Just rewatched the Halo 4 campaign and mulitplayer footage again. I'm not going to lie, I didn't voice my opinion on it earlier because we haven't seen much but
I was worried as hell. New team doing the Halo series, a series I absolutely loved and have had a pretty "
close" connection to for the last decade...but damn you guys cleared up anything I was worried about. U4ix, Jazzy, and I talked about live via Skype and we all were
squealing like little girls with all the new stuff. Multiplayer looks fast, quick. Have to see more of the abilities but from what I've seen it looks good. The medal color is kinda weird, hope it isn't final. Overall with all the new footage it's a
REALLY GOOD E3 for 343i and I really hope these 5 months fly by, I don't think I can go back to Halo Reach.