Halo |OT7| You may leave, Juices. And take Team Downer with you.

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I've phoned Xbox Customer Support a few times, always been very helpful in my experience. EA support on the other hand...

"You will surely get the Karkland"

I heard EA was good, but I can see you being quite an unreasonable customer.

EA: How may we help you?
Myyke: I'm having trouble downloading the Karkland map pack, that you guys promised me.
EA: Ok, sir, what exactly is the problem?
Myyke: I'm having trouble downloading the Karkland map pack, that you guys promised me.
EA: Yes, you already mentioned that sir, no-
Myyke: Where are my maps, scumbag?
EA: Sir, I ask you to refrain from insulting us, we are trying to help you.
Myyke: Fuck you, do you know what I am? I am Scottish, and I get everything handed to me, like free education, bitch.
EA: I don't see whaaa----
Myyke: *breathing heavily into the phone*

Line goes dead.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Treyarch showing what's what.
Step it up 343.

Funny to see Treyarch become "the" CoD studio. I had always liked their games better anyways (outside of CoD4).

Anywho, Halo 4 should bring back some of that e-sports scene I hope, even though I don't really care much about that stuff. I do enjoy watching some matches here and there though.

Wonder what theater will look like now.


Bsangel tweeted last night she was late-night bulletin writing.

Is it possible we're getting a little news today and a bulletin? Or maybe just the bulletin a day early?
I heard EA was good, but I can see you being quite an unreasonable customer.

EA: How may we help you?
Myyke: I'm having trouble downloading the Karkland map pack, that you guys promised me.
EA: Ok, sir, what exactly is the problem?
Myyke: I'm having trouble downloading the Karkland map pack, that you guys promised me.
EA: Yes, you already mentioned that sir, no-
Myyke: Where are my maps, scumbag?
EA: Sir, I ask you to refrain from insulting us, we are trying to help you.
Myyke: Fuck you, do you know what I am? I am Scottish, and I get everything handed to me, like free education, bitch.
EA: I don't see whaaa----
Myyke: *breathing heavily into the phone*

Line goes dead.

If I was Scottish I would actually just do degree after degree.

Jump on Halo! I cant wait till 7 for customs!


I cannot wait for Dragon Age 3 to be announced. The First 2 games were plain shit, so hyped for the 3rd

I didn't really mind the first one, but I hated once you completed the game, you couldn't do anything else. You were just stuck in that hall...

How long will everyone be doing customs for?


Also off-topic and a bunch of posts back but someone mentioned cheating was a HUGE problem in H3. I wanted to talk a bit about the use of the word HUGE. I never really felt like I got cheated at high rank H3. I felt that international interaction screwed me A LOT. I never really felt cheated that often though (occasionally , yes) Anyways Frankie said that it was a HUGE problem in one of his posts here right? Why the word huge and not just problem? As a Halo Reach player I post videos of TJ Ram and a few of us here holding flags, spawn killing kids for 10 minutes. We bitch about some of the old Objective gametypes like stockpile still having AR+Pistol even though Objective is now DMR starts. We post about having nowhere to go when alone to get a fair team match. Are these not huge problems? Are players not rage quitting for the night due to these problems? Are these just classified as "mediocre" problems? I think this effects players way more than a few players cheating... Right?

Lets not base things off what Dev's think matter, because lets face it, a lot of us play this game more than them once its released.

I made this point before. 1-50 is one of the only areas of Halo discussion where it's OK for people to piously downplay its importance based on a few things that were wrong with it (then see it completely removed from the game despite the multitude of things it did well) and feel justified and back patted in their oppositional stance of it. A ranking system in general is something that has to be absolutely perfect and without flaw if it hopes to show its 'XBL hate message sending, encouraging-players-to-get-better-and-play-properly, military symbol envy that induce tears in scrubs, end goal that not everybody can achieve just by idling in firefight' ugliness around our otherwise pristine and immaculate Halo experience. I mean sheeeiiit, we're living in a world where 343 actively sought out the likes of Cragmire to enhance Big Team Battle with, obviously caring nought for player experience, fairness, balance or sense.

I love it.

I think I might play a lot more Blops 2 than Halo this Fall, I'm not sure. I took a rest from Reach and played Blops for 6 months and loved every second of it. If Blops 2 has a real ranking system, it could be amazing. Everything Treyarch has revealed so far entices me, everything 343 has revealed so far underwhelms me.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
So, question, will the "seasons" of Spartan Ops have more achievements? So season 1 will have the built-in achievements being it's the inaugural season, but once season 2 starts will they be able to add DLC achievements?

willow ve

So, question, will the "seasons" of Spartan Ops have more achievements? So season 1 will have the built-in achievements being it's the inaugural season, but once season 2 starts will they be able to add DLC achievements?

