#1 Dad
He put "I think"...
I think they add stuff like specialization's to make up for not having a ranking system. People kept coming back to play Halo 3 for the 1-50. It was a huge goal to shoot for. Goals in a game keep people playing. The goal is no longer a rank Its the abliltiy to get specialization's. That is your rank. The problem its all XP based. Any BK can achieve this and be rewarded with perks. The logic is the more goals we put in the game. The less player's will bitch about no ranking system. Keeping player's playing the game is what its all about.
I was gonna bitch about something, but I think Over and Ghal(and earlier Shake Appeal's) post pretty much cover it.
No, we haven't played the game. No, this won't be in EVERY playlist. No, we don't even have the full context to think about this. But on a purely conceptual level, looking at what these things are, with the foreknowledge of all the Halos we've played(including the similar Reach)...I don't like it. It's definitely, conceptually, undeniably NOT Halo.
But on a purely conceptual level, looking at what these things are, with the foreknowledge of all the Halos we've played(including the similar Reach)...I don't like it. It's definitely, conceptually, undeniably NOT Halo.
We should play chess some time, I'm really good at that move.I don't remember a play in chess that allows to to move the pieces off the board and attack from the table.
Noggy is his GAF handle; it's an amazing XBLA game made by one guy, and a regular GAFer. Check it out.Are you Dean Dodrill, creator of Dust: An Elysian Tale - a game by Dean Dodrill?
Others have addressed this, but as you quoted me:At this risk of posting this too early (7:00 EDT), and not getting as many responses as I'd like, I'm going to do it anyway.
And this is open to ALL fans who think Halo 3 has the best multiplayer, and don't like what they're seeing in Halo 4 with specializations and AAs.
I want to play devil's advocate for a moment. This post makes the case against the concept of not knowing all the cards in a player's hand until you meet him or her in a fight. Firefights aren't only decided by player skill and what happens over the course of the match, but what players select in a menu, too. If a player is playing a Halo game in the mold of Halo 1 or 2 and, to an extent, Halo 3, and we'll get to that in a moment every player knows and can see all the pieces on the board before the match starts. There's a predictability to it, and it was very much like a game of chess, as Shake implied.
However, this was not true at all times within Halo 3. During the events of the match players would pick up equipment, like a bubble shield or a regenerator, and not deploy them until they were at a disadvantage in a firefight. You didn't know a player had a bubble shield until you dropped his or her shields and that person deployed it to try to alter the outcome of a battle. This is very similar to fighting someone and not knowing they have jetpack, or camo, Promethean vision, and the like until you engage them on a map.
So, my questions is this: What specifically is the most troublesome? Is it the concept you don't like, or is it the degree to which it is applied? Or is it the implementation of the concept? Were the other factors in the game good enough to cause you to overlook the concept?
He put "I think"...
I think they add stuff like specialization's to make up for not having a ranking system.
It was that bit in particular. "I think" was referring to the reason for adding stuff like specilizations.
People seem to think we're not getting a ranking system. Didn't Frankie and Ellis saay ages ago that they're looking at a few options, none of which are 1-50, but all of which will not only reflect the time put in but also the skill? We just don't know which one of many options they've gone with. They just have yet to announce the system and not the presence of a system right?
I was gonna bitch about something, but I think Over and Ghal(and earlier Shake Appeal's) post pretty much cover it.
No, we haven't played the game. No, this won't be in EVERY playlist. No, we don't even have the full context to think about this. But on a purely conceptual level, looking at what these things are, with the foreknowledge of all the Halos we've played(including the similar Reach)...I don't like it. It's definitely, conceptually, undeniably NOT Halo.
Another concern I have is the possibility of low population numbers in a Classic playlist, should we have one. The Modern Halo playlists will likely be first and foremost meaning less visibility from casuals who just want to hop in and play. Hopefully it won't take long to get into a match.
So did the "Feels Like Halo" goodness only apply to early builds that didn't have all the new perks/customizations/specializations implemented?
Serious question.
I don't remember them confirming there would be a skill-based system.
I know they've said it's not finalized and they're looking into it, but no concrete info.
Not by your definition perhaps, but I've found every Halo game I've played to be thoroughly "Halo" (in my intepretation), including Halo wars. "Halo" does not have a single definition.
I doubt it. The game still looks like Halo, and should still feel like Halo. "Perks" don't change the way a DMR feels to shoot, or the way your plasma grenade flies. It's still Halo at the core, nothing else. It just has more added onto it now.
What isn't finalised, exactly?
Not by your definition perhaps, but I've found every Halo game I've played to be thoroughly "Halo" (in my intepretation), including Halo wars. "Halo" does not have a single definition.
I doubt it. The game still looks like Halo, and should still feel like Halo. "Perks" don't change the way a DMR feels to shoot, or the way your plasma grenade flies. It's still Halo at the core, nothing else. It just has more added onto it now.
