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Halo |OT8| A Salt on the Control Room

Do you think Bungie knew about that ? I kind of wonder sometimes...
I doubt it. Guardian had so many jumps. Shortcut -> Blue Room was my favorite, but I only saw it done in game once, and I only did it in game once

I never pulled of S1->S2 in a game. Not once.

I pulled off G1->G2 all the time though.
G1 -> G2 was super easy. Same with Top Mid -> S1. People got all sorts of confused when you did that

The fuck is this?
On Guardian in Halo 3 you could jump from Snipe 1 to Snipe 2 by jumping off a very specific texture in the tree next to the bottom walkway. It was extremely hard to do, but Guardian (and Halo 3 in general) was full of these textures you could do. They were called Ghost Ledges, look up the Shraptain 1 and 2 videos for more reference
I doubt it. Guardian had so many jumps. Shortcut -> Blue Room was my favorite, but I only saw it done in game once, and I only did it in game once

G1 -> G2 was super easy. Same with Top Mid -> S1. People got all sorts of confused when you did that

On Guardian in Halo 3 you could jump from Snipe 1 to Snipe 2 by jumping off a very specific texture in the tree next to the bottom walkway. It was extremely hard to do, but Guardian (and Halo 3 in general) was full of these textures you could do. They were called Ghost Ledges, look up the Shraptain 1 and 2 videos for more reference

My favorite was going from Snipe Lift to the ledge outside of blue room. It was super useless because you were more or less stuck up there but it was a great hiding spot.


I doubt it. Guardian had so many jumps. Shortcut -> Blue Room was my favorite, but I only saw it done in game once, and I only did it in game once

G1 -> G2 was super easy. Same with Top Mid -> S1. People got all sorts of confused when you did that

On Guardian in Halo 3 you could jump from Snipe 1 to Snipe 2 by jumping off a very specific texture in the tree next to the bottom walkway. It was extremely hard to do, but Guardian (and Halo 3 in general) was full of these textures you could do. They were called Ghost Ledges, look up the Shraptain 1 and 2 videos for more reference
My favourite was bottom mid to top mid probably, so good when you were being chased, you did the jump, the chaser tries to copy you and falls off the map.
I'm going to severely beat a dead horse here, but guys, instead of bitching about exclusive armor unlocks and shit, here's something you can do:

- Don't buy the console. Buy a cheap 360, save some money.
- Don't buy the LE. Buy the regular edition, save some money.

True, you won't get your fancy unicorn armor and emblem, but, come on guys. It's some stupid skins. When publishers notice nobody's buying their crap anymore, maybe they'll change their policy. As it is, though, complaining about the Halo 4 stuff and then spending a month's wages on it anyway is, well, stupid. Vote with your wallet.

Plus, there's gonna be plenty of weird-looking armors to choose from, you can do without being a space rhino, right?

Eh, probably not.
Then it's because of really lax, or none at all, truskill matching.
How does voting work in recent COD games? Could that effect the outcome?

Maybe it pairs by DLC first instead of other factors so it basically splits the searching base right from the start.

Also, what Tawpgun said. Doesn't COD not care much about skill level when matchmaking?
To my understanding, COD MM splits the playlist on a search, immediately throwing you into a pool of players that have the same maps. I assume there is a fail safe that if that player base is literally not large enough to get you a game, it will dump you with people that don't have the maps. In Halo (only in Reach), DLC is a MM search algorithm alongside skill, connection, and language.

I think that the COD system helps drive DLC sales because you know you will see DLC in MM, it's a guarantee, and therefore people are more likely to purchase the maps because they know they will get new maps in MM. In Halo, if you spend money on the maps, and the DLC adoption rate happens to be really good (it's awful for the record), then you might get DLC sometimes.

Yes, COD doesn't have high weightings for trueskill, but neither does Reach.
One of our animators made that for his son. Pretty bad ass.

