Back from PAX. Had a lot of fun with fellow HaloGAFfers, even if my time ended on a disappointing note. Halo 4 was fun. Not being able to drop the flag is weird, but the core gameplay is solid. Don't know how to quantify it, but the aiming and movement and everything just feels right. Armor mods all seem to be mild. I'm sure a few of them will end up being annoying, but from my limited experience they are largely not a big deal. Did not get enough time with all the armor abilities to get a sense good sense of them, so those are still a source of some concern. Exile seems like a decent map from the games I played on it, but it's hard to judge so quickly. Feeling pretty optimistic on the game overall after getting hands-on time with it. Looking forward to playing more tomorrow.
If you guys want to ask any questions, I'll try my best to answer.