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Halo |OT7| You may leave, Juices. And take Team Downer with you.

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willow ve


Or they're in polish, balance and flux and we don't want BigShow getting attached to an arbitrary number out of context. Because that actually happens. There are full grown adults in here flipping out about things leaked from a build they know has already changed and that was never designed for public facing visibility in the first place.

There are only ever two reasons for secrecy: Schedules and flux.

Anyway. SoOn.

I love how any time Stinkles shows up we literally try to decrypt his typos. I'm hoping "soon" means sometime in the next two weeks...


It probably roughly matches the entire internet negativity curve. Back in the day, it literally used to be pretty exciting to go online and like, watch a hope-filled movie trailer or look up a recipe. The tone eventually slumped to mainstream norms and now we have Youtube comments instead of innocent wide-eyed wonder.

I am the wide-eyed wonder.


I was blown away by your E3 reveal, the proof is right there^

So you're denying those who actual care about the game, a type of care for the game OUTSIDE of the initial 60 dollars purchase new information because of "internet negativity?"

I spent $362 dollars on a flight alone to host a Halo tournament for free to keep the game alive last weekend at the Arena Gaming event. Not because I purchased the game for the initial 60 dollars, but because I love the community and atmosphere surrounding the game; the type of environment that the game breeds.

I don't get to find out about design philosophies or the direction the team is taking or the rationalization behind different decisions, things outside of the final "fine tuning," because some people write negative comments?

This seems unfair, but maybe it's just a "bandwidth issue."


You can always talk about design philosophies and why decisions are being made.

Able to wield the pistol while flag running, why the change, looking to make people want to hold objectives instead of just slaying, was it a problem with previous games, noticed a trend in Reach data in objective games, because of low populated playlists in Reach?

We know that the classes are "to customize your spartan to your own playstyle," but why in 343i's eyes was that not capable in the past without the class system?

I know I certainly had a playstyle in Halo 2 as more of a wait back and support player, but I didn't need extra BR ammo or faster shield recharge to play that way.

I just casted a tournament that started with 4 different POVs but due to techinical problems and the cost of running up to 8 POVs with equipment, ended up being only 1 POV with game audio by Sunday where we pulled 1.8k viewers for a tournament put together in 2 weeks.

Yet people still don't understand why a Spectator Mode can help?

Then just to pour some perfectly timed salt into the wound, Black Ops 2 has a spectator mode with BUILT IN overlays with scores and player names, then they have the BALLS to put shoutcasting from hastr0 into their MP reveal trailer.

In the mean time, Halo fans get excited just because you guys dropped the word "competitive" in when talking about how you design maps.

So we're three months out from release, probably a few weeks out from going Gold, and general MP features aren't ironed out to the point where you can even disclose their existence?

Now that builds confidence.

We're not asking you about the RoF down to the millisecond for each individual BR round in every 3-round burst. Can we get a screenshot of a map? Or are we still "balancing" whether 9 maps or 10 is going to be the magic number.

How about plans for Matchmaking? Matchmaking changes every month (lol Reach), so what's the harm in saying, "This is what we're looking at for the first few weeks/months of Halo 4. In this playlist, players can choose their loadouts, starting weapons, etc. In these other playlists, they can't."

Or how about just explaining some of the reason's behind the changes you make; that kind of stuff reveals volumes of info to us.

People are flipping out because all they have to go on is a 6 month old build, not because some things will have changed since then. People freak out regardless of what you do, so I don't really see that as a valid excuse.

I applaud what 343 did giving us full gameplays from the perspective of good players, but all this secrecy is completely asinine.

Watching Frankie avoid legitimate posts like the above is always entertaining.


343i Lead Esports Producer
I am the wide-eyed wonder.


I was blown away by your E3 reveal, the proof is right there^

So you're denying those who actual care about the game, a type of care for the game OUTSIDE of the initial 60 dollars purchase new information because of "internet negativity?"

I spent $362 dollars on a flight alone to host a Halo tournament for free to keep the game alive last weekend at the Arena Gaming event. Not because I purchased the game for the initial 60 dollars, but because I love the community and atmosphere surrounding the game; the type of environment that the game breeds.

I don't get to find out about design philosophies or the direction the team is taking or the rationalization behind different decisions, things outside of the final "fine tuning," because some people write negative comments?

