He was so jazzed about it.

(and so am I. I love building shit like that.)

Me too man. I'm going to buy some figure models and shit just because I love to build them. I should probably get some Halo mega bloks stuff to.

How is it called when you can't mathematically win a game, like in territories when a team captures 3 territories out of 5? Is there even a name for that?

It's called GG


Is it just me or are all modern console games (especially FPS) just overwhelmingly filled with features? I feel like so many games are overlooking the appeal of simplicity and true competition. I'm not sure if I'm just becoming too old and growing out of games or if most modern games are genuinely childish, terribly easy, clunky and packed to the brim with shit that doesn't need to be there, confusing menus that make no sense and lack ANY common sense itself (see Battlefield 4). I feel there is a real niche for a mature, balanced, simple FPS, targeted at older gamers rather than teenagers. Make people care about losing, make it have some sort of negative effect, I'm sick of the "everyone has to win" approach. Weapons play their respective roles, good maps, no sprint, harsh ranking (I'm so sick of only progression systems), just remove all the unnecessary rubbish that takes away from a better player/team out playing the respectively worse player/team. There is a (sizeable) market out there craving a Halo 1-3 style arena shooter that just isn't getting anything. I'm not sure if others agree with me in thinking this or if I'm completely out of touch.

The everyone needs to win has become more common in halo with lack of ranks or discernable skill measurement such as visible K/D ratio.


343i Lead Esports Producer
It's far from total poop. But I do believe that maps, especially Forge maps should be cycled out after a while. It's been in matchmaking for like 9 months

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Frankie got dat flood finger.

Hey guys is that spartan assault game worth 15? I'm leery and I could see it being free down the road with gold anyway.


It's far from total poop. But I do believe that maps, especially Forge maps should be cycled out after a while. It's been in matchmaking for like 9 months

That's a good idea settler should be cycled out long ago, if you have forge do like a cartographer challenge again for actual maps for matchmaking.
It's far from total poop. But I do believe that maps, especially Forge maps should be cycled out after a while. It's been in matchmaking for like 9 months

IMO, it's a poor map for 4v4. Most fights are just a clusterfuck because everything is so close and there's sightlines or the teleporter that negate most cover/routes. There's little to no flow to engagements. Most boil down to push one way, enemy team spawns behind, turn around, push back the other way. That's as interesting as they ever get.

Perhaps total poop is a *slight* exaggeration, but the map works way better for 2v2.

Cycling out Forge maps sounds like a good idea though. I'd be down with that.


343i Lead Esports Producer
That's a good idea settler should be cycled out long ago, if you have forge do like a cartographer challenge again for actual maps for matchmaking.

Well those we don't really have any say in. There have been contests outside of official 343/CA ones but we couldn't host our own and say, "winning maps go into matchmaking" or anything like that. We could probably suggest the maps but ultimately we couldn't say for sure.

Just enough for it to be born into death?



Hey guys. As you may or may not know, I was permabanned for saying that the Xbox One version of Battlefield 4 looked good. I accidentally logged in a few days later and to my complete surprise I saw this...

Seeing as I'm only consistently active in these Halo OTs, I have to assume that someone here is the reason my ban was reduced. So thank you <3
I think it's best to avoid all gaming side discussion for the time being.. ha
Hey guys. As you may or may not know, I was permabanned for saying that the Xbox One version of Battlefield 4 looked good. I accidentally logged in a few days later and to my complete surprise I saw this...

Seeing as I'm only consistently active in these Halo OTs, I have to assume that someone here is the reason my ban was reduced. So thank you <3
I think it's best to avoid all gaming side discussion for the time being.. ha

It's only 29th December. rosso using alts confirmed?
Hey guys. As you may or may not know, I was permabanned for saying that the Xbox One version of Battlefield 4 looked good. I accidentally logged in a few days later and to my complete surprise I saw this...

Seeing as I'm only consistently active in these Halo OTs, I have to assume that someone here is the reason my ban was reduced. So thank you <3
I think it's best to avoid all gaming side discussion for the time being.. ha

So Kyle, Dax, and RandomRoss (and me, I guess) all got spared from a permaban. Huh, guess the mods must really like HaloGAF. :p

EDIT: McAfee? SMH.


You have to wonder though, why, when there is almost zero cost of manufacturing and production, digital games cost as much as their retail/physical versions.

Because dev costs are so high. I don't get why everyone thought digital would result in dramatically cheaper games; you only get the Steam-sale caliber price cuts after a hundred thousand or a million people have paid full-freight for your multi-million dollar game. Distribution is a fairly small component of that $60.

This gen might finally see the plateau of those costs as you're not going to be seeing anything optimized for 4K or anything crazy like that for years, and I doubt either console could push a decent next-gen image at those resolutions. Still there's the ever-evolving physics and AI systems...


Well those we don't really have any say in. There have been contests outside of official 343/CA ones but we couldn't host our own and say, "winning maps go into matchmaking" or anything like that. We could probably suggest the maps but ultimately we couldn't say for sure.

