Halo |OT7| You may leave, Juices. And take Team Downer with you.

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Treyarch was always the better CoD team

Yeah, that's starting to become clear. The only thing IW did right was CoD4...Treyarch has blown IW out of the water in every game since.

I was going to make a post about how 343 is being outdone feature-wise (so far) by the other CoD team, but they're not really the other CoD team anymore, are they?

My one hope now is that this live streaming tech gets shared across all Activision properties and Bungie get their hands on it.


Yeah, that's starting to become clear. The only thing IW did right was CoD4...Treyarch has blown IW out of the water in every game since.

I was going to make a post about how 343 is being outdone feature-wise (so far) by the other CoD team, but they're not really the other CoD team anymore, are they?

My one hope now is that this live streaming tech gets shared across all Activision properties and Bungie get their hands on it.

This doesn't seem likely to me. Their agreement doesn't seem to be that type. Its all money and hitting expectations, not about integrating with Activision and sharing resources.


Long story short: my mom was a deadbeat mom (Yeah, you read that right).

Doh! Sorry. I was actually thinking something like that would happen. I edited my post.
This doesn't seem likely to me. Their agreement doesn't seem to be that type. Its all money and hitting expectations, not about integrating with Activision and sharing resources.

I know it seems unlikely, but I doubt Activision would say no if Bungie wanted a piece of that pie. Just more money for them.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Sorry for inviting you then bailing, Barrow. My mic died and I told Ram I'd bail after the game we played but then I started charging my headset and thought I could go a few more games, but Ram had bailed by then so I did, too.


Sorry for inviting you then bailing, Barrow. My mic died and I told Ram I'd bail after the game we played but then I started charging my headset and thought I could go a few more games, but Ram had bailed by then so I did, too.

Freakin' idiot!

So the dedis are PC only it seems, all of those knee jerk reactions the other day for nothing!


Why must I cryyyyy.

Some other smart things Starcraft II does that Halo could steal:

1. One account per copy of the game. This could be kind of controversial for a console game, but it helps to kill smurfing dead. Your name is your name, and if you want to start over and boost your account against bad players, you'll need to buy a new Halo 4 disc.
2. Matchmaking restrictions are looser at the low end, higher at the high end. So if you're a Bronze player, the game opens up the range of skills you can play against, giving you quicker matchmaking times and more varied games (sometimes you get stomped, sometimes you get to stomp). If you're Onyx, though, it'll be fussier about whom you get to play against, trying to create as close a game as possible.

I dont think 1 account per disk would work with the XBL model, its pretty common for new players to use free trials. Its also pretty common to share disks etc. I don't think second accounts are a big enough problem to warrant that kind of response.


I almost hope Blops2 is used in MLG over Halo4 at this rate. From the sound of Frankies posts there won't be any kind of real system for segragating the matchmaking population based on skill at all.
I'm getting so goddamn frustrated with the direction Halo is headed these past years.



I almost hope Blops2 is used in MLG over Halo4 at this rate. From the sound of Frankies posts there won't be any kind of real system for segragating the matchmaking population based on skill at all.
I'm getting so goddamn frustrated with the direction Halo is headed these past years.


So for those still needing the "Don't Touch That!" achievement(Defiant One-Flag), this Saturday I'm gonna be on around noon-ish CST. I'm gonna uninstall Noble and Anniversary, so the only DLC that shows up is Defiant. We'll need a group of 10 people to go into Team Objective. Who is up for it?



I'm probably going to update this once or twice before Friday.
I forgot what achievements I still had left, so looked it up and realized they are all Defiant achievements. I got excited for a minute, then I remembered I need that code that came with Anniversary to get them. And I gave that code away to vhfive. :( Ugh. I remember trying to get that AL achievement and it wouldn't unlock for me. So stupid.
That is so cool.
What if it's 1-100.

BPR to make a return?

Very, very impressive. Redolent of Theatre and Forge for Halo 3 in terms of pushing features for multiplayer forward. Too bad Halo has been dining out on Theatre and Forge for five years now, on the multiplayer side at least. Spartan Ops is huge for campaign/firefight people though, I'm happy for them (genuinely no sarcasm).

Devs say lots of things. Halo is silky smooth.

"The Anniversary pistol has no bloom when pulsed"

Also "Trust us...We're just getting started"

Ok. But your playlist management of Reach has been unimaginably bad, worse even than the often hapless Bungie management. And those Bungie Halo 3 achievements you thought nobody could best in one-downsmanship? Stepforward 343 with their zany idea to tie incredibly specific and sometimes very unlikely actions to very specific and unlikely gametype/map combinations locked behind a DLC paywall to boot.

