guys anyone got a link to the june update changes...
Don't care how pro anyone is, it takes more than playing a few games to even begin to judge balance nuance.
Don't care how pro anyone is, it takes more than playing a few games to even begin to judge balance nuance.
Don't care how pro anyone is, it takes more than playing a few games to even begin to judge balance nuance.
Don't care how pro anyone is, it takes more than playing a few games to even begin to judge balance nuance.
I'm serious. Those MLG guys need to play a lot more to have a more informed opinion. I'm not saying you should discount their initial impressions, I'm saying initial impressions shouldn't be taken as gospel fact.
I'm serious. Those MLG guys need to play a lot more to have a more informed opinion. I'm not saying you should discount their initial impressions, I'm saying initial impressions shouldn't be taken as gospel fact.
I'm serious. Those MLG guys need to play a lot more to have a more informed opinion. I'm not saying you should discount their initial impressions, I'm saying initial impressions shouldn't be taken as gospel fact.
It's good to have MLG level players playing the game though. I think Halo needs that extreme end of the spectrum as much as it needs the opposite.
Don't care how pro anyone is, it takes more than playing a few games to even begin to judge balance nuance.
There's truth in that... But voicing a concern about what we have seen combined with impressions of people who have made a living playing exactly the type game we are looking at is valid.
While true, I don't discount initial impressions entirely. My very first post after touching the Reach MP Beta was about how it didn't really feel like Halo.
At this point I'll take what I can get.
So you're saying HaloGAF should test and balance the game?
I don't care how OP something is on paper or not. Just like Armor Lock, it is apparent P-Vis is instantly the go-to ability, therefore everyone will be abusing the hell out of it just like Armor Lock. All it takes is everyone using it and it's broken.
So you're saying HaloGAF should test and balance the game?
My very first post after touching the Reach MP Beta was about how it didn't really feel like Halo.![]()§ion=Unknown
Guys, I'm not asking for much here.
need a gif of that load screen. seriously. plywood?
How is seeing everyone around you not an "avoid death crutch"?Got to disagree, Its all about player skill. good players might benefit from it but bad players could benefit from something like Auto-Sentry much more. P-Vis is in no way as intrusive as something like AL because it dosnt slow the game down and it isnt a "avoid death crutch" like alot of the AA's are in reach.
Its also going to be negated via anyone who can read the radar well and then its a case of only campers its going to show you which are likely going to be lessened by the potential threat of P-Vis.
Armor lock was not broken because everyone used it it was broken because it was invincibility with the ability instantly turn around a full 180 while coming out of it, it lasted too long and it slowed down the game play, it allowed for multiple bursts and had NO weakness but give you alot.
Can't see what you're meaning.
So you guys know, Walshy, Victory X, and Neighbor tested out Halo Reach at the Bungie Studios and liked the game (I'm not talking about the beta either). So I want 3 others out there to not sugarcoat their feelings and help out if they can.
Have any of the pros not like the game? They all seemed pretty optimistic from what I saw
EDIT: How accurate is ********? There pre-order charts say Halo 4 is doing really well, surprisingly even better then Blops.
Have any of the pros not like the game? They all seemed pretty optimistic from what I saw
How is seeing everyone around you not an "avoid death crutch"?
has anyone played the game? i'd like to hear some impressions. im impressed by what i saw but still very skeptical
sorry if this post is sloppy. Im still on the show floor.
My initial impressions after playing ONE match...
BR felt great. Felt just right...first thing I did was get a head shot kill with it.
The AR feels a lot more powerful. The sound it makes when you fire it is deep...I really like the audio in the game.
The game feels similar to Halo 3 at a faster pace.
Domino says the sniper is hard as hell to use now.
Not sure how I feel about the ordinance drops.
I was already slightly annoyed with the hard light shield I must admit. I mainly used Promethean vision. It came in handy...maybe bit too handy...
More impressions later.
Anyone interested in Halo 3 Customs tonight? Regular gametypes, no Action Sack stuff.
Anyone interested in Halo 3 Customs tonight? Regular gametypes, no Action Sack stuff.
dont have halo 3 with me. down for a bit of reach though.
Anyone interested in Halo 3 Customs tonight? Regular gametypes, no Action Sack stuff.
I think balance and strategy is the one thing you can't really take from initial impressions. In three games, no one has seen the nuance or less obvious strategies of any of the weapons / abilities yet.
Surely. I'm going to a take a quick shower first, but then I'll hop on. What's your gt, I'll shoot you a message when I get on.
Were only slayer games playable on the show floor? Also, is anyone else excited about infinite slayer? Makes me wish there was a flag version or an extended flag game mode. Like 10 caps to win or something like that.
All flag game types will beinfiniteslayer unlimited.
All flag game types will be SUPER slayer.
wait til you see the pro matchI haven't heard anything bad honestly, we really have to see what they think after their "honeymoon phase" with the game to get good opinions on it.
Also a lot of props to 343i doing with and getting MLG players able to play it like this.