SWAT doesn't make poor map design any less poor nor playable. Live up to the mistake, Swordbase is a bad map.
I disagree.
Due to the fast kill time of SWAT, a map like Swordbase, which is campy and slow due to it's poor design couple with slow default kill times, suddenly becomes a lot more playable. All it takes is one shot to down an enemy, so angles that previously were worthless are now viable and individuals can take on multiple in areas that were otherwise determined by who had the most players camping them.
Sword Base isn't terrible with SWAT like it is with other gametypes.
You'd be amazed at how gameplay that allows individuals to be effective opens up maps and makes them playable when they otherwise wouldn't be. Its one of the big reasons why, as Halo games got slow and more teamshot reliant, less and less "good" maps started appearing.