Then in your case, there is no definition. It's meaningless. It's just a title you put on a game that has Spartans and Warthogs.
Some kind of skill based system. Unless I missed something, I don't think we've gotten any real info on a competitive ranking system.
What? It literally changes how it shoots by lowering recoil or in the case of whatever it was that causes you to not drop out of zoom.
I'm all for being cautiously optimistic but I'm also not about throwing out phrases that are directly contradictory to the truth.
But there is a skill based system. That's my point. We know there is one. We ust don't know what it is.
I don't even know if there is one to be honest. Frankie has talked about looking into it, doesn't mean it is going to be in the game. I hope I am wrong though and somewhere it is confirmed it will be in the game.
But there is a skill based system. That's my point. We know there is one. We ust don't know what it is.
If you don't think that some of these specializations have the potential to be OP, I just want you to sit there and think about going up against a sniper that uses the perk that allows you to stay in zoom while being shot at.
I mentioned this a long time, a wish list from OXM dated 2002.
Read the scans, pretty funny looking back now.
Edit: Another one, more 'accurate' also dated 2002.
I mentioned this a long time, a wish list from OXM dated 2002.
Read the scans, pretty funny looking back now.
I mentioned this a long time, a wish list from OXM dated 2002.
Read the scans, pretty funny looking back now.
Edit: Another one, more 'accurate' also dated 2002.
Are you sure? I thought we've just gotten "we're trying a lot of different things" as opposed to "yes there will definitely be competitive playlists where you will be able to level both up and down"
I mentioned this a long time, a wish list from OXM dated 2002.
Read the scans, pretty funny looking back now.
Edit: Another one, more 'accurate' also dated 2002.
Others have addressed this, but as you quoted me:
1) Equipment was on the battlefield, and had to be picked up. Teams fought for them. In this way, they were no different from power weapons in previous Halo games - you couldn't see if someone had rockets in Halo 1 or 2 until they pulled them out. But you knew someone on their team did because the item had been picked up.
2) Equipment was designed so that once deployed, anyone could use them. Successful use of them was situation dependent.
3) Equipment was one-time use.
4) Equipment was not common.
5) Equipment didn't alter a player's base traits. If I saw someone from a small distance, and chose to engage them with the BR, 99% of the time the fight was settled by how well we responded to one another. Sometimes, on some maps, a bubble or regen came into play. But again, we'd have known their team had them, and forcing the team to use it was a good thing.
Halo 4 gives players a host of passive advantages over other players, which we cannot predict. I don't know if that Warthog coming our way will be stopped by an EMP, or if its health will return at a normal or accelerated rate. I don't know if the team of dudes DMRing us are all rocking stability mods, granting them an advantage over us. I don't know if the guy I've spotted and am about to shoot is rocking a faster shield respawn time or other perk to tip things in his favor against me.
And EVERYONE will be using these, all the time.
Halo 3 set us down this path, but there's a clear distinction between sparse equipment to be fought over on the map and selecting multiple passive traits on spawn.
They called Holograms, Evade, and specializations!I mentioned this a long time, a wish list from OXM dated 2002.
Read the scans, pretty funny looking back now.
Edit: Another one, more 'accurate' also dated 2002.
They called Holograms, Evade, and specializations!
Only skill based system that I have heard of is "Trueskill" and a statement that it will actually be turned on this time, but to what degree we don't know.
All other systems are for speculation as no information has been provided for a "skill" based system.
This refers to a casual progression system in my eyes.
But there is a skill based system. That's my point. We know there is one. We ust don't know what it is.
*Inception horn*Psst. Frankie was working at OXM at the time that article came out.
More like terrible people then playlist problems.After bitching about Halo 4, I have to go back to bitch about Reach.
Pinnacle with Jetpacks- 2 quitters on my team.
Love the playlist handling.
Yeah, levels make me think more of Pokemon in this case than Halo 2.
After bitching about Halo 4, I have to go back to bitch about Reach.
Pinnacle with Jetpacks- 2 quitters on my team.
Love the playlist handling.
Only skill based system that I have heard of is "Trueskill" and a statement that it will actually be turned on this time, but to what degree we don't know.
All other systems are for speculation as no information has been provided for a "skill" based system.
This refers to a casual progression system in my eyes.
You people really need to learn and/or use the term "progression system" correctly. At this point I know it is an argument of semantics.So there is TruSkill being used... but you're telling me we can't assume that that TruSkill applis to some kind of skill based ranking system?
I mean, Halo 3 used TruSkill in Social Slayer, it just wasn't a visible number like in Ranked.
I should just assume whenever someone says "There's no ranking system in Halo 4", they really mean there isn't any visual indicator next to the rank they actually have. Some will tell me that should be obvious, meh.
You people really need to learn and/or use the term "progression system" correctly. At this point I know it is an argument of semantics.