why not? it would serve a similar purpose as to what the laser, missile pod, the ejaculator (the blue gun from reach that shoots stickies, don't know the name) are suppose to do
Those also melt other players and not just vehicles.
why not? it would serve a similar purpose as to what the laser, missile pod, the ejaculator (the blue gun from reach that shoots stickies, don't know the name) are suppose to do
I hate peanut butter and cream soda, so I empathize and won't burn you at the stake.
why can't we have a gun that shoots straight. also sad to say, we are miles behind cod concerning how aiming feels.
I didn't say I was proud, but I do well enough to win more than lose, which adds a lot to my base enjoyment of the game. I feel like I have a good grip on the gameplay. I didn't mean to imply that I could play professionally or anything.
fine, make it so that if you use armor lock, you lose your shieldsThose also melt other players and not just vehicles.
Trip Mine.Those also melt other players and not just vehicles.
I hate peanut butter and cream soda, so I empathize and won't burn you at the stake.
We cannot be friends anymore.
I'm way too tired.
I thought this said you hate "peanut butter and cream soda." Like it's a singular thing...
This internship is taking it out of me, lol.
How can you think peanut butter and cream soda together sounds delicious? HOW!That sounds delicious.
How can someone not like peanut butter? HOW!
You don't like Chinese food, your taste does not count here!How can you think peanut butter and cream soda together sounds delicious? HOW!
More here.MARATHON FOR $375,000,000
Once $375,000,000 in operating income is made through the Destiny business, Marathon will be free to be published, and at this stage about 10 per cent of staff can work on the project.
Bungie is generally banned from developing action shooters other than Destiny until 2018 (after the release of Comet 3), regardless of other stipulations. After then it would have to wait another three years to be able to publish such a game, but in any event must give Activision first rights to negotiate a publishing deal.
Key staff had to sign a new, long-term employment contracts with Bungie that Activision had approved the terms of. It stipulates that ‘key members’ will lose their equity in the studio if they leave before Destiny project number two, due for release Fall 2015 on PC, PS4 and Xbox 720.
(There is only one loophole that allows staff to get their equity back, and the Destiny project will need to make $1 billion in operating income for such a loophole to possibly come into effect).
The Destiny project will legally have entered ‘critical risk’ if 33 per cent of the Bungie staff leave the studio within any twelve month period prior to the master copy of Comet number four (due 2020).
In this phase, Activision has, in certain circumstances, the authority to assume control of the game’s IP, as well as a licence to use the proprietary ‘Destiny Game Engine’.
A small section of Bungie staff (identified as ‘key-key members’have signed a no-compete clause, meaning they are prohibited from joining rival companies during the spell of the contract.
Activision CFO Thomas Tippl has the final authority to decide whether the Bungie project has entered a ‘critical risk’ period, which is determined as the project not meeting certain completion or quality milestones. In this event Activision has the right to resume control of the Destiny series without Bungie’s approval until 2020. (Bungie must still be paid royalties for games already produced).
Man, if only.
Some insiders say this was one of the better deals.Was Activision the only company that went after Bungie? One of the best and most successful studios shouldn't have to subject to this.
Some insiders say this was one of the better deals.
Jesus. Prior to these reveals, I thought Bungie actually got an incredible deal from Activision because of IW's departure.BUNGIE BUYOUT PENALTY
If, before 2016, a company merged with Bungie, or bought it outright, Bungie would need to pay Activision 19.9% of the acquisition transaction fee.
Blizzard is still essentially a separate entity after the Activision Vivendi Games merger.How Blizzard has not been completely and utterly destroyed by Activision's money-grubbing ways is beyond me. Only a matter of time I suppose.
The authority to assume control of the games IP.
It looks like Halo 3.Try this.
