Microsofts core centrepiece will, of course, be Halo 4. Expect Black Ops II to feature prominently in the press conference, as will Kinect. Forza Horizon will be shown. You shouldnt expect any earthquakes here. Yes, therell be US service announcements and there will definitely be at least one core surprise, but were still very much in this generation as far as Microsofts concerned. The press conference will reflect that.
Sonys first-party effort will revolve around at least two largely unknown core products and Vita. The two titles are likely to generate a great deal of excitement. Also expect Sony to attempt to play a strong Vita isnt dead card. Big core games on the small screen will be a focus for Sony this year, but, again, expect solidity rather than megatonnage. You may well be blown away by whats on show, but its doubtful youre going to be too shocked by any of the announcements.
Apart from the partnership deal between PlayStation and a leading cloud gaming service, obviously.