Well as Henery's main beef is with BJ, my main beef is with default. I just see L3 for sprint and B for Crouch as absolutely horrible choices and it would be so much more preferable to see them swapped.
If 343 adds slightly modified versions to these on top of the existing, that would be great.
It is a bit unfair, all I did was see if BJ was good to go then stopped caring about the rest of the set-ups. I will say, though, that sprint on LS and crouch on B is terrible; I couldn't imagine haveing crouch on anything other than the stick, it's used so often in Halo and just makes crouch jumping stupid difficult now. Why people think sprint needs to be on the stick (or a bumper for that matter) is beyond me. If you've played reach, you know sprint is a toggle armor ability: you push the button to start it and just stop holding foreward to stop. It works great on basically any button, so why take up such useful space like one of the bumpers or L3? If you play on anything but bumper jumper, do you ever have a problem jumping with A? No. That's how I view sprint, it's simple enough to put on a face button.
The real problem here is, after they didn't implement custom mapping, there is still only small set of control schemes to choose from. Why not take each scheme and create a few variants around it? That way there can be Bumper Jumper v2 or recon v2, and plywood and I can both use a bumper jumper scheme we think is optimal. I just don't understand why this is still a problem in 2012.