These two aspects in their handling of Reach have made it difficult to blankly 'trust' them going forward into Halo 4. This doesn't mean I'm not optimistic for the game because it looks very promising from what's been shown so far but it's the stuff around the game like playlist management, the ranking system, achievements that I have reason to be concerned about.

Its crazy to me to think that if this was a "normal" Halo cycle we'd still be over a year away from the next game. That's just too long now I think. Glad its coming sooner.

That's because it's Reach we're leaving behind. I didn't feel that way with Halo 3.

Also off-topic and a bunch of posts back but someone mentioned cheating was a HUGE problem in H3. I wanted to talk a bit about the use of the word HUGE. I never really felt like I got cheated at high rank H3. I felt that international interaction screwed me A LOT. I never really felt cheated that often though (occasionally , yes) Anyways Frankie said that it was a HUGE problem in one of his posts here right? Why the word huge and not just problem? As a Halo Reach player I post videos of TJ Ram and a few of us here holding flags, spawn killing kids for 10 minutes. We bitch about some of the old Objective gametypes like stockpile still having AR+Pistol even though Objective is now DMR starts. We post about having nowhere to go when alone to get a fair team match. Are these not huge problems? Are players not rage quitting for the night due to these problems? Are these just classified as "mediocre" problems? I think this effects players way more than a few players cheating... Right?

Lets not base things off what Dev's think matter, because lets face it, a lot of us play this game more than them once its released.

I made this point before. 1-50 is one of the only areas of Halo discussion where it's OK for people to piously downplay its importance based on a few things that were wrong with it (then see it completely removed from the game despite the multitude of things it did well) and feel justified and back patted in their oppositional stance of it. A ranking system in general is something that has to be absolutely perfect and without flaw if it hopes to show its 'XBL hate message sending, encouraging-players-to-get-better-and-play-properly, military symbol envy that induce tears in scrubs, end goal that not everybody can achieve just by idling in firefight' ugliness around our otherwise pristine and immaculate Halo experience. I mean sheeeiiit, we're living in a world where 343 actively sought out the likes of Cragmire to enhance Big Team Battle with, obviously caring nought for player experience, fairness, balance or sense.
Can I get in on those H3 customs tomorrow?

Yes, sure.

Played like poop on reach yesterday, played great on 3 earlier in the day, even on that terrible netcode.

I'm not sure who's setting up the customs though, seeming as Cyren mentioned it.

If I'm on earlier, I guess I'll do it.


I forgot what achievements I still had left, so looked it up and reailzed they are all Defiant achievements. I got excited for a minute, then I remembered I need that code that came with Anniversary to get them. And I gave that code away to vhfive. :( Ugh. I remember trying to get that AL achievement and it wouldn't unlock for me. So stupid.

That is so cool.

Oh yeah, I forgot that whole fold to the TU.. where you need to own Anniversary to unlock new Defiant achievements. That the Anniversary disc owners can't unlock anyway because Anniversary doesn't load DLC.

I almost hope Blops2 is used in MLG over Halo4 at this rate. From the sound of Frankies posts there won't be any kind of real system for segragating the matchmaking population based on skill at all.
I'm getting so goddamn frustrated with the direction Halo is headed these past years.


Halo 4 gonna use Trueskill son
I forgot what achievements I still had left, so looked it up and reailzed they are all Defiant achievements. I got excited for a minute, then I remembered I need that code that came with Anniversary to get them. And I gave that code away to vhfive. :( Ugh. I remember trying to get that AL achievement and it wouldn't unlock for me. So stupid.

Check your PM's

Treyarch was always the better CoD team

Sorry but i got to disagree. CoD4 and MW2 are still the best Call Of Duty games. W@W was abysmal as was CoD3 and while Black ops was better than the previous outing the story is one of the worst iv ever seen in video games and the multiplayer is horrendous both in term of map quality and gameplay. If Treyarch have anything going for them its the Zombie mode but that's not saying much. Spec Ops provides a much more interesting challenge.


Yes, sure.

Played like poop on reach yesterday, played great on 3 earlier in the day, even on that terrible netcode.

I'm not sure who's setting up the customs though, seeming as Cyren mentioned it.

If I'm on earlier, I guess I'll do it.

What time would these customs starting? I would like in.


