Yeah, for AAs like Thruster or PV Sprint on LB and AA on X would've been perfect. I guess using LB for AAs makes more sense for anything that needs to be held down, like jetpack though. Would've been nice to have an option to swap those buttons though.Guess it's still Recon for me. Sprint on X might be a bit weird, though, would've preferred it if it would've been on LB instead.
It's Campaign. Multiplayer doesn't have the black border at the bottom of the HUD.I'm interested in what map that is in the button layout pics. Looks like a flat desert with a big open sky like Snowbound.
BJ for life.
bumper jumper jet pack conundrum
meleeing is overrated but from the bulletin they said Bj is designed to help melee? Did I read that right?
I think jump on lb and AA's on rb would be pretty great actually, meleeing is overrated but from the bulletin they said Bj is designed to help melee? Did I read that right?
That blurry pic totally looks like beaver creek to me.
WORK WAYPOINT, FOR GOD SAKE WORK WAYPOINT. I just want to read, why you deny me this learning opportunity?
Is that a Kanye West joke?
WORK WAYPOINT, FOR GOD SAKE WORK WAYPOINT. I just want to read, why you deny me this learning opportunity?
Is that a Kanye West joke?
i think its a play on word for COD
Ha ha, thanks you guys for pointing that out.It's the Call of Duty equivalent control scheme. CoD, fishstick.
That BJ/ melee comment is worrying, shows a severe lack of 'getting it', I hope it's just a flippant comment, but it sort of explains why the original BJ was so bad, glad they fixed it. I really hope that philosophy hasn't spread through more of the game.
Can't wait to see the new map, If the blurry pic looks pretty no doubt the real thing will look great.
It is a toss up between Default and FishSticks for me I think, has it been clarified anywhere whether the Left Trigger is toggle zoom or hold to zoom?
Will have to see how melee works out for me with it mapped to a stick, I'm so used to it being mapped to RB. Whenever I'm smacking Elzar around with melee's I just get that feel that RB and melee are a perfect match. Having said that though hold to zoom would be pretty cool.......
Recon 4 life.
Harsh, but at the same time also fair. Understand the sentiment.Getting excited about a developer making a few non-customizable preset control schemes in 2012. The only one they added is COD's layout.
I feel like this industry is going in reverse.
Getting excited about a developer making a few non-customizable preset control schemes in 2012. The only one they added is COD's layout.
I feel like this industry is going in reverse.
Getting excited about a developer making a few non-customizable preset control schemes in 2012. The only one they added is COD's layout.
I feel like this industry is going in reverse.
Gave some out during E3, and I think they were giving them out at either SDCC or....the...roosterteeth convention whose name escapes me at the moment.Glad to see Boxer will still be my main choice for controls, especially with AA being on LB again. I hope this also means that you can turn in sprint without the right analog stick.
And when were they giving away Halo 4 MC Avatar codes? I only thought that they could be bought in the Avatar Marketplace?
Grenade switching on the d-pad? Hmm, never thought I'd have to use it in a Halo game.Looks like
Will be my control setup of choice, though I'd prefer it if 'x' and 'LB' were swapped.
Can't wait for PAX, I imagine we'll get some good stuff there.
Grenade switching on the d-pad? Hmm, never thought I'd have to use it in a Halo game.
That's fine, but it's annoying that they mapped sprint to X. I would much much rather have it on LB.
Makes me wonder if they ought to make use of the d-pad more.
Was catching up from last night and was shaking my head at all the slrp about them unfucking BJ and adding a COD layout. Until you saved it. Embarassing, some of these will be broken anyways (AAs won't work well on BJ certainly), this shit should be fully customizable with a big red warning slapped on it if they really must.Getting excited about a developer making a few non-customizable preset control schemes in 2012. The only one they added is COD's layout.
I feel like this industry is going in reverse.
Gave some out during E3, and I think they were giving them out at either SDCC or....the...roosterteeth convention whose name escapes me at the moment.
Getting excited about a developer making a few non-customizable preset control schemes in 2012. The only one they added is COD's layout.
I feel like this industry is going in reverse.
I know, right? Especially when playing with the more passive abilities.Guess it's still Recon for me. Sprint on X might be a bit weird, though, would've preferred it if it would've been on LB instead.
I think jump on lb and AA's on rb would be pretty great actually, meleeing is overrated
Dunno if that really is a valid argument, that has to do with more poor implementation or bad save system then anything else.CS:GO let's you map your controls. Awesome right? Until your mappings disappear for no reason and you have to reset to default settings.
Dunno if that really is a valid argument, that has to do with more poor implementation or bad save system then anything else.
Alex Garland, one of the Halo movie key script writers (and behind 28 Days Later too, iirc) has an article up on EDGE -
I can't view it at work :-/
Hmm, I think I'll stick with Recon but I also think it would be better to have Sprint on LB and Use Armor Ability on X. Sprint is probably going to be used more, right? Are these the only control schemes that will be available in the final game?
Guess it's still Recon for me. Sprint on X might be a bit weird, though, would've preferred it if it would've been on LB instead.
3 shared sentiments in less than 12 hours. Frankie? David? Should we post on Waypoint?Looks like
Will be my control setup of choice, though I'd prefer it if 'x' and 'LB' were swapped.
Can't wait for PAX, I imagine we'll get some good stuff there.
Alex Garland, one of the Halo movie key script writers (and behind 28 Days Later too, iirc) has an article up on EDGE -
I can't view it at work :-/