Isn't Greenskull one of the guys that did Halo 3 Mythbusters?
Or am I thinking of someone else?
Greenskull is the guy behind Ready Up Live. Basically a halo community site. They're decently big. Really focused on providing casual Halo fun.
He's done some dumb things in the past, called out competetive/mlg in a video, the tweets mentioned, but he's an alright guy, I don't get the hate for him.
I have two Halo related questions.
1. I've been reading Speaker for the Dead... and the starships in the game aren't FTL capable, or at least I don't think. But they can travel close to light speed. Relativistic effects are a big part of the book, so the main character is over 3000 years old, but biologically/subjectively he's only like 40ish. He's done a lot of space travelling.
My question is... slipspace doesn't have this effect right?
2. A more important question, aimed at anyone whose played Halo 4 or might now it... is bleed through in?