343 have shot themselves in the foot. Not only should they have simply not made a tv series but, seeing as they did, they should have thrown more money to appeal to more traditional distribution channels for the medium.
Jetpack breaks map design, flow, and the power positions become nearly useless.
There is a reason why the Halo CE sandbox is the most balanced out of all the Halos.
If I was the sandbox designer at 343i the game would play like Halo CE.
No AA's, perks, or other bullshit gimmicks.
It would just be good old fashion arena shooter Halo that we all know and love.
But, I don't think they are looking for that. They are more concerned with tapping into the CoD audience.
I think the Jet Pack breaks less maps in Halo 1 than it does in Halo: Reach because a lot of Halo 1 maps had ceilings.
I think Jet Pack on Adrift, which looks like it has a ceiling, won't be nearly as powerful as Jet Pack on Powerhouse.
And before you say "Anniversary Classic isn't 1:1", 1:1 CE Xbox online is pretty much never coming. Halo 1 LAN used lockstep networking, so it'd be like playing Anniversary co-op online off-host or
So you are saying that those people were no Halo-fans, just because they asked a question which you do not care about? Yeah. Many question were stupid. But I cannot blame 343i for it. "Actual fans of the series" were in the audience and had the opportunity to ask questions too.Well, what stopped you this time?
I just feel like the only reason Q&A's for anything are taken at comic-con is because they know they are more likely to receive those kinds of easy questions and comments rather than any with thing with substance.
Like a question that would be asked by a journalist or an actual fan of the series for example.
It's amazing that Eazy B's chopper question slipped through the cracks as well as the kid asking about the BR not being in ODST.
Wait... what?I don't understand why you completely dismiss the idea. In each successive halo game utility weapons have received nerfs while power weapons either get buffed or remain the same. A person does not need to be a game designer to notice the trend or the problem.
And the majority of people I've talked to (more than 80 people, I'll tell you that) are more excited about Halo 4 now than they were when it was announced. How is my anecdotal information any more useful than yours?If 343 doesn't want to explain things just yet, then why even bother showing off anything? Not to mention 80 percent of my friends list were excited when Halo 4 was announced, now most of them don't really care anymore because of lack of info and trailers.
It does feel like there has been considerably less fanfare for Halo 4 than there was with Halo 3. I would think that you would want that same amount when essentially starting a new trilogy.
It just feels like at this point in the run up to Halo 3 we had the Believe commercials and other stuff.We're still 3+ months out. You'll see the marketing blow-out when we get closer. Game Fuel anyone?
They didn't have enough time for everyone's questions. My point is if there must be Q&A's then have Q&A's with people who enjoy different aspects of the game.So you are saying that those people were no Halo-fans, just because they asked a question which you do not care about? Yeah. Many question were stupid. But I cannot blame 343i for it. "Actual fans of the series" were in the audience and had the opportunity to ask questions too.
It just feels like at this point in the run up to Halo 3 we had the Believe commercials and other stuff.
It does feel like there has been considerably less fanfare for Halo 4 than there was with Halo 3. I would think that you would want that same amount when essentially starting a new trilogy.
Well duh, I know that.Probably because Halo 3 was releasing in September.
It just feels like at this point in the run up to Halo 3 we had the Believe commercials and other stuff.
The last major advertising campaign before and during Halo 3's release was a series of videos marketed with the tagline "Believe", beginning September 11, 2007.
August-October is when they would want to kick up the marketing big time. No point in having a huge marketing push in July when the game comes out in November.
About as much as grenade jumps do. As in, they don't. Prisoner example is terrible because Prisoner is a terrible map even without jetpacks, as me and Devo's adventures in Anniversary Classic have proven.
Look at that massive Anniversary Classic and Halo PC population. Wait, no. Games have to modernize as time goes on. I think Perfect Dark is still the #1 FPS in all of creation, but the online was 100% dead after two weeks online, even though it was 1:1 with the original game (including the ability to still pull off an instant reload, makes the backpack CE reload look like child's play). Perfect Dark Zero, while still considered the product of Satan and Samsung's unholy marriage, still has a solid online population in it. Guess which one was more modernized.
And before you say "Anniversary Classic isn't 1:1", 1:1 CE Xbox online is pretty much never coming. Halo 1 LAN used lockstep networking, so it'd be like playing Anniversary co-op online off-host or ODST Firefight, with input lag and the inability to have more than 4 unique boxes in any game. PC had to make changes to the maps and had differing lead amounts depending on how laggy your game was, so not even the base mechanics of shooting are consistent. Nobody would tolerate that today, and let's not even start with the map and button glitches that every old timer would rush to use on the fresh meat within the first week, driving them all away. If people actually wanted to play Halo 1 and 2, both games are available online right now on the PC.
Same thing would happen to Halo 2 as well. People want it to come back as straight up Halo 2, and nobody really wants to admit that Halo 2 mostly held out because it a) had basically no notable competition and b) had the best interface for OXbox games on LIVE. Same with Halo 1, the first week of a Halo 2 Online would be everyone having a massive race to see how many newbies they could shit on with button combos and map escapes, if Halo 2 had actual competitors in it's online space it would have suffered the same fate as Brink. People don't tolerate that level of bugginess anymore.
You view AAs as gimmicks but they are an evolution. Equipment in Halo 3 was a new concept of the OS/Camo from Halo 1 and 2, equipment you could choose to use/deploy when you wanted to. Bungie noticed in the telemetry that people would collect equipment and tend to not use it because they didn't want to "waste" it. So they evolved the equipment into forms that could be re-used and the player wouldn't have anxiety over using them. They didn't hit all the marks (drop shield) but it was a solid evolution.
