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Halo: Reach Beta Thread

LukeSmith said:
Yeah, no.

LT Grenades
LB Jump
RB Melee
RT Guns
X Armor Ability
Y Swap Weapons
B Action/Reload
A Switch Grenades

Since you're here, can you PLEASE confirm a normal layout where B is Melee and RB or X are reload?


stryker1138 said:
Just got an email from Amazon saying they expect Reach to ship September 7th.

Retail guesstimate or inside info?
Sept 3rd for me.

And thank GOD Bumper Jumper's survived intact. QQ jetpack tho.


stryker1138 said:
Just got an email from Amazon saying they expect Reach to ship September 7th.

Retail guesstimate or inside info?
Seems odd that they would send you an email with a guestimate. It sounds legit, maybe it's the date going out with all the new CE and LE info that's coming (/shown in leaked BB ad).

Early September ftw.
LukeSmith said:
Yeah, no.

LT Grenades
LB Jump
RB Melee
RT Guns
X Armor Ability
Y Swap Weapons
B Action/Reload
A Switch Grenades
Am I like the only one that just plays all games with default controls and just gets used to them? I've never changed them. :lol


stryker1138 said:
Just got an email from Amazon saying they expect Reach to ship September 7th.

Retail guesstimate or inside info?

sounds like a great way to start the school year :lol :lol


343i Lead Esports Producer
Hahahha yea. I say it all the time and I'll say it again. REAL MEN PLAY DEFAULT

Anywho, IGN 3 Red Lights Podcast is up. According to the description, they discuss Reach. Hosted by Daemon Hatfield (not really a Halo fan) and includes Hilary Goldstein (gave Halo 3 a 9.5), Charles Onyett (Knows some Halo) and Ryan Geddes (Knows a decent amount of Halo). I wish Erik Brudvig was on the show, he's definitely one of the bigger Halo fans at IGN.

Talk starts from about 2:20 - 20:00

I've only skimmed to get the times, I can't speak to the quality of the conversation.

Armor ability has to be a bumper/trigger because you need to hold on to it (sprint for example), which you wouldn't be able to do if you are trying to aim while using it.
Tashi0106 said:
Hahahha yea. I say it all the time and I'll say it again. REAL MEN PLAY DEFAULT

Anywho, IGN 3 Red Lights Podcast is up. According to the description, they discuss Reach. Hosted by Daemon Hatfield (not really a Halo fan) and includes Hilary Goldstein (gave Halo 3 a 9.5), Charles Onyett (Knows some Halo) and Ryan Geddes (Knows a decent amount of Halo). I wish Erik Brudvig was on the show, he's definitely one of the bigger Halo fans at IGN.

Talk starts from about 2:20 - 20:00

I've only skimmed to get the times, I can't speak to the quality of the conversation.

But you can't jump and aim! Actually, I'm not gonna question you, I've seen videos. :lol



GhaleonEB said:
I thought I was the only one. So many times I accidentally go into scope, then hit the stick to get out of it, only I've been shot so I end up putting myself back in. Repeat a couple times and I'm confused and dead. :lol
Yeah, that's exactly me too. :lol :lol

Louis Wu

Tashi0106 said:
Wow, I didn't know there were this many Bumper Jumper guys here lol. Where are my default guys at?? :lol
Screw that default crap.

Southpaw/Southpaw/Inverted - 4 lyfe

:lol :lol


Louis Wu said:
Screw that default crap.

Southpaw/Southpaw/Inverted - 4 lyfe

:lol :lol
Do you also hold the controller upside down?

Letters said:
Yeah, that's exactly me too. :lol :lol
If I get too excited when sniping I'll accidentally zoom out of scope from time to time.
I'll be so devastated if there's no layout that has B as Melee.

Probably the most insane decision I've ever seen. Has the potential to ruin the game for me. It's that insane a decision.

No really.


Works for Bungie
Louis Wu said:
Screw that default crap.

Southpaw/Southpaw/Inverted - 4 lyfe

:lol :lol

You are a mutant.

2 Minutes Turkish said:
I'll be so devastated if there's no layout that has B as Melee.

Probably the most insane decision I've ever seen. Has the potential to ruin the game for me. It's that insane a decision.

No really.

It gun b k


2 Minutes Turkish said:
I'll be so devastated if there's no layout that has B as Melee.

Probably the most insane decision I've ever seen. Has the potential to ruin the game for me. It's that insane a decision.

No really.
How do you turn this thing off?

Oh, I see, right here.

Shishka said:
You are a mutant.

It gun b k

Gun b k as in get over it?


We have you covered, we have a proper layout for the people who are used to a layout they've been using for 9 years?

Please be the latter.

EazyB said:
How do you turn this thing off?

Oh, I see, right here.


Yes, because god forbid they use logic instead of having the two most used buttons in the ENTIRE games history right behind each other on the shoulder of the controller.

It's a decision that defies common logic, I'm sorry you can't see that.


2 Minutes Turkish said:
Gun b k as in get over it?


We have you covered, we have a proper layout for the people who are used to a layout they've been using for 9 years?
2 Minutes Turkish said:
Yes, because god forbid they use logic instead of having the two most used buttons in the ENTIRE games history right behind each other on the shoulder of the controller.