That's awesome.
I would so kill myself trying that.
Honestly, despite the bitching in this thread about shooting grenades, it's not that hard.
You have to stick them in the textures
My favorite was going from Snipe Lift to the ledge outside of blue room. It was super useless because you were more or less stuck up there but it was a great hiding spot.
It was a good oddball spot, but I'm pretty sure MLG banned it, and for good reason.

List of Guardian jumps from what I remember, just for kicks:

gold 1 -> gold 2
s1 -> s2
s2 -> s3
s3 -> s4 (I'm not sure if this was ever blocked or not)
top mid slide jump to s3
top mid -> s1
s3 -> elbow slide jump
s3 -> bottom lift
elbow -> bottom mid
bottom mid -> top mid by using the tree in Green
bottom mid -> top mid by using the gold lift
camo/gold lift -> bottom green
gold 2 -> gold 3
shortcut -> blue room
top mid/blue room entrance -> bottom lift
bottom lift -> ledge above bottom lift
shotgun -> blue room elbow
s1 -> top mid, done on the opposite side from s1->s2

I left out anything that needed a nade jump, so there is more on this map too
The only Guardian jumps I remember are the ones where you step onto a mancannon and you fly away. :(

Love that map, though. I should play Halo 3 some time.


I miss ODST firefight and the maps.

Mind was blown when I found out the map in that screenshot (Last Exit) is a remake of a Survival map in Marathon 2.

Which I guess kind of rasies a tangential question: does Microsoft own the remakes of Marathon maps in the Halo engine, or does Bungie own them? If they do, does that mean we just don't see Foundation, Gemini, or Last Exit return in any way? Just a little IP food for thought
Mind was blown when I found out the map in that screenshot (Last Exit) is a remake of a Survival map in Marathon 2.

Which I guess kind of rasies a tangential question: does Microsoft own the remakes of Marathon maps in the Halo engine, or does Bungie own them? If they do, does that mean we just don't see Foundation, Gemini, or Last Exit return in any way?

wat. mindblown.jpg

i really miss zombies on foundation. running to the one room and moving the things to the door so the zombies couldn't get it. it was the only time i've ever had a shit ton of fun playing zombies, even with honor rules. ah those were the days. infection just isn't the same.

Mind was blown when I found out the map in that screenshot (Last Exit) is a remake of a Survival map in Marathon 2.

Which I guess kind of rasies a tangential question: does Microsoft own the remakes of Marathon maps in the Halo engine, or does Bungie own them? If they do, does that mean we just don't see Foundation, Gemini, or Last Exit return in any way? Just a little IP food for thought

Microsoft must own the rights to use Foundation. I mean it was in Halo 2.


ODST Firefight was worth the price of the game alone.

Removing the BR from that game for that purpose was completely justified. Such a great balance between plasma weapons and the pistol.


Unconfirmed Member
I'll be playing Halo 3 tonight starting around 8:30 PM. It'd be nice to get a lobby going.


I think I'm gonna cry.

Playing CEA, The Maw, Legendary, with Bandanna, Boom, Birthday Party, and Pinata on.

I'm trying to get the This Side Up/Never Tell Me The Odds achievements, and I seriously might not be able to, because one of the Warthogs in the bay explodes as you pass it, and it's either flipped me over every time due to the explosion radius, or just straight up killed me.

I've made a huge mistake.
ODST Firefight was worth the price of the game alone.

Removing the BR from that game for that purpose was completely justified. Such a great balance between plasma weapons and the pistol.

Yep, I found myself not just using, but relying on every part of the weapon sandbox in that game.


There are no plans to discontinue to support for Halo: Reach or Halo 3.

It will be updated and improved from current state. Obviously 4 will be main focus, but the whole thing is BS. Either outright fake or an erroneous assclown.

it is horseshit. Reach mm support will be improved after launch not eliminated. If that guy is real, he's an idiot. but I suspect troll.

Awesome news. Thanks for responding, guys.
I think I'm gonna cry.

Playing CEA, The Maw, Legendary, with Bandanna, Boom, Birthday Party, and Pinata on.