343 is evolving that further with extending player uniqueness with the global loadout system. Now, I'm still not pretty much liking the overall design of 4, but it has nothing to do with that system, my concern is over the weapon balance and sandbox, which has nothing to do with AAs and spec unlocks. And while I love deep appearance customization (Reach is miles and miles ahead of Halo 3 in that space), I don't like Gears 3-style and amount of retailer-specific skins.
I just don't understand the constant Halo 1 CE multiplayer worship when the game and weapon sandbox was campaign first and multiplayer got leftovers of that work.
Wait. Did you just say jetpacks don't break map flow? Really? This is probably the least controversial observation since noting that armor lock makes you invincible. It's a feature.About as much as grenade jumps do. As in, they don't. Prisoner example is terrible because Prisoner is a terrible map even without jetpacks, as me and Devo's adventures in Anniversary Classic have proven.
Damn, I thought it happened a lot sooner.
One of the very first footage we got had a camoed spartan being shot.I'm hoping Jetpack and Camo AAs don't appear in multiplayer aside from Spartan Ops. As far as I know, when showing multiplayer there hasn't been any jetpacks so far, which is a good sign.
How is my anecdotal information any more useful than yours?
Absolutely false. You can't grenade jump to shoot all the way from base to base on Asylum, or from base into Ring 2, completely destroying that middle cover. Or all the way across the map on Uncaged. Jetpack absolutely ruins map flow and positioning.About as much as grenade jumps do. As in, they don't.
New thread, eh? Cool. This one should last about two weeks. Maybe a HaloGAF IRC isn't such a bad idea...
PAX Countdown: 36 days
Ghaleon, can you update the OP with a link to the HaloGAF Radio thread?
Tashi, can you update the OP of the HaloGAF Radio thread?
For some reason I feel like spectator modes will be all the rage next gen, it seemed like MS wanted to head in that direction with PGR TV this gen, but it never panned out.
When you say fixed, what do you mean? I find the playlist terrible on the grounds of it only being one nade start, the playlist is semi ok apart from that.
Before they got knee deep into Halo 4, Reach was still getting updates, and even saw credit payouts grow substantially. They're probably mere weeks away from Halo 4 being out of their hands, so it's no surprise to me that Reach isn't getting any attention anymore.
What is poor about the marketing thus far? They have the FUD trailer in movie theaters, and the making of starts tomorrow in theaters. Do you mean because they haven't released a BTS they're marketing the game poorly? Those things, while awesome, aren't watched by anyone except the people who were already buying the game day 1. We're over 3 months out from release, I think it's a tad early to call their marketing poor.
Halo 2's risk came from the threat of a closer range insta-kill with a BXR, BXB, and semi-threatening post-patch 4sk for the reward of stronger power ups and power weapons.
Because it's good?I just don't understand the constant Halo 1 CE multiplayer worship when the game and weapon sandbox was campaign first and multiplayer got leftovers of that work.
Deserve has nothing to do with it. I ask for such because it's a topic I'm interested in and it would be neat to hear about it. (Also, because 343's messaging about the game has been muddled and a clear channel of communication on design would help.) We are entitled to jack squat, but it's nice to have things.343 defense force reporting in: why do you guys think you deserve the designers and development team rationalizing/dissecting all of their decisions to you?
Because it's good?
Do not bring glitches to balance discussion... BXR wasn't desinged, so it doesn't count here.
Poor management of the current game in a franchise that you're trying to sell a sequel to and poor marketing of that upcoming game sure makes great business sense.
This is comedy gold. You should do standup!
It was in the game and affected gameplay for the better, glitch or not.
You also suggested putting a built in super jump in your "perfect Halo."
Any system can be broken with enough trying. With enough metagaming. All balance discussion is about ideal situations. Not real world. So, no glitches.
Also, what does something i'd do have to do with this?
Nothing, it looks like, but something you can use as ad hominem.
Anyone interested in possibly forming a party for Halo 3 tonight?
Because super jumping was a glitch, but then you suggested it be implemented into the game on purpose.
I feel like that wasn't too far of a comparison...
It was in the game and affected gameplay for the better, glitch or not.
You also suggested putting a built in super jump in your "perfect Halo."
We're still 3+ months out. You'll see the marketing blow-out when we get closer. Game Fuel anyone?
For the better, more competitive players... yes.
I was thinking that if we could get 10 we could do MLG customs.I haven't played in like a year and I suck at h3 a lot more but i'm down lol BTB or social.
Wait. Did you just say jetpacks don't break map flow? Really? This is probably the least controversial observation since noting that armor lock makes you invincible. It's a feature.
I'm not sure if you're a troll or just a moron. But everything written in this post just screams "If 343i says it's ok then I won't question a damn thing"
It was in the game and affected gameplay for the better, glitch or not.
You also suggested putting a built in super jump in your "perfect Halo."
Deserve has nothing to do with it. I ask for such because it's a topic I'm interested in and it would be neat to hear about it. (Also, because 343's messaging about the game has been muddled and a clear channel of communication on design would help.) We are entitled to jack squat, but it's nice to have things.
One of the very first footage we got had a camoed spartan being shot.
How does FUD sell anything to anybody who wasn't "already buying the game day 1"? I'm not sure the mass market is interested in learning about the Halo universe via 5 separately released limited budget short movies on a YouTube channel. As Plywood said, the marketing lacks any type of cohesion. If us Halo nerds who talk about the series all day are frustrated by having to track down Twitter impressions or off-screen footage from Bravo's MLG videos, how does that bode for the casual Halo buyer?
If or when Halo gets a spectator mode, I honestly hope it's a PC client. I just don't see a controller or even next gen hardware handling everything that we would want.
He's upset because he played Halo CE once and got destroyed.
I was thinking that if we could get 10 we could do MLG customs.