I think if many women (even famous ones) read GAF they'd feel like shit about being avatars here.
Well...okay then.
I woke up and read the Bulletin. I'll comment on the more interesting parts first. The campaign shot in the background of all the controller layouts looks like a desert. I also noticed the helmet outline. Has 343 said whether or not we can turn that off yet? I'd like the option because I'm worried I'll feel claustrophobic with it there.
As for the the picture at the end, I thought it was a Chopper at first too, but the more I look at it the more I see a Warthog. A weird Warthog to be sure, or something similar to a Warthog.
About the button layouts...I am not pleased. I'm happy for BJ fans as they seem mostly pleased with that layout. I don't use that, though. During the time until Halo 3's release, I was most excited to use GT with the reload being moved from X to RB, a place where I think it's better served: You reload a lot, and RB is more comfortable to hit.
I've been a GT player since mid 2006, and for the first time in six years, I may have to change. The beginning of this goes back to Reach. At first I was excited about zoom being on RB. It's always been a bit hard to engage in mid-range BR/Carbine combat with zoom on B. I thought with zoom on RB, it'd make mid-range combat easier because it's easier to switch between the two if they're on the same finger. An improvement to my preferred button layout despite the fact that reload being moved back to X. Sadly, this wasn't the case, for to see the improvements I'd like, I'd have to hold the controller uncomfortably. Otherwise, it's impractical to try to zoom and shoot with the same finger because you can't do both at the same time. GT had actually worsened from Halo 3 and ODST.
I've made plenty of posts on this subject. The first post I can find about GT and Halo 4 is
here. When I saw the control scheme for GT for one of the earlier builds, I
posted my recommended changes. When I saw the E3 build, I began posting
my concerns, and a month later, I
began to entertain the idea of having to switch control schemes. I'm not surprised nothing was changed. I didn't see any huge backlash about it on the level of the first BJ layout, and I seem to be the only one here who has a huge problem with it. Even so, it's still disappointing to see.
I don't like zoom on RB and reload on X for reasons already mentioned. I do not like crouch for B: Why is an action I have to hold down a button for not tied to one of the index fingers or thumbs? Yes, I know you can probably toggle crouch for Halo 4, but from my experience toggle for crouch is messy to deal with in the middle of combat.
Indeed there are other button layouts, but I'd rather have a comfortable GT, and I have problems with the other options. To be absolutely clear: With the addition of sprint as a base trait, no control scheme can be perfect, but surely there are better imperfect layouts? With so many unsatisfactory designs about GT, I think it's more likely than not that I'll switch. Recon seems to be the next best option with reload on RB, but that leaves me with the thought of dealing with melee on B...ugh. BJ is functionally better, but most of my problems with it fall under the heading of "it's not Green Thumb," which is more of a preference than a criticism. An additional preference I have against BJ is that GT has been there from the beginning, so it's always helped provide me a uniform, though imperfect, experience across all Halo games something I've enjoyed. GT has undergone changes throughout the games, certainly, but the changes weren't too different and kept the core concept intact. Now I feel there have been too many changes that I don't enjoy.