This is the last I will say about this for the sake of everybody else being annoyed by this all. No, you didn't make any clarification. You made broad assumptions, that people called you out for.I wasn't setting out to prove anything, I simply posted my reasoning as to why I feel Halo 4 lacks the same creative spark the original Halo's have. If you read my post you will see I clarified my reasoning as to why this is.
The fact that you took such a defensive stance that you were called out for it, such as "reporting" to mods, is utterly disgraceful. Instead of actually deflecting my post, you attacked me and I responded to that. Now to back off and act like you’re the victim here is just as disgraceful as reporting, you know you are wrong on how you acted but try to brush it off (like always) and completely undermine my points. Ask Halo-GAF if my points were that harsh, I don't think a lot of people would even raise an eyebrow.
Furthermore I had nothing to do with the ODST argument you had with another member, but just because you think you "won" that argument (as you say) doesn't make right about everything else. Keep that in mind every time you throw that in somebody's face.
Let's not waste these pages of fine rational people actually discussing. My PM is open, msg me about this matter if you would like to “discuss” it further and I’ll see if I can muster a response there.
You picking a fight with me now?
Why I oughta!!!
I think Stalker was there... so long ago at this point. Why'd he even bring it up? I certainly can't remember it without seeing the posts again :lol