The True Skill system does not work. Bungie realized this shortly after the release of Halo 3, as did most people
May not be very good, but at least it works.BPR...
The True Skill system does not work. Bungie realized this shortly after the release of Halo 3, as did most people
May not be very good, but at least it works.BPR...
Wtf lol, trueskill is like the bat signal
Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were a mathematical statistician. Please, elaborate on its defenciencies and the improvements you suggest. Just for everyone else, here's a refresher:
Oh, and sorry for assuming that you were yet another ignorant person making a baseless attack founded in some misguided anecdotal bullshit.
You just can't make this stuff up, folks.
Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were a mathematical statistician. Please, elaborate on its defenciencies and the improvements you suggest. Just for everyone else, here's a refresher:The True Skill system does not work.
You just can't make this stuff up, folks.I wouldn't mind a ranking system that is based around wins.
Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were a mathematical statistician. Please, elaborate on its defenciencies and the improvements you suggest. Just for everyone else, here's a refresher:
Oh, and sorry for assuming that you were yet another ignorant person making a baseless attack founded in some misguided anecdotal bullshit.
You just can't make this stuff up, folks.
That bee from the Honey Nut Cheerios commercials.Who pissed in your cereal?
Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were a mathematical statistician. Please, elaborate on its defenciencies and the improvements you suggest. Just for everyone else, here's a refresher:
Oh, and sorry for assuming that you were yet another ignorant person making a baseless attack founded in some misguided anecdotal bullshit.
That bee from the Honey Nut Cheerios commercials.
Rank locking is the system working. I'm not going to insult you any further because it is counterproductive. Suffice it to say, and I don't mean this to be derogatory in any way, but you are ignorant on this topic. Read the reference materials, they are a scientific documentation, not a biased game review.Oh wow, Microsoft talking highly about something they created? I NEVER WOULD HAVE GUESSED!
The system was flawed, the only thing you had to do to see this was create a second account or get rank locked, and don't say "Rank locking doesn't exist" because Bungie outright confirmed it did.
halo 2's elo system > all.
TrueSkilled is flawed, so what?
Doesn't CS:GO do Elo Ranking too but keeps it all in the background where only you can see your rank?
Would not mind a system like working behind a fake EXP rank.
Rank locking is the system working. I'm not going to insult you any further because it is counterproductive. Suffice it to say, and I don't mean this to be derogatory in any way, but you are ignorant on this topic. Read the reference materials, they are a scientific documentation, not a biased game review.
How does this system work exactly? I didn't get to play very much Halo 2 use the elo system instead.
No, rank locking is a flaw. If I can get past the rank I was at on a second account in less than a week, there is a problem. Trueskill, or at least the version used in Halo 3 rewards people who are good right away and not those who get progressively better or are bad for a long period of time and get better. I was terrible when Halo 3 came out but after about a year I got okay at the game. I was rank locked at 35. I created a second account and got to 40. The system does not work. use the elo system instead.
i know cs go does use it, im not sure if its invisible or not. i always had great matches in halo 2, so id take an invisible elo over invisible trueskill anyday.
In particular, the ELO ranking system has been used successfully by a variety of leagues organised around two-player games, such as world football league, the US Chess Federation or the World Chess Federation, and a variety of others. In video games many of these leagues have game modes with more than two players per match. ELO is not designed to work under these circumstances. In fact, no popular skill-based ranking system is available to support these games. Many one-off ranking systems have been built and are in use for these games, but none of them is general enough to be applied to such a great variety of games.
Similarly to the ELO system, in the mean skill update equation the winner gets a multiple of v((μwinner-μloser)/c,ε/c) added to the mean skill and the loser gets a multiple of v((μwinner-μloser)/c,ε/c) subtracted from the mean skill. However, in contrast to ELO the weighting factors are roughly proportional to the uncertainty of the winner/loser vs. the total sum of uncertainties (2β2 is the uncertainty due to the performance variation around the skill and σ2winner+σ2loser is the uncertainty about their true skills). Hence, only if Alice and Bob have the same uncertainty, the TrueSkill ranking system's mean skill update equation reduces to an ELO update equation. Note that the TrueSkill ranking system's update equation for the mean skill is thus not guaranteed to be zero sum.
How does this system work exactly? I didn't get to play very much Halo 2 matchmaking.
Ah but the sample size of your games on the second account was much smaller with the skill being played at a higher level.
Playing a years worth of games versus a few weeks makes it a completely different situation.
On the 35 account you would pretty much need to drop a consistant 20 games as the number one player to move up (using the chart and the sample size of 20 games for 4v4 in hired's post) and I'm sure there are other factors in play as well that I'm just to lazy to look up.
Rank locking is not a flaw with TrueSkill, bud.No, rank locking is a flaw. If I can get past the rank I was at on a second account in less than a week, there is a problem. Trueskill, or at least the version used in Halo 3 rewards people who are good right away and not those who get progressively better or are bad for a long period of time and get better. I was terrible when Halo 3 came out but after about a year I got okay at the game. I was rank locked at 35. I created a second account and got to 40. The system does not work.
How does this system work exactly? I didn't get to play very much Halo 2 matchmaking.
How does this system work exactly? I didn't get to play very much Halo 2 matchmaking.
Rank locking is not a flaw with TrueSkill, bud.
It shows that it isn't "Trueskill". That fact that you can get rank locked and then have a higher Trueskill rating on a second account shows it isn't an accurate representation of skill and is just a silly number.
