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Halo |OT2| Hyper-Athletic Speed And Mass And Weight and Power


Composer will be announced soon-ish? Release date in not-too-crazy-distant future? And a lot of other amazing information? Crazy. You hyped me much more!
Just finished reading the bulletin. Now thats how you write a bulletin, so much mind blowing good info. Even teased stuff sounds freaking amazing.

Steady stream of information coming? HELL YEAH.

Have these been posted yet?

As far as I know this is the first time we have seen them outside of the trailer, correct?
Thank you based Demoncarnotaur.

2:06 - 2:15 That was awesome.

Great montage!


Somebody please implement a splitscreen ghetto so I don't have to have any more matches ruined by this crap.



NeoGAF's smiling token!
I broke it last week too :(
You did but you died.

Proof I watch your montages!
Curious to see how they do that.

Vague as can be spoilers
Seeing it visually might make some future events more obvious in the TV format, so I assume they might change some of the visions.
True, I just really hope they nail the (vague allusion to spoilers):
supernatural elements better this season.


Unconfirmed Member
Not a shadow, but an outline around the edges. Sounds better to me, but I'm no design expert.

In other news: gonna play some Advanced Wars before bed. STOKED.
343 I fucking hate you you ruined my Team Objective I cant even get a fucking game because of this dipshit 5v5 with party restriction garbage. Theres fucking 200 people playing find the 5 best scrubs in that playlist searching and let me crap on their inferior skills.

Fuck I need to be in charge of this shit.
Lol not a debate.

Pistol would be fine if it had a better clip; far too shallow at 8 shots.
The pistol was my favorite thing in Reach, but the shallow clip ruined it. I would have preferred a 12-15 bullet clip, but it should have been 10 at the very least and not 8 :(
I'm on Page 537.

It's Thursday over here so you know what that means...

Tashi's Weekly Montage Series - Season 2 - Episode 2

Nice vid, Tashi. Excellent music choice, too.


Rocket straight to the hood of a 'Hog followed up by a grenade and both of the dudes inside live and still have shields.

Vehicle Balancing™

Edit: Zealot existing with that broken Flag Away spawn zone is shameful.
So this is what i took from the update.

Forge fans are going to be very happy which to me indicates some type of terrain editor, The BR is not a DMR replacement and 343 like their pistol powerful but short range so the DMR might be back as a single shot mid to long range weapon.


I rather see a 3x scoped Carbine in the fold, personally, but we'll see what they come up with. The DMR's main problems were its scope and the damage it dealt out to vehicles. Either way it looks as if it'll be a pick-up weapon in the campaign and MP and not something a person will be starting with on a consistent basis.


Ok so I just got done reading the Bulletin. BR is hitscan and bloom has been replaced with the superior recoil!

Thank you 343!


The weekly update too mentions Tashi Ceiling. What. is. that. ?.

No bloom as in Reach, Assassinations are in, excellent. Don't think i need much more from Halo 4.
Well, i'd still get rid of hitscan (superior leading skills should win) but not a big deal, i won't be complaining about it if the game is otherwise good.


Ok so I just got done reading the Bulletin. BR is hitscan and has bloom has been replaced with the superior recoil!

Thank you 343!


now, Dear Bulletin, please don't mention "interesting new characters" and release Artwork for the Didact and make Forerunners playable in MP.
That was a good read, a very good read indeed.

Edit: Just seen your montage Tashi, damn nice work with the grenade launcher.

It's probably the most satisfying weapon in the game.


I don't think they should do anything to the DMR other than beefing up the sound, feel, and look of it. It should not be a problem for people on foot because of the player movement speed increase which should make it easier for people to evade fire or seek cover more quickly, and I don't think the vehicles will be handling as poorly as they did in the previous game.

Speaking of vehicles if they're going to beef up the armor on those things then I hope they severly nerf the fire power. Something has to give. I don't want it to be like H3 where people spent the entire game just driving around racking up easy kills. They've been overpowered in both H3 and Reach with the exception of the Warthog in this last game. I'm not going to argue that 343 should copy the basic on foot gameplay/combat settings of H2 because I understand there will be changes to that no matter what but I really believe they should copy the vehicle combat from that game. H2 did vehicle combat right. Splash damage from the Tank/Wright felt right. Banshee controls felt good and there was no fuel rod. Perfect. The Warthog controlled well, lasted as long as it needed to on the field, and wasn't a killing machine. No stun for getting kicked off a ghost which was great. There was no need for a Spartan Laser as lock on Rockets did the job as well as it needed to be done.

