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Halo: Reach Beta Thread


I've been quiet in this thread due to me moving in 2 days but i did play enough to get a good feel for the game. I was keeping a running list of my observations but decided to cull anything which i have already read here.

Hammer bounce/self-launching - It seems that it was completely removed. Grifball players are going to cry if they cant pull off the popular 'Hawk Dive' or 'Flowers' maneuvers (although mostly found in Grifball i have seen Hammer self-launching used elsewhere). Maybe the rumoured "Superbounce" AA will fix this.

Reticule bloom - What i am about to say has nothing to do with the technical aspects the bullets and how they find their way out of the barrel and into, or not into, your opponents. What i am referring to is the actual animation of the bloom. As someone who has had difficulties targeting in previous titles, and in video games in general, i absolutely LOVE the targeting animation as it is. It immensely helps in framing, tracking and locking on moving opponents which has always been a problem for me.

Jump height - I was never a fan of the huge lofty jumps. The height in previous titles was good, but i always thought they were a bit too floaty. You stayed up in the air a bit too long so recovering from a bad jump took way too long to rectify. You were also a sitting (floating) duck while in mid-jump. But, come on, i'm old
turned 50 on Monday
with arthritic hips and i can make some of the jumps the Spartan III's trip over. I do not want to see jumps bumped to H3 levels, and i am fine with the player movement speed, but a slightly quicker rate-of-attack on jumps and directional change (strafing) might make the boots feel a bit lighter.

Oh, and for those keeping score, the answer is - Capture Card :lol


butthole fishhooking yes
Shake Appeal said:
I mean if you want to be reductive about it, sure. Maybe if you stopped being so simplistic in your thinking up there in Seattle we'd have fewer random elements to contend with in your games. :D :lol

Learn to apex.
urk said:

It's more that he doesn't want it to appear that he can make the jump, but not actually be able to make it.

EDIT: Apparently we all just need to learn to jump-crouch. Urk says it works and I trust him. I'd try it myself if the beta wasn't going to be dead when I get home.


dresses business casual
Shake Appeal said:
How can I crouch at the top of my jump? I'd already have hit the wall. :lol

Seriously, dude, play a few games and get back to me.

Crouching at the top of your jump will pull your legs up and help you clear tight ledges. It was a common technique for very difficult jumps in Halo 2 and 3. It also happens to work in Halo Reach too.
To the rest of your post: Jump height needs to be increased. That's just what needs to be done and that's what should be done.
Shake Appeal said:
Addendum (*2b). Remove the Grenade Launcher.

Taking out the grenade launcher will also reduce the random element in the game, because the chances of my getting hit by a grenade will decrease. It will also serve to reduce traffic to the Lockers area, which in conjunction with the changes suggested above will serve to make the game a more competitive experience, and that's coming from a guy who's played literally thousands of games of Halo 3.
For this, would you kindly, *ahem*, NOT SUGGEST BAD IDEAS?


butthole fishhooking yes
LunaticPuma said:
Crouching at the top of your jump will pull your legs up and help you clear tight ledges. It was a common technique for very difficult jumps in Halo 2 and 3. It also happens to work in Halo Reach too.

It also makes you look pro.
LunaticPuma said:
Crouching at the top of your jump will pull your legs up and help you clear tight ledges. It was a common technique for very difficult jumps in Halo 2 and 3. It also happens to work in Halo Reach too.
It's not really crouching, then, is it, it's pulling your legs up. It should be on a different button and explained to skilled players so they have that advantage.

Really, though, I don't know why that's in there at all, it just introduces another element outside of the player's control in competitive matchmaking scenarios. MLG will turn it off, anyway, so I don't have to worry about it.
Shake Appeal said:
It's not really crouching, then, is it, it's pulling your legs up. It should be on a different button and explained to skilled players so they have that advantage.

Really, though, I don't know why that's in there at all, it just introduces another element outside of the player's control in competitive matchmaking scenarios. MLG will turn it off, anyway, so I don't have to worry about it.

