Actually, if I were you, I wouldn't. I think seeing 1, and then Prometheus is perfect. Aliens is a great film but doesn't even need to be Aliens. It could be werewolves and it wouldn't make a lick of difference. The other two movies are rough-to-questionable. In terms of lore, 1 and Prometheus have the most direct connective tissue.
So it's like the Matrix trilogy? I've only seen the first and it was so awesome that I want more Matrix but dare not touch the sequels.
I think I will do what you said instead with Prometheus. Thanks.
I guess I was expecting Alien to be pretty rich with lore. So do they ever answer any of the questions I posted in spoilers or is it focused more on action/horror?
As an outsider looking in, Alien has me a little puzzled.
It's got some an awesome style, and you can see its impact everywhere in scifi which I appreciate.
After I watch a movie I always do a little Wiki/IMDB research to see what about it was special or culturally significant and from what I have read so far, It seems like the aliens series has been gradually diluted into typical action movie fare.
I haven't seen any Predator movies yet either, whats the deal with that whole crossover?