It's a decision that defies common logic, I'm sorry you can't see that.

You can now easily aim and melee. And even if you play with JUST your index fingers on the top of the controller, you can't shoot AND melee at the same time anyway. The fact that melee was moved to RB is probably what has me most excited about the new control layout.
Louis Wu said:
Man, you guys are all so mean. :(

(I play with two hands and my ear.)
You a lefty? I am too, but couldn't get the hang of southpaw. Normal became much easier to switch with other people on LAN battles back in Halo 1/2 days too. So I had to learn.
It's not like I'm the only person who feels this way.

While you're getting used to the big changes in Halo: Reach, you'll also want to pay close attention to the controller layout diagram in the options menu. Think you know how to play Halo? Well, not anymore. The most dramatic change is that the B button no longer controls melee attacks. It switches between grenades now. The left bumper now controls your armor abilities and the right bumper melees. Since there's no dual-wielding in Halo: Reach, the X button handles reloading, and the right and left triggers fire guns and toss grenades respectively. For longtime Halo players used to the standard controller layout, this will take a ton of getting used to.

It's pretty clear it's a bizarre decision to say the least.

Grenade switch is rarely if EVER used. Leaving it to rot on LB or RB is where it should be, not given prime real estate on the face.
2 Minutes Turkish said:
It's not like I'm the only person who feels this way.

It's pretty clear it's a bizarre decision to say the least.

Grenade switch is rarely if EVER used. Leaving it to rot on LB or RB is where it should be, not given prime real estate on the face.

You play weird. It took me an hour, if that, to get used to the X to RB switch for reloading after the jump from Halo 2 to Halo 3. It should not take "a long time" to get used to getting used to a better setup for melee.
Ajemsuhgao said:
You play weird. It took me an hour, if that, to get used to the X to RB switch for reloading after the jump from Halo 2 to Halo 3. It should not take "a long time" to get used to getting used to a better setup for melee.

Settign reload to RB isn't that out of the ordinary either though.

Reload is at best, 4th in the pecking order of most important buttons being used.

Not to mention Gears of War made it feel natural as hell anyway with it's Active reload. This is just wrong. Plain wrong.

GhaleonEB said:
Aye. Fundamentally strange decision. As long as there are other, classic Halo options, it's not an issue though. (And I'm sure there will be.)

Didn't think I could be the only reasonable person in here who realised what a mistake it is.

But someone posted a 'Recon' layout which seemed to match Halo 3's layout which is perfect. If that's in, I'm sweet.

I now it sounds like a massive rant/whine/whinge whatever you wanna call it, but this is the game I'm looking forward to the most this year, and for a long time to come, and the last thing I need the game to be potentially ruined by a decision that serves no purpose other than to give people a bit of a shock.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
GhaleonEB said:
I thought I was the only one. So many times I accidentally go into scope, then hit the stick to get out of it, only I've been shot so I end up putting myself back in. Repeat a couple times and I'm confused and dead. :lol

i usually experience it when scoped in and pulling the trigger. all of a sudden i'm zoomed out and the target, if they lived, has escaped a 2nd shot :(
2 Minutes Turkish said:
Settign reload to RB isn't that out of the ordinary either though.

Reload is at best, 4th in the pecking order of most important buttons being used.

Not to mention Gears of War made it feel natural as hell anyway with it's Active reload. This is just wrong. Plain wrong.

Being able to actually aim with ease while meleeing is wrong? :lol
OuterWorldVoice said:

a) Switch grenades a LOT strategically. I mean, all the time.
b) Think of LB as a prime position.

Exactly. I ALWAYS switch to plasma/spike grenades as soon as I pick them up, and often switch between grenades depending on the situation.


I can't believe we're down to just 11 days. I remember counting down from 60-ish. Oh man, oh man. I am so unbelievably hyped for this. AND IT'S JUST THE BETA. Oh god.


2 Minutes Turkish said:
Grenade switch is rarely if EVER used. Leaving it to rot on LB or RB is where it should be, not given prime real estate on the face.
I understand your pain*, but this is just crazy talk! RB and LB are Boardwalk and Park Place. The face buttons are the 4 railroads.

Also, it's been said that Bumper Jumper was very nearly the default layout for Halo 3, but it was too much of a departure... Maybe the same thing will happen with Reach.

*I had to skip Test Drive Unlimited cause there was no control option to use the right-stick for throttle/brake. I'm almost afraid to ask if TDU2 will repeat this travesty.


2 Minutes Turkish said:
It's not like I'm the only person who feels this way.

It's pretty clear it's a bizarre decision to say the least.

Grenade switch is rarely if EVER used. Leaving it to rot on LB or RB is where it should be, not given prime real estate on the face.
In Halo, anything that doesn't require me to let go of the sticks in the middle of a fight, is what I consider "prime real estate".

But I'm gonna try Reach Default for a bit, maybe I'll get used to jumping with A again, in order to be able to use every AA properly.
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