I wouldn't say it's necessarily worse but seeing that yes this is what people will be playing on the control schemes do very much seem awful.
Also because I too cannot get over what I'll likely be playing for the rest of 360's duration, I'm gonna requote myself:
As much as I'd like to see 60 fps, spec mode, dedi's et al I could never really get
that mad over their absence in Halo 4 merely because they're huge undertakings that 343 decided against and they decided that Spartan Op's was going to be their big ticket feature. I not the happiest they took this route (I'd prefer MP centric features) but they chose it and iterated on it with their resources. The reason I think the bumper jumper jet pack issue is worse is because
1. It's been brought up on forums so, so many times since mid 2010. BJ USERS CANNOT USE THE JETPACK PROPERLY is the main point. 343 will not have missed this problem.
2. It's such an easy, easy issue to resolve. Offer both the original BJ (so BJ purists don't go ballistic) and offer a BJ scheme with AA on RB and melee on B.
It's so offensive because it's not an issue of resources or bandwidth or animation glitches. It's just blank faced thoughtlessness.
No I think they only patched it once early on when beatdowns were based on who had more health/shields. So even if two people with no shields beat each other down someone would live and someone would die even though you both had done enough damage to kill.
Just found what I was thinking of
"Fixed the bug that allowed a BXB combo".
So yes, they can patch animation glitches were any to occur.