Brolic Gaoler
formerly Alienshogun
Also, a close up of the backpack AA or whatever it is.
Isn't that thruster?
Also, a close up of the backpack AA or whatever it is.
all that matters to me (i hope its also solid in single player). but i agree: the groundtextures are not pretty.
DO NOT post the thread with that shitty quality version from that website. Either direct download, or youtube HD.
lol you got beat Franklinator.
Also, 1:17 post time. Aww yea
DO NOT post the thread with that shitty quality version from that website. Either direct download, or youtube HD.
lol you got beat Franklinator.
Also, 1:17 post time. Aww yea
The color, the color. It's back!
That's funny cuz I was all:
press release said:It's the R.O.A.R. (Remotely Operated Assist Robotic). With the press of a button, a Spartan in a safe location detaches the R.O.A.R from his/her back and controls the Robot in first person. Armed with a high caliber pistol, it's roams...and roars over the map. With its jet propulsion it can reach speeds of 135km/h and climb over any hill it faces. The R.O.A.R will be made available exclusively with pre-order of the limited edition Halo 4 console at Target.
I still don't like the new medals. The lack of color variation makes them all feel samey. None feel cool and exceptional. Same thing with the constant announcer call outs. Steitzer might as well be congratulating us for walking. 30 steps = STEPSTRAVAGANZA.
Edit : Map looks gorgeous, as does most everything else.
Edit Again : Is there a high quality version of the vid out there? The Gaming Everything one is crap for me.
It's not a Jetpack or a Thruster.
sounds pretty cool
It's not a Jetpack or a Thruster.
sounds pretty cool
Sooo... Autosentry?
I was right.
Only available at Target.
It's the R.O.A.R. (Remotely Operated Assist Robotic). With the press of a button, a Spartan in a safe location detaches the R.O.A.R from his/her back and controls the Robot in first person. Armed with a high caliber pistol, it's roams...and roars over the map. With its jet propulsion it can reach speeds of 135km/h and climb over any hill it faces. The R.O.A.R will be made available exclusively with pre-order of the limited edition Halo 4 console at Target.
It's not a Jetpack or a Thruster.
sounds pretty cool
It's not a Jetpack or a Thruster.
sounds pretty cool
I just.....don't.....
Please tell me I've been trolled...
smhIt's the R.O.A.R. (Remotely Operated Assist Robotic). With the press of a button, a Spartan in a safe location detaches the R.O.A.R from his/her back and controls the Robot in first person. Armed with a high caliber pistol, it's roams...and roars over the map. With its jet propulsion it can reach speeds of 135km/h and climb over any hill it faces. The R.O.A.R will be made available exclusively with pre-order of the limited edition Halo 4 console at Target.
Digging the new AA icons. They actually look like things now!
It's not a Jetpack or a Thruster.
sounds pretty cool
That looks like you on the left.
Not fucking cool.
It's not a Jetpack or a Thruster.
sounds pretty cool
The irony is you watched this live..
The fact that people believe it says enough about the Halo 4 pre-order shenanigans.Not fucking cool.
Not fucking cool.
The fact that people believe it says enough about the Halo 4 pre-order shenanigans.
So I'm not understanding the changes to CTF from this Broll footage.
Are we going to get an explanation from 343 or is Bravo going to be the first responder?
I'm not sure what's more insulting, the idea you think I'm that old, or the idea that you think I actually know who those people are.
ChangesSo I'm not understanding the changes to CTF from this Broll footage.
Are we going to get an explanation from 343 or is Bravo going to be the first responder?
Expect lots of info directly from us regarding updated game modes at tomorrow's Halo 4 panel.
Tashi's troll actually had me wondering. I thought it was funny once I realized it was fake, though I definitely don't blame David for being pissed.