Halo 3 didn't display your actual TrueSkill. First of all, TrueSkill doesn't start you at the bottom of the ranking, it starts you in the middle. So if we're going from 1-50, that would be 25. Did you start at 25 in Halo 3?Exactly, showing that it doesn't work properly. It isn't a true representation of skill and is flawed as a ranking system. If you can't make a ranking system that truly shows skill don't bother having it based around "skill".
But it is all in the math of how that "skill" is calculated. one game on an account with only 100 games played is going to have a much bigger effect on the over all skill calculation then one game on an account with 5000 games played.
The more games you play the more samples of your performance there are available to the system.
The best way I can describe it is K/D ratio. If my K/D is 2.0 and I think that isn't good enough and I want a 4.0 K/D after playing 1000 games I am going to have to A) increase the number of kills per game I get while keeping a constant or lower total number of deaths per game, or B) Have a sting of annomallies where I'm dropping perfections on kids that when added up over a large period of time slowly push my K/D towards 4.0.
The more I play, the harder it is to increase my K/D because my sample size of Kills and Deaths gets larger and larger and you get to see a clearer picture of what my actual K/D ratio really should be through either consistant game play or constantly improving gameplay.
And my point is, as a ranking system Trueskill doesn't work. It's fine for pairing people up for matches(except in reach but that is a completely different story) but when it comes to being used for a ranking system it is terrible.Halo 3 didn't display your actual TrueSkill. First of all, TrueSkill doesn't start you at the bottom of the ranking, it starts you in the middle. So if we're going from 1-50, that would be 25. Did you start at 25 in Halo 3?
Secondly, TrueSkill values aren't integers from 1-50. They are pairs of more precise values that represent skill ranking and uncertainty, respectively. You could slingshot up to a very uncertain 50 by beating certain highly skilled players. But you won't stay there if you keep playing unless you're actually top tier.
Your criticism of Halo 3's system is certainly valid, it had problems. But TrueSkill is a general system that is a backbone, a tool that is implemented by developers. It is not at fault for Halo 3 having a exploitable investment system, nor Halo: Reach's poor skill matching. It is pure statistical mathematics, just like the ELO system from which it was derived.
... Ranking system or progression system?And my point is, as a ranking system Trueskill doesn't work. It's fine for pairing people up for matches(except in reach but that is a completely different story) but when it comes to being used for a ranking system it is terrible.
You just have no idea what you are talking about.And my point is, as a ranking system Trueskill doesn't work. It's fine for pairing people up for matches(except in reach but that is a completely different story) but when it comes to being used for a ranking system it is terrible.
MAYBE this is what he is confusing, I don't know. It's tremendously annoying to have a discussion where someone is making such specific assertive statements that are factually incorrect.... Ranking system or progression system?
Sitting next to Barrow Roll and heckfu at a bar table. We all looked at the salt shaker on the table and laughed. "This one's for DownerGAF."
Have you actually seen how Bungie broke down Halo 3's materials? It was...interesting. Compared to Halo 2, at least.
I thought this was a decent balance between beta and final Halo 3 build. It's shiny, but certain maps don't bleed through as much as they did in beta.
The Halo 3 beta...from what I remember, had a weird thing about going overboard with detail maps. Even details bumps were super pronounce. I distinctly remember zooming in on the carbine in the Halo 3 beta, and it used scratch detail bumps, but also used the visor cubemaps they've used since Halo 1.
You just have no idea what you are talking about.
MAYBE this is what he is confusing, I don't know. It's tremendously annoying to have a discussion where someone is making such specific assertive statements that are factually incorrect.
Ranking (based on skill) means sorting players out from least skilled to most skilled. TrueSkill does this effectively across a tremendous variety of competitive games on Xbox LIVE using sound mathematical principles, built on the shoulders of an already proven ELO system. Please, no more fire-and-forget TrueSkill bashing or I will come in here and make everyone take a math class next time, for reals.I am calling it a ranking system as in your "military rank" in game. So yes, progression system.
I am calling it a ranking system as in your "military rank" in game. So yes, progression system.
I will come in here and make everyone take a math class next time, for reals.
Ranking (based on skill) means sorting players out from least skilled to most skilled. TrueSkill does this effectively across a tremendous variety of competitive games on Xbox LIVE using sound mathematical principles, built on the shoulders of an already proven ELO system. Please, no more fire-and-forget TrueSkill bashing or I will come in here and make everyone take a math class next time, for reals.
But thats not what Trueskill is........
   [pruh-gresh-uhn] Show IPA
the act of progressing; forward or onward movement.
a passing successively from one member of a series to the next; succession; sequence.
The Reach "ranking" system is a progression system..... always moving forward and onward until one meets an end goal and the progression stops.
As Rush Limbaugh once said, "Words mean things."I was bashing it for the way that it was used in the "progression" system in Halo 3. You should have payed attention to how this started.
Ranking (based on skill) means sorting players out from least skilled to most skilled. TrueSkill does this effectively across a tremendous variety of competitive games on Xbox LIVE using sound mathematical principles, built on the shoulders of an already proven ELO system. Please, no more fire-and-forget TrueSkill bashing or I will come in here and make everyone take a math class next time, for reals.
It's your own damn fault for not even paying attention to the post that started this.As Rush Limbaugh once said, "Words mean things."
Most people call the progression system in shooters "ranking" systems because you move through military ranks. I was calling it a ranking system because that is how this whole thing started, and I always call it a ranking system. In terms of shooters I call things like Trueskill a skill system or a pairing system.
Also Rush Limbaugh sucks.
Is there a stream schedule for PAX or anything?
I'm out of the loop.
The Halo 4 panel will not be streamed live.
I hate math.
due to bandwidth limitations.The Halo 4 panel will not be streamed live.
due to bandwidth limitations.
I'm such a funny guy