Sorry but i got to disagree. CoD4 and MW2 are still the best Call Of Duty games. W@W was abysmal as was CoD3 and while Black ops was better than the previous outing the story is one of the worst iv ever seen in video games and the multiplayer is horrendous both in term of map quality and gameplay. If Treyarch have anything going for them its the Zombie mode but that's not saying much. Spec Ops provides a much more interesting challenge.
Jesse Snyder, Lead Lead Campaign Designer on Halo 4, is reading this smiling.


I vaguely remember doing a trick (when H3 first came out) were you could change your preferred language in the matchmaking settings and you would only get matched up with people achievement boosting. Some how it actually worked.

I did that quite recently for Halo 3--change your language to Korean, search Korean, and as a bonus until you have to reset your account or GT your achievements show up on Korean.

Occasionally we would find the one non-boosting player actually in Korean Lone Wolves... and we made their life a living hell :p
Sorry but i got to disagree. CoD4 and MW2 are still the best Call Of Duty games. W@W was abysmal as was CoD3 and while Black ops was better than the previous outing the story is one of the worst iv ever seen in video games and the multiplayer is horrendous both in term of map quality and gameplay. If Treyarch have anything going for them its the Zombie mode but that's not saying much. Spec Ops provides a much more interesting challenge.

You are crazy, CoD 4 was great, but after like the first 2 weeks MW2 was a broken mess. It never really recovered, it just went through phases of different things being more broken.

I never played CoD 3, but except for the boring aesthetic, I really liked the gunplay in World at War. Black Ops is by far the best CoD since 4 though, as for map quality I cant think of a bad map, except for maybe Cracked, every map in that game is at least good, with many maps being great. Jungle and Firing Range alone could keep me playing all day. Im worried this new CoD is going to devolve into the knifing, Noob Tubing, Shotgunning bullshit that plagued the other games. I have put countless hours into Black Ops, and haven't even touched the Zombies mode.


I'm ready to see the new and improved challenge system (including, hopefully, in-game custom challenges). Re-reading some of Ghal's old write-ups on the current system really has me pumped the new iteration will (could be) awesome.


It is sort of disappointing to see that Halo had such a huge e-sports scene, and it didn't really foster it enough, and CoD, which was dropped from the circuit really fast, now has all of this.

That's not to say Bungie and 343 haven't supported competetive players. Giving them their own playlist, and inviting them to test their game... but not at this level.

Spartan Ops is cool as shit and seems to be Halo 4's biggest innovation. But goddamn I am jelly of Blops2 right now. I might actually get it.

Probably not. But maybe. It only releases a week after Halo 4 which sucks. Gonna be a huge drop in population on November 13th
It is sort of disappointing to see that Halo had such a huge e-sports scene, and it didn't really foster it enough, and CoD, which was dropped from the circuit really fast, now has all of this.

That's not to say Bungie and 343 haven't supported competetive players. Giving them their own playlist, and inviting them to test their game... but not at this level.

Spartan Ops is cool as shit and seems to be Halo 4's biggest innovation. But goddamn I am jelly of Blops2 right now. I might actually get it.

Probably not. But maybe. It only releases a week after Halo 4 which sucks. Gonna be a huge drop in population on November 13th

CoD had a E-Sports scene lol? I cant imagine that game at a competitive level, would have to be a serious amount of camping. I dont imagine people would run and gun if money was on the line. Halo puts stuff on the map to promote movement otherwise I would say the same about that to be fair.

I dont know, I dont personally think for the average gamer that the spectator stuff will matter, due to connection issues I probably wouldnt want to use it. I would rather just play the game and keep it locked off from potential causes of lag.

But yeah its probably releasing at the worst possible time, Halo 4 is going to be stunted right out of the gate.
I logged into Xbox.com today and saw that, for whatever reason, my account had automatic renewal on – I could've sworn I turned it off – and apparently I was up for renewal on 8/9, five days ago. The credit card that's attached to the account has long been deactivated.

I can't change the credit card, nor change automatic renewal to off because MS sends a code to an email account that I haven't used in so long and have forgotten the password to. I tried to take down the email and replace it with another email, but apparently – for whatever reason – it's going to take a month to remove the email I don't use from my account. They weren't doing this before!

I hope that credit card hasn't been charged.


It is sort of disappointing to see that Halo had such a huge e-sports scene, and it didn't really foster it enough, and CoD, which was dropped from the circuit really fast, now has all of this.

That's not to say Bungie and 343 haven't supported competetive players. Giving them their own playlist, and inviting them to test their game... but not at this level.

Spartan Ops is cool as shit and seems to be Halo 4's biggest innovation. But goddamn I am jelly of Blops2 right now. I might actually get it.