An official one would be nice to expand the map pool, few will buy the DLC at this stage.
A halogaf involvement could prevent anything like cragmire in matchmaking again.

... I wish I didn't get you unbanned.
Careful now that's a MS employee :p.


Because dev costs are so high. I don't get why everyone thought digital would result in dramatically cheaper games; you only get the Steam-sale caliber price cuts after a hundred thousand or a million people have paid full-freight for your multi-million dollar game. Distribution is a fairly small component of that $60.

This gen might finally see the plateau of those costs as you're not going to be seeing anything optimized for 4K or anything crazy like that for years, and I doubt either console could push a decent next-gen image at those resolutions. Still there's the ever-evolving physics and AI systems...

I don't believe really believe that. Do you know how costly it is to manufacture 5 to 10 million copies of a game? And not only manufacture them, distribute them all across the world and enter into agreements with retail stores?

With digital games, you remove most hurdles such as manufacturing and transport, you also hamper or eliminate things like used game sales, and you have direct profit if you have your own distribution methods.

Now I'll agree game costs are extraordinary these days, with games routinely having budgets over $100 million, but that's no excuse to keep profit margins so high, especially for digital sales. Rockstar spent over $250-300 million making GTA V, they made over $1 billion in 3 days.

I'm not saying digital games have to be $9.99 at launch, but to keep them the same price as physical releases because that's what your accustomed to and it gives you higher profit margins, fuck that. They should easily be at least $10 less or more than physical retail release.
If people saw games to be like $10 cheaper digitally on the day of release, and being released at midnight, I'm sure that would spark many impulse buys. It's all about the perception of it; people see they can spend $10 less for a digital copy and they start weighing the benefits of going digital, removing that hesitation barrier. As a result, more games are being purchased, more games are being played, gamers gain a little bit more confidence in Microsoft/Sony and they continue building from there.

But nope. They gon' milk us for all we're worth until they're forced to change.

Careful now that's a MS employee :p.



So just looking at some sources for Blu-ray and video game mass production, costs can be as much as $1-$7.50 for a single disc. This only includes the plastic case, printed artwork, shrink wrap etc.

Depends on who manufactures and where, but now multiply these numbers by what 5-10 million for all the copies you'd need worldwide, now add in the costs of dealing with retail stores, their margins, paying for displays in store etc. Add in transportation costs too, games don't magically stock themselves in every city around the world, freight/transportation. It's quite a significant chunk, especially since most games will now be dual-layer Blu-ray releases which is still more expensive than DVD.

So let's say you have an annualized series and you spend $100 million+ a game, this includes employee salaries, outsourcing, all dev costs, now even if you say it's $1-2 disc mass production, if you conservatively only make 5 million copies for worldwide sale, you are spending almost 10% of the budget on physical distribution. Let's not factor in lost sales due to used games, or how much money you'll lose when retailers have their cut.

Edit: all I'm saying is, it's not unreasonable to expect digital games to be cheaper than their physical releases counterparts, or for game prices to drop, even slightly if gaming went all digital. I wonder if Frankie can chime in here and tell us percentage wise, how much of the budget of Halo 4 went into making those discs, the artwork, and putting them on every shelf.
So just looking at some sources for Blu-ray and video game mass production, costs can be as much as $1-$7.50 for a single disc. This only includes the plastic case, printed artwork, shrink wrap etc.

Depends on who manufactures and where, but now multiply these numbers by what 5-10 million for all the copies you'd need worldwide, now add in the costs of dealing with retail stores, their margins, paying for displays in store etc. Add in transportation costs too, games don't magically stock themselves in every city around the world, freight/transportation. It's quite a significant chunk, especially since most games will now be dual-layer Blu-ray releases which is still more expensive than DVD.

So let's say you have an annualized series and you spend $100 million+ a game, this includes employee salaries, outsourcing, all dev costs, now even if you say it's $1-2 disc mass production, if you conservatively only make 5 million copies for worldwide sale, you are spending almost 10% of the budget on physical distribution. Let's not factor in lost sales due to used games, or how much money you'll lose when retailers have their cut.

Worth noting that someone gets paid to print discs, manuals, cases, and package them together along with the actual costs of doing so.

Can't remember where I saw it, but I saw a breakdown of where your 60 dollars goes for a game and I think 15% of was manufacturing costs and fees.

Without those costs and fees, once everyone gets their piece of the pie and a profit is turned on a game, the only cost of selling that game is that it's available on the server of that service, which is why you can see really excellent deals on games as they age.

Now, from a console perspective it's up to MS and Sony to push their digital stores to offer that "Steam-like" experience, but it's not as easy as Steam because publishers have a lot more physical copies of their games out there and they need to try to pull in more revenue to make up for that.


Jesus Christ, will IGN please fuckin' fire this idiot? I am so sick of his dumb face with his abundance of false information. Please IGN, hire someone who actually plays halo, or at least someone who knows what the fuck they're talking about.
McAfee was/is suspected of killing his neighbor he's gone really crazy. Why is Frankie blue in the dew Spartan pic?
Who are you?

Is he serious?
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