The vehicle combat in H2 felt perfect. I don't understand why Bungie changed it.


Like I said in the other thread by Plywood, everything in the bulletin is so good. For me this part stuck out:
Will the mid-construction mech seen on one of the Multiplayer levels appear in some form in the campaign of Halo 4? –Franc and Co

The Cyclops 2 seen in the center of War House will not be playable. But we will have some vehicle surprises, at least one of which will dwarf that weapon.
Vehicles bigger then the mech we saw :O
Id be happy if the DMR was included as a mid to long range weapon had the same kill time has a BR but the BR had less range and had 70% bloom so you couldnt spam it at distance and still get kills


Like I said in the other thread by Plywood, everything in the bulletin is so good. For me this part stuck out:

Vehicles bigger then the mech we saw :O

Thinking Scarab but maybe they have added a Battlefield 2142 Titan mode style vehicle. :D Like CTF but with a big-ass ship.
Fronk said:
Without going into too many details, in Halo: CE, you’d fight for control over armor abilities based on timing and map control, and that’s something that evolved over time until it became the Equipment pick-ups in Halo 3 and eventually the Armor Ability loadouts in Reach. Halo 4’s system will be a logical evolution, but based on lessons and inspiration from the (matchmaking) successes and less-than-successes in prior titles.

I prefer to think of AA's as a genetic aberration rather than an evolution.

The one massive, massive concern I have over Halo 4 is the possibility of players starting out on an unequal footing. Reach broke a fundamental rule of Halo in allowing players to start with different abilities rather than earning them via map pick-ups; I sincerely hope Halo 4 doesn't continue down that avenue though I think it will based on what we've heard so far.

Hitscan BR is great news.

The Cyclops 2 seen in the center of War House will not be playable. But we will have some vehicle surprises, at least one of which will dwarf that weapon.

First thing that sprang to mind was a pilotable scarab (in campaign). Can you imagine four player co-op, each player in a scarab, traversing massive war fields full of Forerunner enemies? Yeah I'm dreaming out loud.

On the DMR: it took a shit on BTB and is one of the primary reasons that playlist is poop in Reach. I'm hoping it doesn't return simply because I prefer the BR being the go to weapon, particularly now we know it's hitscan. The Tashi ceiling scope on the DMR was overkill.

Still, I'm confident 343 will not fuck this all up, simply because I get the impression they all seem to genuinely love and respect Halo.


Vehicles bigger then the mech we saw :O

I'm not getting my hopes up yet. I remember being really excited to find out what the "large, unnamed beasts" were in Reach.

Before realising they were these dopes:


Not exactly what I was hoping for.
I prefer to think of AA's as a genetic aberration rather than an evolution.

The one massive, massive concern I have over Halo 4 is the possibility of players starting out on an unequal footing. Reach broke a fundamental rule of Halo in allowing players to start with different abilities rather than earning them via map pick-ups; I sincerely hope Halo 4 doesn't continue down that avenue though I think it will based on what we've heard so far.

Hitscan BR is great news.

Just because you might not start off with the same weapons/abilities, doesn't mean it isn't balanced!
Unfortunatly due to Reach's design and balance flaws, it is very easy to believe that.

I'm not getting my hopes up yet. I remember being really excited to find out what the "large, unnamed beasts" were in Reach.

Before realising they were these dopes:


Not exactly what I was hoping for.

I watched a video of a few Bungie folks playing thru the reach campaign and talking about it.
Apparently those guys were supposed to play a much bigger role in the game.
There were going to be all sorts of types of the giants.
Some were going to have grunts riding on them with fuel rods.

Just one of the many awesome things cut from reach.
After seeing that Halo 4 ViDoc, I can't bring myself to play Reach.
Maybe I'll try again now that I finished ME3 (spectacular game,
disappointing ending

Oh well.. Less then a year until we never again have to:


Why would they cut something as amazing/hilarious as that sounds?

Because Bungie's new policy of cut early, cut often is retarded. Yes the game is more polished than the other Halo games, but it is still a turd. Bungie considers Halo 2 an unpolished nightmare, even though it's largely considered the best in the series.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Eh, I can't hate on Reach like some of you here. Albeit I haven't played it for a while, but the campaign was very solid and the multiplayer had a lot of fun to it. Yeah, I can see where it deviated from the Halo norm, and how Halo 4 looks more true to form for Halo, but Reach had some fun.
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