Probably not. But maybe. It only releases a week after Halo 4 which sucks. Gonna be a huge drop in population on November 13th

I'm getting it for sure.

I support eSports, so I'm going to support Treyarch in their advances and interest in the community. It's an amazing move and I want to let them know I support what their doing by purchasing their game. I'll probably pre-order and everything.

They not only have a spectator mode, they have a shoutcasting mode that provides the user to overlay custom statistics, listen in on player chatter, and on top of that you can live stream directly from in game.

Feature wise, I haven't seen anything comparable in Halo 4. The new multiplayer modes are lack luster at this point, they're not even revolutionary... they're not even that innovative.

The biggest thing about this article http://oneofswords.com/2012/08/16153/ is how much is revealed about the development thoughts and processes. They don't need to talk about how many shot kill the ACR or M16 is, 343i uses the excuse that those things change. Treyarch instead talks about how their development process goes, why they decided to cater to eSports, how they are implementing the ranks and why.


We don't even know what kind of ranking system will be in the game, because 343i thinks it's an unfair system... But of course, if you wanna put the system in your favor, you can purchase limited edition Mountain Dew to gain an advantage in the ranking system.

That makes total sense philosophy wise, right?

The most excited I've been about Halo 4 in recent times is a sneak peak at a new Promethean weapon and the SAW. I wish I had the opportunity to be excited about Halo being ground breaking and revolutionary in their innovation again.

But wishes are for children...
I logged into Xbox.com today and saw that, for whatever reason, my account had automatic renewal on – I could've sworn I turned it off – and apparently I was up for renewal on 8/9, five days ago. The credit card that's attached to the account has long been deactivated.

I can't change the credit card, nor change automatic renewal to off because MS sends a code to an email account that I haven't used in so long and have forgotten the password to. I tried to take down the email and replace it with another email, but apparently – for whatever reason – it's going to take a month to remove the email I don't use from my account. They weren't doing this before!

I hope that credit card hasn't been charged.

I would contact customer support, they can probably remove the card immediately, especially if you explain the situation to them. Although they might screw you over because of the email thing.
I would contact customer support, they can probably remove the card immediately, especially if you explain the situation to them. Although they might screw you over because of the email thing.

I hadn't considered call them up. Maybe because I don't want to do deal with Xbox customer support.

Wait a month, or call them up? That's a hard decision.
I'm getting it for sure.

I support eSports, so I'm going to support Treyarch in their advances and interest in the community. It's an amazing move and I want to let them know I support what their doing by purchasing their game. I'll probably pre-order and everything.

They not only have a spectator mode, they have a shoutcasting mode that provides the user to overlay custom statistics, listen in on player chatter, and on top of that you can live stream directly from in game.

Feature wise, I haven't seen anything comparable in Halo 4. The new multiplayer modes are lack luster at this point, they're not even revolutionary... they're not even that innovative.

The biggest thing about this article http://oneofswords.com/2012/08/16153/ is how much is revealed about the development thoughts and processes. They don't need to talk about how many shot kill the ACR or M16 is, 343i uses the excuse that those things change. Treyarch instead talks about how their development process goes, why they decided to cater to eSports, how they are implementing the ranks and why.


We don't even know what kind of ranking system will be in the game, because 343i thinks it's an unfair system... But of course, if you wanna put the system in your favor, you can purchase limited edition Mountain Dew to gain an advantage in the ranking system.

That makes total sense philosophy wise, right?

The most excited I've been about Halo 4 in recent times is a sneak peak at a new Promethean weapon and the SAW. I wish I had the opportunity to be excited about Halo being ground breaking and revolutionary in their innovation again.

But wishes are for children...

There's still time to cancel your pre-order for Halo 4 and not support the companies who don't support e-sports in your eyes.


Neo Member
I hadn't considered call them up. Maybe because I don't want to do deal with Xbox customer support.

Wait a month, or call them up? That's a hard decision.

I've phoned Xbox Customer Support a few times, always been very helpful in my experience. EA support on the other hand...

"You will surely get the Karkland"
What is the number for Xbox customer support in the US? I'm checking around the website and I'm just keep coming back to this page.

Why do I have to request a call? Why can't I just call you people up?

What are you doing, MS?


What is the number for Xbox customer support in the US? I'm checking around the website and I'm just keep coming back to this page.

Why do I have to request a call? Why can't I just call you people up?

What are you doing, MS?

From memory it's 1-800-4MY-XBOX (1-800-469-9269), but it's been awhile since I've needed to call. Don't know if that number still works now that they have this request system.
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