It would seem like they will "need" to tie achievements to their DLC down the line. They've done it with other Halo games, so there is precedent, and I can easily see Halo 4 being a game with 1750 (or even 2000) achievement points possible.


So, question, will the "seasons" of Spartan Ops have more achievements? So season 1 will have the built-in achievements being it's the inaugural season, but once season 2 starts will they be able to add DLC achievements?

isnt there like a minimum amount of cheevo points for dlc or something?

(slightly relevant)

Yall figure itd be 10 bucks for another 3 1/2 months of Spartan Ops?
So, question, will the "seasons" of Spartan Ops have more achievements? So season 1 will have the built-in achievements being it's the inaugural season, but once season 2 starts will they be able to add DLC achievements?

Cannot see why not.

Wonder what the cap will be on achievements
sooner or later is has to go to 5000 or something. Some games already have 2250 at some point microsoft are going to have to raise the system

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
It would seem like they will "need" to tie achievements to their DLC down the line. They've done it with other Halo games, so there is precedent, and I can easily see Halo 4 being a game with 1750 (or even 2000) achievement points possible.

isnt there like a minimum amount of cheevo points for dlc or something?

(slightly relevant)

Yall figure itd be 10 bucks for another 3 1/2 months of Spartan Ops?

Cannot see why not.

Wonder what the cap will be on achievements
sooner or later is has to go to 5000 or something. Some games already have 2250 at some point microsoft are going to have to raise the system

Indeed. The question then is what the limit is, as Stalker said. If they do SpOps achievements and MP map pack achievements (please don't do this if they are pack/gametype specific!) then we could really get up there in number.


I'm ready to see the new and improved challenge system (including, hopefully, in-game custom challenges). Re-reading some of Ghal's old write-ups on the current system really has me pumped the new iteration will (could be) awesome.

Yeah, I'm pretty excited to see what challenges 2.0 might yield. I'm hoping the custom challenge system added to Reach was a taste of things to come. If that kind of forward thinking and interface were build into the game up front....yummy.


Indeed. The question then is what the limit is, as Stalker said. If they do SpOps achievements and MP map pack achievements (please don't do this if they are pack/gametype specific!) then we could really get up there in number.
Honestly it would be quite stupid to put in multiplayer achievements at all; it just ruins the experience and whittles it down to achievement whoring. Especially stupid when there is apparently dislike for a ranked matchmaking system because it breaks the social aspect of the game. Multi cheevos do the same thing, and in some respects break MP faster.


Honestly it would be quite stupid to put in multiplayer achievements at all; it just ruins the experience and whittles it down to achievement whoring. Especially stupid when there is apparently dislike for a ranked matchmaking system because it breaks the social aspect of the game. Multi cheevos do the same thing, and in some respects break MP faster.

I know we've been arguing this the past day, but I say go ahead with the multi achievements, just don't make them map specific (if you bought the DLC it pops on all maps) and keep them focused on general objectives, not a specific one (like Stock or Headhunter or Infection.)
Yeah, I'm pretty excited to see what challenges 2.0 might yield. I'm hoping the custom challenge system added to Reach was a taste of things to come. If that kind of forward thinking and interface were build into the game up front....yummy.

I had this idea in my head floating round in regards to a challenge system based on your friends list.

Imagine, a daily challenge system that incorporates what you and your friends do in a map and gametype.

For example, you decide to play a BTB map, you choose longbow, you then get challenges based on what your friends have already accomplished on that map in any 24 hour period.

Say you equip the BR, it will come up beat Overdoziz's 12 BR kills for whatever amount of credit.

Say you get in the hog, (depending on which side), it might say beat Myyke's 2 chain gun kills.

Or Dax's 12 wheelmen assists on longbow.

It would work with the challenge 2.0 system, but not over shadow it. It is also based on the system already in place (to a lesser degree) in SSX.


Trying to get the Living Dead achievment again at 6:00 pm, my time (Central European Time).

If someone needs the achievment, too, just message me. GT same as here.

Currently playing ODST, still need some achievments in Firefight, including Endure. Raaaaaage!


I know we've been arguing this the past day, but I say go ahead with the multi achievements, just don't make them map specific (if you bought the DLC it pops on all maps) and keep them focused on general objectives, not a specific one (like Stock or Headhunter or Infection.)