This seems unfair, but maybe it's just a "bandwidth issue."

I personally want to thank you for keeping Halo alive.
Watched BLOPS trailer. Not the big change I was expecting. Looks like bullshit on bullshit with all the extra gadgets they're adding.

Yep. Just looks like more CoD to me. A few new gadgets and perks, but you buy the game, play it for 2 or 3 weeks and it's basically just the same game you've been playing for years.
I am the wide-eyed wonder.


I was blown away by your E3 reveal, the proof is right there^

So you're denying those who actual care about the game, a type of care for the game OUTSIDE of the initial 60 dollars purchase new information because of "internet negativity?"

I spent $362 dollars on a flight alone to host a Halo tournament for free to keep the game alive last weekend at the Arena Gaming event. Not because I purchased the game for the initial 60 dollars, but because I love the community and atmosphere surrounding the game; the type of environment that the game breeds.

I don't get to find out about design philosophies or the direction the team is taking or the rationalization behind different decisions, things outside of the final "fine tuning," because some people write negative comments?

This seems unfair, but maybe it's just a "bandwidth issue."

First, great job on the Halo scene man. For real.

I think you're going away from what the main idea behind Frank's post was. I think he was trying to get across that if a vocal minority doesn't like a design philosophy and make it their mission for everyone to know, that just negatively impacts the game as a whole because what happens from there?

  • The vocal minority screams so loud that everyone starts listening.
  • They say things that make sense through manipulation and more people hop on the bandwagon that thing's are too different, etc etc
  • Negative media leads to negative sales
  • etc etc
Just think about it from there. You're going to buy this game because you love Halo, 343 knows that. What about the people on the fence? Imagine how detrimental it would be if you saw something early on that was hated, but was changed later and the masses got wind of the shouts?


Neo Member
Yep. Just looks like more CoD to me. A few new gadgets and perks, but you buy the game, play it for 2 or 3 weeks and it's basically just the same game you've been playing for years.

Halo players give shit to the CoD franchise for being repetitive, but at the same time are always hostile when changes are made to the Halo formula.

It's a pretty entertaining thing to see on the internet, I'm not gonna lie.


Yup, limiting the effect to the sight is definitely a better alternative.



Just think about it from there. You're going to buy this game because you love Halo, 343 knows that. What about the people on the fence? Imagine how detrimental it would be if you saw something early on that was hated, but was changed later and the masses got wind of the shouts?

I think the issue comes off as, we are the "hardcore fans". We will play this title from Day 1 to the last day before it's next title. The reason we are a lot more vocal this time around is because Reach was a disaster for the fan base (lack of maps, bloom, matchmaking, etc) in most aspects besides sales. Only thing that saved it for me was no bloom+new maps. 343i has the target on their back because of Bungie and it sucks.

So we aren't mind fucked, is bandwidth literally the issue or is that another term for time wise? because we don't want 300 people watching a team slayer match. We would be happy with 1-2 people in a custom game option at most. I agree polish the game so it's good on launch, but if you can later on please try for a spectator mode if you can in a post patch form.


Here is a perfect example with Halo 3's Vidoc, Is Quisnam Protero Damno.


They talk about why dual wielding didn't work in Halo 2, why they chose to bring back the Assault Rifle and the role they wanted it to fill, how they designed High Ground, how the fine tuning process went, and the types of general philosophies they wanted behind their maps.

I think the most Kevin Franklin has said about Haven is "it's a smaller symmetrical map designed for mid to long range encounters."

We don't even get to see a fly-over of the map like we did in this trailer.

Also Frankie, if it really is bandwidth issue, whether that's code for a time constraint or actual bandwidth, here's the bare bones of what Halo 4 would need in a spectator "mode."


The word mode in the Halo universe is misleading.

We have grand features post-Halo 3 such as Forge "Mode" and Theater "Mode."

It's no wonder the Halo community became divided and confused when people started requested a feature called Spectator "Mode."

With the prior expectations of the word "mode," meaning a large, fleshed out, fully functioning feature, perhaps similar to League of Legends where it auto-followers where the action is, shows what each player has equipped, shows a mini map of all player locations, and is available from the "War Games" menu in Halo 4 to spectate the top matches.

We don't need all that.

While it would certainly be nice, the simplest of spectator functionality would suffice for this community.