:lol Dude... you're killing me here!
Dax01 said:
To the rest of your post: Jump height needs to be increased. That's just what needs to be done and that's what should be done.

For this, would you kindly, *ahem*, NOT SUGGEST BAD IDEAS?

Hey man, you're the one who wanted the Halo 2/3 melee lunge. :lol
Shake Appeal said:
It's not really crouching, then, is it, it's pulling your legs up. It should be on a different button and explained to skilled players so they have that advantage.

Really, though, I don't know why that's in there at all, it just introduces another element outside of the player's control in competitive matchmaking scenarios. MLG will turn it off, anyway, so I don't have to worry about it.

This is where I start distancing myself from your opinions after
agreeing with your epic post last page.
Shake Appeal said:
It's not really crouching, then, is it, it's pulling your legs up. It should be on a different button and explained to skilled players so they have that advantage.

Really, though, I don't know why that's in there at all, it just introduces another element outside of the player's control in competitive matchmaking scenarios. MLG will turn it off, anyway, so I don't have to worry about it.

Oh, I see what you are doing. Masterful, good sir. I actually thought you were being serious there.


I think you people all need to sit back and think about what Shake Appeal has been writing here. He has a problem with "textures"? He's complaining about the "random elements"? He talks about "professional play"? This is not the Shake I know... :lol

(The complaint is legit, though, that ledge is very annoying. As is that little edge near the Refinery 3rd Floor spawn that makes the jump onto the bridge nigh impossible.)
Shake Appeal said:

1. Make the Step Higher.

2. Make the Step Lower.
3. Make a guardrail to at least show us that our attempts at finding the exact spot to crouch-jump are futile. It seems that the only place you can successfully land is when you're close to this column where the texture raises ever-so-slightly.

EDIT: I've been had. Good show, Shake.:lol


Neo Member
While checking the jump shake was talking about (I got trolled :(), I noticed that if you jump while here

your jump gets 'canceled'. Here is a video. I hope this isnt old.
Shake Appeal said:

An Important Post

I feel like a significant issue is being missed or ignored among all the fuss and ballyhoo about reticle bloom, or Invasion balance, or which weapon needs what refinement. There's a particular problem that's been plaguing me -- and I'm sure plenty of other players -- since the very first day of the beta, and frankly it needs to be addressed or I'll be forced to stick with Halo 3 come the autumn. Never thought I'd say that, to be honest, but there it is. A month ago I was excited for this beta, and for the most part I've been able to maintain that excitement despite all the radical changes we've had to adjust to and debate, but this one single thing has ruined the beta for me and as it it stands is also in serious danger of ruining the full retail version of Halo: Reach. It's just not getting any attention. Period. Haven't seen it raised in detail anywhere, so I'd like to get your thoughts on the matter, maybe round-table it, kick some ideas around, and see what we can do to save this game from disgrace and failure.

Step Talk
I brought up the issue in my writeup... Which was promptly ignored and nobody commented on... But I feel your pain.

"In all of the previous Halo games there was a certain fluidity or flow to the maps that just simply is not there anymore. For example in the water in Power House it is a pain to get into Pro Pipe (Bathrooms). There is a small area where you can just jump onto the ramp, but otherwise it is a real pain. I would love to include screen shots to make my post more concise, but sadly I am at work so I cannot do that."


Shake Appeal said:
It's not really crouching, then, is it, it's pulling your legs up. It should be on a different button and explained to skilled players so they have that advantage.

Really, though, I don't know why that's in there at all, it just introduces another element outside of the player's control in competitive matchmaking scenarios. MLG will turn it off, anyway, so I don't have to worry about it.

You've played thousands of games of Halo 3 and didn't know about crouching at the top of a jump? samh (shake appeal my head).


I was gonna post on here that crouch jumping helps avoid oncoming ghosts during that particular debate. But I didn't because I figured people already knew about the whole crouch after jumping thing.

Pete Rock

Falagard said:
You've played thousands of games of Halo 3 and didn't know about crouching at the top of a jump? samh (shake appeal my head).
Oh come on this shit is comedy gold!