Exactly. I don't mind general Multiplayer achievements. I don't mind do this kind of kill or score this as long as it can be done on any map. Also I would prefer that they be able to be achived in both matchmaking and custom games. I mean does it really hurt anyone if people create a custom match to achieve something? It's not like it's not done now. cough cough halogaf cough cough. Just kidding. But yea we've all done it. So it's not like people still aren't gaming the system. So just let them be done on any map and in customs. Bam problem solved.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
So, is it possible for me to get any more Halo Wars achievements? I had trouble beating that damn game on Normal. Not sure how I'd do Legendary.

Still need Heroic, Legendary, a bunch of the "do this on this level" ones, finish all missions under par time, Get a Gold Medal with all Debuff Skulls Active, All skulls, all timeline events, and a handful of MP ones.


So, is it possible for me to get any more Halo Wars achievements? I had trouble beating that damn game on Normal. Not sure how I'd do Legendary.

Still need Heroic, Legendary, a bunch of the "do this on this level" ones, finish all missions under par time, Get a Gold Medal with all Debuff Skulls Active, All skulls, all timeline events, and a handful of MP ones.

I think you can get the beat it on legendary etc via co-op. I think you can get the others too because I helped a friend find all the skulls etc.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I think you can get the beat it on legendary etc via co-op. I think you can get the others too because I helped a friend find all the skulls etc.

I beat normal on co-op and we had a hard time with the "protect these" missions, and the timed missions... Not sure we could even get close on Legendary. :p


I had this idea in my head floating round in regards to a challenge system based on your friends list.

Imagine, a daily challenge system that incorporates what you and your friends do in a map and gametype.

For example, you decide to play a BTB map, you choose longbow, you then get challenges based on what your friends have already accomplished on at map in any 24 hour period.

Say you equip the BR, it will come up beat Overdoziz's 12 BR kills for whatever amount of credit.

Say you get in the hog, (depending on which side), it might say beat Myyke's 2 chain gun kills.

Or Dax's 12 wheelmen assists on longbow.

It would work with the challenge 2.0 system, but not over shadow it. It also is based on the system already in place (to a lesser degree) in SSX.

It would be great, unless it required me to go to Waypoint. I really like asychronous MP challenge systems like that & am excited to see what Criterion does with it in Burnout Paradise 2 Need for Speed: Most Wanted.


So, is it possible for me to get any more Halo Wars achievements? I had trouble beating that damn game on Normal. Not sure how I'd do Legendary.

Still need Heroic, Legendary, a bunch of the "do this on this level" ones, finish all missions under par time, Get a Gold Medal with all Debuff Skulls Active, All skulls, all timeline events, and a handful of MP ones.

you can get all of em if you have a good friend

my friend and i "co-op'ed" the General achievement this summer, we were both Lt's, and we found eachother in 1v1 playlist (alot) and farmed eachother

what a grind, mad respect to whoever got it legit, and I feel sorry for whoever got it before they cut down the requirement, jeeze


I had this idea in my head floating round in regards to a challenge system based on your friends list.

Imagine, a daily challenge system that incorporates what you and your friends do in a map and gametype.

For example, you decide to play a BTB map, you choose longbow, you then get challenges based on what your friends have already accomplished on that map in any 24 hour period.

Say you equip the BR, it will come up beat Overdoziz's 12 BR kills for whatever amount of credit.

Say you get in the hog, (depending on which side), it might say beat Myyke's 2 chain gun kills.

Or Dax's 12 wheelmen assists on longbow.

It would work with the challenge 2.0 system, but not over shadow it. It also is based on the system already in place (to a lesser degree) in SSX.

Except for me it would say things like: snipe your team mate 5 times, commit suicide with rockets when chasing an overkill, or yoink 12 times in one game.


There's still time to cancel your pre-order for Halo 4 and not support the companies who don't support e-sports in your eyes.

I haven't even pre-ordered Halo 4 yet.

But it's not about not supporting 343i because they haven't announced any directly competitive features yet, it's about supporting those companies who do.

If you want to make me out to be a villain because I want to support companies that I see supporting something I care about, feel free.


So, is it possible for me to get any more Halo Wars achievements? I had trouble beating that damn game on Normal. Not sure how I'd do Legendary.

Still need Heroic, Legendary, a bunch of the "do this on this level" ones, finish all missions under par time, Get a Gold Medal with all Debuff Skulls Active, All skulls, all timeline events, and a handful of MP ones.
Look up a Legendary guide on Youtube and follow it step by step. With Halo Wars campaign it's not as much about being good at the game as it is knowing what to do.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Look up a Legendary guide on Youtube and follow it step by step. With Halo Wars campaign is not as much about being good at the game as it it knowing what to do.

Might do that. At least I could get the heroic and legendary achievements. Some of the "do this in this level" ones might just take me looking up the best way to do those things.

