Past games you had the chance to throw the flag into a more covered spot and now you have a new area to shoot from. You could also flag bounce and advance the flag much further than a Spartan getting shot by 5 others should have.
In Halo 4, if you're going in to grab the flag you know that once you touch it you know that you're no longer able to contribute as well in a fight. So basically you now have much more limited options presented before you before diving in for the flag, which hopefully makes for a more informed decision. And yeah, I don't really have a problem with the flag carrier being handicapped and limited in options he's the flag carrier now.
But like I said on the previous page, this is all theory and just based off my limited experiences with the older Halo games.
Interesting weapons.
By any chance do you work on CoD games or make a living off Halo because you seem awfully incensed about the whole thing.
I do not make a living at CoD or any other game but you sort of make my point. I just think with as much time as they had had they could have made their own shit up. They HAD to know this shit would be unpopular with Halo fans. If I want to play CoD, I already have that game. Why is Halo copying CoD?