Give us the ability to spawn into a game on an "invisible" team that never spawns into the actual game, thus never affecting the spawn system and other players.

Allow the select number of players, which at MOST would be two players on the invisible team, to spectate the death screen of all teams playing in the game, as well as the first person perspective since we now have kill cams.

If this is too much of a bandwidth hog, even in this minimal state, put restrictions on it where a certain bandwidth to spectate or host the game is required. Disable kill cams for the players actually playing in the game, and reserve the first person perspective as a right to those on the invisible, "spectating" team.

You could also limit it to a certain number of players as well, so it would only be available in 4v4 or fewer.

If people are worried about people coming in and "peeping" in on their games, this could be in custom games only and a feature which you could enable/disable in custom game options.

I can add more for clarification later, but I wanted to get this idea out ASAP.


We don't need an entire "mode," we just need some additional functionality.

But at this point I feel like I've said this a million times.


Neo Member
vocal minority

I hate that people who "complain" are referred to as the "minority". No player wants changes for the worse. Every person who buys a Halo game would prefer better gameplay features and elements, or are indifferent (think of flavor of the month purchasers).

The only difference between someone like BigShow or u4ix and the "majority" is that they're passionate enough to post their frustrations and criticisms persistently and constructively.
Pax Prime is like 22 days away, 3 weeks and we will get something new.

I expect a blow out at PAX. New Maps New Weapons Gameplay and Maybe a BTS style video.


Halo players give shit to the CoD franchise for being repetitive, but at the same time are always hostile when changes are made to the Halo formula.

It's a pretty entertaining thing to see on the internet, I'm not gonna lie.

So FUCKING true. Mods, make this guy a member already.
I hate that people who "complain" are referred to as the "minority". No player wants changes for the worse. Every person who buys a Halo game would prefer better gameplay features and elements, or are indifferent (think of flavor of the month purchasers).

The only difference between someone like BigShow or u4ix and the "majority" is that they're passionate enough to post their frustrations and criticisms persistently and constructively.

Absolutely, but realistically we're all the vocal minority is what I'm saying. We're the truly hardcore Halo fans who post on Halo forums, but we are also the same vocal minority who will be so loud if something looks crazy that the "majority" will cling to. I wasn't just talking about people who complain, I was talking about all of us here.

Here is a perfect example with Halo 3's Vidoc, Is Quisnam Protero Damno.


They talk about why dual wielding didn't work in Halo 2, why they chose to bring back the Assault Rifle and the role they wanted it to fill, how they designed High Ground, how the fine tuning process went, and the types of general philosophies they wanted behind their maps.

I think the most Kevin Franklin has said about Haven is "it's a smaller symmetrical map designed for mid to long range encounters."

We don't even get to see a fly-over of the map like we did in this trailer.

Also Frankie, if it really is bandwidth issue, whether that's code for a time constraint or actual bandwidth, here's the bare bones of what Halo 4 would need in a spectator "mode."


But at this point I feel like I've said this a million times.

I used to watch those ViDocs every night as I went to sleep lmfao - Well frikkin said man.


Oh god, now I feel the need to compulsively check my email.

Halo players give shit to the CoD franchise for being repetitive, but at the same time are always hostile when changes are made to the Halo formula.

It's a pretty entertaining thing to see on the internet, I'm not gonna lie.

100% agreed, and I am pretty happy with a lot of the changes coming to Halo 4.. Some Im not so sure about (No non-power weapons on map) but some seem great (Weapon/AA/Etc unlock system).. a few seem bleh (Flag + Pistol) but we know so little that Im not too worried. Just frustrated that we know so little.

I will say though, rather than changing pre-established gametypes like CTF, I hope Halo 4 just has new Gamemodes.. Invasion was a cool idea, but it sort just combined territories and bomb/flag. I hope Halo 4 just has stuff that is new to Halo, something unique.

Here is a perfect example with Halo 3's Vidoc, Is Quisnam Protero Damno.


They talk about why dual wielding didn't work in Halo 2, why they chose to bring back the Assault Rifle and the role they wanted it to fill, how they designed High Ground, how the fine tuning process went, and the types of general philosophies they wanted behind their maps.

I think the most Kevin Franklin has said about Haven is "it's a smaller symmetrical map designed for mid to long range encounters."

