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Halo |OT6| I will not allow you to leave this thread!

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Not a bad song.

Too bad iTunes doesn't run those free Facebook samplers like they used to--I got 700 songs for free out of them and a pretty good number turned me on to some excellent bands, including Little Boots.

Little Boots is pretty fantastic :) She's only got one album and an EP, but it's probably one of my favorite albums! (It's called Hands)


I laughed, although, your best insult was saved for Xand earlier today.

I laughed a lot at that.

If Xand actually posted then this thread would be slightly more enjoyable.
Alas, for every good person in here there is an Overkill
or a J10.

Oddball on Sword Base
Oddball on Reflection
AR starts Stockpile on Countdown
Crazy King on Pinnacle

Team Objective

May as well cut Team Objective and make Team Oddball, seeing as Oddball/Oddball derivative on Sword Base is all that pops up.
Doesn't make it much better. Ending is pretty bad either way, loved the majority of the game though.
Whether you like the ending or not, you have to agree that the Extended Cut is the way it should have shipped. The original ending is just incomplete, with the Extended Cut you can at least choose to hate it in it's finished glory.


How short is biggy from a grand? Since the bids were a bit
over my price range, I'd love to give a bit to Child's Play.

Edit: 7 bucks?
Played Reach today. Played bad. Quit Reach. I'm trying to force myself to learn a new control scheme and nothing is more frustrating than playing like garbage against teams that you know you can handle, because you keep hitting the wrong buttons. I saw the alpha wolf and some gaffers playing, but I didn't want to interrupt or bring down their game lol.


So, just to be clear, 3100 effective military strength gets me the best ending in mass effect 3? I'm about to get back on, and get it over that.


Halo Reach would have been a fun game if it had a 1-50 ranking system. Yes, I know they removed it because they couldn't control the cheaters and selling of accounts but I really enjoyed being able to play against and with people on my skill level in various playlists.

I really hope that 343 puts in a good ranking system in Halo 4 with ranked and social playlists like in Halo 2 and 3.


My take on it is there is more good than bad out of a ranking system. Just because a few people cheat doesnt mean a whole system should be removed for everyone else too. Its like saying you cant ever go outside because you could get mugged.

343 are like a pair of overprotective parents it seems..
Played Reach today. Played bad. Quit Reach. I'm trying to force myself to learn a new control scheme and nothing is more frustrating than playing like garbage against teams that you know you can handle, because you keep hitting the wrong buttons. I saw the alpha wolf and some gaffers playing, but I didn't want to interrupt or bring down their game lol.
Play Campaign or a shit ton of Firefight until you get the new control scheme down. Baby steps.


Discuss the relevance of this scene in single player.

Elite recognises it's Master Chief, hesitates. Master Chief thought Elites are good so is stalling... MC gets killed, game over, dramatic ending.

Alternate endings via Spartan Ops in which your characters gets there to save MC before he is killed.


He's not quite Overdoziz...yet.
Still need one of these:



How do you stand it?

Why do you people keep playing a game that you complain so much about?

Why did Unknown post another irrelevant Spiderman picture?

Why am I asking these questions in response to a OddOne post?
Why do we exist?

Why doesn't the girl next door want to go out with me?

Why do I have this burning sensation around my special area?

Why do I spend so much time looking at girls with tatoos on tumblr?

a zoojoo

I must be the only person who thinks that 90% of "Nu-Who" before Moffat took over was dreck. Aside from (mostly Moffat-written) episodes it often veered too often into "I'm a bitchy time lord" and didn't really succeed into breaking free of the 60s-80s camp problem that to a degree was also Star Trek's issue with translating to the modern era.


Moffat is a good writer and a great showrunner, and I think the fifth season was a great intersection of good standalone episodes brought together with an interesting running thread. It's really a fairy tale, not hard sci-fi (as if DW was ever hard)--but it pulls it off perfectly. It's [i]fun[/i], dammit.

I do agree with you guys that the sixth season wasn't that great. I think it had to do with Moffat sort of repeating himself and falling into the same issues as the later-series Tennant episodes--Woe is me, I'm going to complain about my problems. Turning the Silence into an army dedicated to killing the Doctor seemed anticlimactic, and the whole resolution and "Doctor Who?" moment I pretty much think jumped the shark. You can treat time travel flippantly, but if that undermines any logic and suspense you're trying to build you can't use it as your escape hook.[/QUOTE]
Lol at the pic. I agree. though series 5 wasnt as epic or dramatic it WAS FUN DAMMIT
[quote="StalkerUKCG, post: 40087695"]It think id rather it try and fail at hard sci fi/space opera than it succeed at being a fairy tail.

Nu-Who works best when its doing something grand and expansive(impossible planet/satan pit) while planting plot points and clues towards the final's. For me MS era has been a slap dash or great episodes and some horrible "fantasy" related stuff.

I have to say without any doubt in my mind that CE and DT both played a better doctor. Its a completely opinionated topic buts its how i feel.

Really offtopic but lets take alook at moffats episodes and ill rate them on the Good to Gash scale

"The Empty Child" / "The Doctor Dances" (2005) (Good)
"The Girl in the Fireplace" (2006) (Okay)
"Blink" (2007) (Good but i prefer midnight)
"Time Crash" (Children in Need mini-episode, 2007) (Good)
"Silence in the Library" / "Forest of the Dead" (2008) (Good)
"The Eleventh Hour" (2010) (Gash)
"The Beast Below" (2010) (Gash)
"The Time of Angels" / "Flesh and Stone" (2010) (Okay)
"The Pandorica Opens" / "The Big Bang" (2010) (weakest of the finals)
"A Christmas Carol" (2010) (Okay)
"The Impossible Astronaut" / "Day of the Moon" (2011) (Okay)
"A Good Man Goes to War" / "Let's Kill Hitler" (2011) (Okay)
"The Wedding of River Song" (2011) (Okay/Gash)
"The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe" (2011) (Gash)

As you can see once he became show runner his episode quality dropped.[/QUOTE]
Though I agree what you said about the RTDera I think moffat has been pretty consistant with quality except last series.
[quote="Fuchsdh, post: 40088501"]What's wrong with fairy tales? They're as valid a form of entertainment, instruction, and insight as science fiction. Practically the only difference is that one wraps its contrivances up in the form of "magic" and the other "technology".[/QUOTE]
valid point
[quote="StalkerUKCG, post: 40088836"]Nothing is "wrong" with fairy tales they have a place. I still prefer SciFi. Thats not the issue i have with the episodes. What im saying is Moffat Era who is full of more childish/fantasy elements and i totally get why but i feel RTD era was treading a good path between those fantasy elements and the sci fi elements.

Things in the RTD era felt much more ... grounded (not the word im looking for but it will do)
The Moffat era seems much more like its aimed at children.

I like Moffats other work i think he did well on jekyll and sherlock but i just dont "feel" his work on who and believe that Gattis RTD and Gaiman all right superior episodes/arcs.[/QUOTE]
I'm guessing he wants to make it more like classic who which was originally a kids show


Sympathy for those low brow junior members? What the hell are you smoking? We don't get a long with the big boys, welcome to the jungle.
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