I'm trying to get the This Side Up/Never Tell Me The Odds achievements, and I seriously might not be able to, because one of the Warthogs in the bay explodes as you pass it, and it's either flipped me over every time due to the explosion radius, or just straight up killed me.

I've made a huge mistake.

Restart. Take off Boom, It causes more issues than it solves. Also get rid of Birthday party and pinate. Just bandanna should get you threw the level.

Also don't drive sucky


Restart. Take off Boom, It causes more issues than it solves. Also get rid of Birthday party and pinate. Just bandanna should get you threw the level.

Also don't drive sucky

I already made it this far though. I don't want to restart :(

I also noticed that by the Terminal for the level (with MC's bio-signs and stuff), there was another Spartan's bio-signs as well, Linda's! Somehow I missed that on my first run through. That was cool :)
I already made it this far though. I don't want to restart :(

I also noticed that by the Terminal for the level (with MC's bio-signs and stuff), there was another Spartan's bio-signs as well, Linda's! Somehow I missed that on my first run through. That was cool :)

You can see it during PoA aswell. The level is fairly quick if you run it and the last part(Frogblast my ventcore) can be done in about 1 Min 30 or less if your good at avoiding gun fire.
There are times when I hate going on the internet.


Yeah, but you can't share any moments from them :(



I think I'm gonna cry.

Playing CEA, The Maw, Legendary, with Bandanna, Boom, Birthday Party, and Pinata on.

I'm trying to get the This Side Up/Never Tell Me The Odds achievements, and I seriously might not be able to, because one of the Warthogs in the bay explodes as you pass it, and it's either flipped me over every time due to the explosion radius, or just straight up killed me.

I've made a huge mistake.

I had a similar problem in co-op... the most obvious solution is to try a different Warthog. Also, CEA achievements are surprisingly lenient, so you can just straight-up revert if you flip. Just try and get a "perfect" run (no flip-overs, etc.) and that should pretty much guarantee you the achievement, with Never Tell Me The Odds being a bonus, really.
I already made it this far though. I don't want to restart :(

I also noticed that by the Terminal for the level (with MC's bio-signs and stuff), there was another Spartan's bio-signs as well, Linda's! Somehow I missed that on my first run through. That was cool :)

I noticed that on my one and only playthrough. That alone gave 343 my trust with the Halo franchise. To me it says volumes about them if they're willing to include those little details and be that consistent and indepth with Halo canon.

willow ve

It was a good oddball spot, but I'm pretty sure MLG banned it, and for good reason.

List of Guardian jumps from what I remember, just for kicks:

gold 1 -> gold 2
s1 -> s2
s2 -> s3
s3 -> s4 (I'm not sure if this was ever blocked or not)
top mid slide jump to s3
top mid -> s1
s3 -> elbow slide jump
s3 -> bottom lift
elbow -> bottom mid
bottom mid -> top mid by using the tree in Green
bottom mid -> top mid by using the gold lift
camo/gold lift -> bottom green
gold 2 -> gold 3
shortcut -> blue room
top mid/blue room entrance -> bottom lift
bottom lift -> ledge above bottom lift
shotgun -> blue room elbow
s1 -> top mid, done on the opposite side from s1->s2

I left out anything that needed a nade jump, so there is more on this map too

I miss Halo jumping
Oh man, a few days ago, we were trying to get our friend the Legendary complete achievement for ODST and we rolled a hog into the final encounter (through an invisible barrier) and blew through it. The Scorpion wouldn't fit, sadly.

I miss Halo jumping
Me too. Welp, see ya later. *Holds LB*
On Guardian in Halo 3 you could jump from Snipe 1 to Snipe 2 by jumping off a very specific texture in the tree next to the bottom walkway. It was extremely hard to do, but Guardian (and Halo 3 in general) was full of these textures you could do. They were called Ghost Ledges, look up the Shraptain 1 and 2 videos for more reference

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