We don't even get to see a fly-over of the map like we did in this trailer.

Also Frankie, if it really is bandwidth issue, whether that's code for a time constraint or actual bandwidth, here's the bare bones of what Halo 4 would need in a spectator "mode."


But at this point I feel like I've said this a million times.

Good post, I fully agree. At the very least I wish 343 would be a little more transparent about when we will get answers, or why things are progressing the way they are. That said, I do understand it is not always that simple, and I am sure Frankie would love to gives us more information at times, but simply cannot due to internal decisions. Still, I hope they open a bit a more and take note of the communities legitimate frustration with certain aspects of what we know/don't know.
Just caught up on the past few pages.

BLOPS2 actually looks...different. I didn't think I was going to be buying it but I might just have to pick it up.

u4ix is KILLING IT right now. Stay salty, my friend. It's resulting in good things.


Absolutely, but realistically we're all the vocal minority is what I'm saying. We're the truly hardcore Halo fans who post on Halo forums, but we are also the same vocal minority who will be so loud if something looks crazy that the "majority" will cling to. I wasn't just talking about people who complain, I was talking about all of us here.

But you're assuming that the "majority" is at odds with the complaints of the "minority." Just because the majority doesn't care or know enough to come posting on a Halo forum doesn't mean they wouldn't accept and welcome some of the changes we're pushing for.

People call them the silent majority, and then in the same sentence project what they want that "silent" majority to be saying.
Halo players give shit to the CoD franchise for being repetitive, but at the same time are always hostile when changes are made to the Halo formula.

It's a pretty entertaining thing to see on the internet, I'm not gonna lie.

I know what you mean. I'm sure a lot of what I'm about to say would be similar to what many Halo fans felt about Reach, although I don't think it's nearly as bad as what's happened to the CoD franchise, myself.

I loved the original Modern Warfare. It strove to be balanced, fresh and easy to pick up and play. With every annual iteration, the game has become less balanced, less fresh, more frustrating and filled with "stuff", for lack of a better word, with no real thought to what that "stuff" would do to the formula. They basically made a conscious decision to cater to the lowest common denominator, which was a great business decision I guess, but I can't bring myself to play their games anymore as a result.

I think my thoughts are best summed up by this video: Call of Mark Trailer

(Yes, that is a shameless plug. I'm a horrible person. And I'm mostly off-topic. I'll stop!)
Halo players give shit to the CoD franchise for being repetitive, but at the same time are always hostile when changes are made to the Halo formula.

It's a pretty entertaining thing to see on the internet, I'm not gonna lie.

i personally dont mind change.

unless its change for the sake of change.
Elzar, I've uploaded GAF-friendly versions of Valhalla, Avalanche, and Standoff into my Halo 3 fileshare. Please download ASAP, if you will. For future use. Tell me when you got 'em.

Those games were fun if a bit frustrating because my team kept on losing; aside from that last game of Slayer. Probably need to do a better job of balancing the teams next time, haha.

Thanks for picking Territories on Last Resort – once again I had fun.

I'm guessing the laser is removed from these maps, right?

But, they are ready to go for our next encounter.
You people keep saying vocal minority, usually with negative connotation.

1. Just because you are vocal does not mean you are in the minority automatically. The majority just may not care enough to or know where to bring their opinions.

I'll give you an example: If you were to put a poll on 343s website and said "Would you use a spectator mode?" Majority would answer yes. Most defintely. Although you dont have the majority of people posting on Waypoint that they want a spectator mode. It doesn't cross their mind or they dont care enough to post it. They would probably still use it though if it was included. Same with 60fps. People wont bitch all day but the majority of players would love it. A very small number of people would dislike that change compared to the people who would enjoy it.

2. Even if the minority got what they want doesnt mean the majority wouldnt like it or eventually like it.
3. Catering to the majority might actually be bad. Its why a lot of companies start out great and fall apart. Companies sell out all the time and its usually terrible.

Please keep your vocal minority crap out of my GAF. I'm going to suggest what I want because I'm a fan who is going to play the shit out of this game. My opinion is worth more than yours. Unlike these casual shitty kids who will play 100 games maybe. Who wont ever even learn the ins and outs of 10% of the elements in the game.

I'm a true Halo fan, let me feel my feelings!
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