The thing about it is that Activision since the whole IW situation must have really tighten up their belts. Some stuff on the offset look way too strict, but then in the light of them spending so much money it is understandable. Still, from a gamer perspective this looks like it will create tension for the creators we love and care about.I love all this contract stuff, people getting genuinely sad and angry at mostly logical contracts. The money for this game is coming from Activision as a benefactor they should have alot of control over the product. Most of this stuff is contractually fluff that will only ever come into play under extreme circumstances and the rest of it is just maintaining you interests and investments.
With a company of around 200 members and that fairly strict 8 year dev cycle they have going on its common sense that you what the staff devoted to the product.
But yeah w.e "our freedoms are being oppressed"
I love all this contract stuff, people getting genuinely sad and angry at mostly logical contracts. The money for this game is coming from Activision as a benefactor they should have alot of control over the product. Most of this stuff is contractually fluff that will only ever come into play under extreme circumstances and the rest of it is just maintaining you interests and investments.
With a company of around 200 members and that fairly strict 8 year dev cycle they have going on its common sense that you what the staff devoted to the product.
But yeah w.e "our freedoms are being oppressed"
MS must be cracking the whip pretty hard on 343i. Corporate bastards, at least have the decency of greenlighting Halo 2 mp xbla.perhaps it explains bloom and armor lock. bungie got pissed and took it out on us
wonder what kind of deal 343 got
Agree, but the only thing that worries me is the ridged release schedule. Looks unrealistic.I assume you guys did not read the contract; it was all spelled out there. Activision is forking over huge sumso fund the projects, and has a number of clauses to ensure that if the game is endangered that they'll still be able to deliver it and recoup the investment. If I had to guess, internal to Bungie the 'key members' agreed in some way to stick around through the terms of the Activision contract. Certainly have have a huge financial incentive to stick around. The other clauses read like standard non-compete clauses to me.
Dunno, I don't see anything worrying in there.
bungie agreed upon it. they must be confident that they can deliver. perhaps they will take the cod route.Agree, but the only thing that worries me is the ridged release schedule. Looks unrealistic.
True, hope it works out.bungie agreed upon it. they must be confident that they can deliver. perhaps they will take the cod route.
Mr. Kottick is not a fan of waiting for the SandTrap/Epitath Easter egg I see.
Probably afraid of Bungie sneaking in an Activision joke into the game.
wonder what kind of deal 343 got
Agree, but the only thing that worries me is the ridged release schedule. Looks unrealistic.
The thing about it is that Activision since the whole IW situation must have really tighten up their belts. Some stuff on the offset look way too strict, but then in the light of them spending so much money it is understandable. Still, from a gamer perspective this looks like it will create tension for the creators we love and care about.
The problems I have isn't the strict guidelines, it's the ability for Activision to take over the IP if things don't go well. Of course, it's not a situation that will most likely occur, but for them to have that option is ridiculous.
edit: Then again, I'm not the guy who signed the contract so surely Bungie is happy with the way things are.
Ok, this makes more sense now.I doubt it will create much tension, Bungie are big boys now they know how to operate and meet targets effectively they do all that and its going to be easy riding with Activision. Contracts like these are set up to accounts for every possible scenario that could unfold and after they invest in a studio for 10 years its more than reasonable for something like this to be requested on Activisions side, If bungie didnt feel up to it im sure after MS they would turn the offer down.
Nothing iv read is really shocking so far, With the hundreds of crazy court cases going on in the industry's about IP ownership and such having a clear document like this is better for both parties.
Bungie would love to publish all this themselves im sure but at the end of the day that a huge endeavor and something like that just is not feasible.
This is not about Bungies creative control which is what seemed to be the issue at MS, the contract still allows Bungie freedom over the IP unless the royally screw the pooch and are deemed a risk. As long as Bungie deliver content here, here and here they can do what they want with the game.
As for the 5% on Marathon stuff thats something Activision should get praise for they could of just said "no you will only work on destiny for 10 year" allows 5% of staff who i assume are being paid wages from Activison's funding to work on a separate title is a good will gesture
Well, I guess they're not really in your way if they're riding you.