Need to play the game again anyways. Was fun.


I'm pretty much only playing Wars now when in online--need General, Mr. punctual and the Legend Coop achievements. If you're interested add me. (Arcadia is a bitch.)
I hadn't considered call them up. Maybe because I don't want to do deal with Xbox customer support.

Wait a month, or call them up? That's a hard decision.

Definitely call. I someone had automatic renewal turned on once and I called them and they reserved the charge and turned off automatic renewal.

a zoojoo

So, anything happen in the last few days?

Playlist update was today if that counts.

Also, COD got streaming and Arena.

343, step up yo game!

There is no way Halo 4 has any chance of outselling BlOps 2 now, it will probably get picked up by the MLG Pro circuit now as well.


I am really itching for a proper campaign trailer, something along the lines of the Halo 3 one, with shots from the campaign with the voiceover of Truth's speech would be excellent. At least to be able to see a little more of whats in the game.

I am so hyped for this though, its so good to know that another halo is out in 2 months, oh I'm so close to nerdgasm its not even funny
I love it.

I think I might play a lot more Blops 2 than Halo this Fall, I'm not sure. I took a rest from Reach and played Blops for 6 months and loved every second of it. If Blops 2 has a real ranking system, it could be amazing. Everything Treyarch has revealed so far entices me, everything 343 has revealed so far underwhelms me.

I did the same when Blops came out, im not so sure it will be the same this time though, the Blops 2 gameplay itself doesnt seem as good. If Blops 2 was better than the first one I would probably be all over it.

As for achievement's, they have always sucked in multiplayer, I would actually prefer it if they just didn't do MP cheevo's, especially based on the MP cheevos we have seen recently on Reach.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I usually split my time evenly between Halo and Cod. Love both series'. Played a ton of MW3 in the last year, then I took a break (as usual) around springtime and that's when I got back into Reach. I'll start up CoD again this fall, but I forsee myself playing more Halo 4 than Blops 2. Both games are looking great so far. Just need to see more of Halo.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Bsangel tweeted last night she was late-night bulletin writing.

Is it possible we're getting a little news today and a bulletin? Or maybe just the bulletin a day early?

Nah, she has a long Bulletin to write. With lots of bits. NO megatons. I will say that there is but one or maybe two sleeps 'til a piece of media you have sort of seen already. But more better.


I did the same when Blops came out, im not so sure it will be the same this time though, the Blops 2 gameplay itself doesnt seem as good. If Blops 2 was better than the first one I would probably be all over it.

As for achievement's, they have always sucked in multiplayer, I would actually prefer it if they just didn't do MP cheevo's, especially based on the MP cheevos we have seen recently on Reach.

I would like it if they actually made MP achieve's hard, after all, that's what achievements are supposed to be. Not like the ones in Halo 3 like 'Get 2 double kills on a legendary map' But something fairly difficult like 'Get an overkill with a sniper in a ranked playlist (or whatever is the equivilent to the ranked playlist in H4). Every shot must be a headshot' So if you miss a single headshot while getting the overkill, you don't get the achievement.
Really sorry to hear what your dog is going through, demon. I hope everything gets better, it's a horrible feeling to see one's pet go through stuff like that.

Thansk man, I had a long night, only got about 3 hours of sleep.. I just dont know whats wrong with him, but Im keeping a close eye on him.. hes eating, drinking, not vomiting, his skin is a good color, his gums look good, etc. But he seems to be in pain..still it seemed worse last night, so maybe hes starting to feel better.

I've never understood this argument. People like Juices will earn their rank legitimately while people who want to buy an account just buy an account, get donged on by the Juices of the world and earn a lower rank. I don't see how this is a problem for anyone other than the idiots who purchase an account.

The main issue that I ran into a lot were de-rankers, who would just sit and idle of a while and then destroy because they were a lot higher in skill.. I had this happen to me a ton. 1-50 should exist, but certain measures really should be taken to stop de-ranking from working. Someone suggested merging 1-50 with seasons that reset every few months, or something like that.. I like that idea, a lot. Also, keep an exp rank on top of the skilled rank.

I cannot wait for Dragon Age 3 to be announced. The First 2 games were plain shit, so hyped for the 3rd

1st one looked like shit, second one was shit. I mean, the second one is fun for what its worth, and that's certainly not $60.. It felt like a long, high budget XBLA game.

Nah, she has a long Bulletin to write. With lots of bits. NO megatons. I will say that there is but one or maybe two sleeps 'til a piece of media you have sort of seen already. But more better.

Well you played down the Weapons Bulletin and that was awesome, so Im still excited for this one.. Also, theatrical trailer?
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