Shake Appeal said:
Haven't seen it raised in detail anywhere, so I'd like to get your thoughts on the matter, maybe round-table it, kick some ideas around, and see what we can do to save this game from disgrace and failure.

I don't know why they don't just hire a few of us to play it at a competitive level so everyone who doesn't suck doesn't have to bear the brunt of their incompetence. Me, I've put in over 300 games into the beta alone and racked up some considerable winstreaks, so I feel if anyone's got a right to talk down to Bungie on this and other points, it's me.

I had planned to render a film but I ran out of minutes explaining why reticle bloom is fundamentally broken and random (fix your shit, Bungie, seriously, or I and others might buy your game but won't play it as much as would have otherwise), and I'm also very busy right now and so don't have much time to dedicate to the issue.


You guys are getting trolled by thinking that shake was trolling.


Just occurred to me that it would be cool if Luke implemented a medal for getting the winning kill when a game is 49-49.. "heeeroooo!" (same voice sample from ODST firefight, it sounded perfect)
Played my last game a little while ago.

Sooo good. I've gotten bored of Halo multiplayer before this, and Reach was just what the series needed. I love it.

Also, in Livejournal/Real Life news, I just got a $42,200 scholarship to Boston College! W00t


Letters said:
Just occurred to me that it would be cool if Luke implemented a medal for getting the winning kill when a game is 49-49.. "heeeroooo!" (same voice from ODST firefight, it sounded perfect)

Haha, genius. I second this.
Devin Olsen said:
I brought up the issue in my writeup... Which was promptly ignored and nobody commented on... But I feel your pain.

"In all of the previous Halo games there was a certain fluidity or flow to the maps that just simply is not there anymore. For example in the water in Power House it is a pain to get into Pro Pipe (Bathrooms). There is a small area where you can just jump onto the ramp, but otherwise it is a real pain. I would love to include screen shots to make my post more concise, but sadly I am at work so I cannot do that."
I read your entire writeup, but I was on my phone at the time and didn't comment.

I agree with both of you about that jump, and on the other side of the map over by the Laser gun spawn(spacing on name right now) by the ramp into the Powerhouse. It looks like a 4 foot jump (max), and we can't make it, even though it looks like you can, unless you're in a PRECISE spot where the ground went up maybe 6 inches.

If that is supposed to be 'on purpose', it is a design thing that may have missed the mark they were trying to achieve with it.


GhaleonEB said:
So is it officially over? Are people still playing?

People are still playing but as Dani(i think) quoted, the game's getting buggy. It freezes a lot more often and you get that Elite With Sprint bug.

Still playable though
Well, I stayed up past 3AM last night(with work today...) just to get a few more games in. I have to say I loved the beta overall. It needs some tweaking, which I'm sure they will do, but overall I had a lot of fun with it. Despite all the griping about the maps there's something about sword base and powerhouse that I really like, especially in comparison to the H3 maps where many of them were just missing something.

As I've said before, I'm mediocre at Halo online and I play for fun, so keep that in mind while reading the following:

I'll admit it. I freaking love oddball. It's so damn chaotic and fun. The more mad chaos the better. I like headhunter a lot too. They're both great on the two maps that you play them on in the beta, IMO. Screw those guys that whine in every pre-game when people don't vote for slayer pro every time. They can go to the arena if they want to play that flavor of game.

On the other hand, Juggernaut on swordbase sucks (maybe even broken). I don't know why people vote for it. Every damn game is the same, the juggernaut gets in that little room at the top of the lift and can hold it down far too easily. On powerhouse it's not nearly as bad but they same thing applies except they hole up in the shower area. They need to block off these "one good way in" areas in Juggernaut games.


Haven't noticed any funkyness yet.

BTW, something that I don't remember seeing brought up, but the text on the left side of the screen no longer does the red flicker when it's announcing the death of a teammate.
Really annoying having to actually read the faint text to see if it was a kill in favor of the team or against.
And those sentences should go back to the halo 3 way of always having the killers name mentioned first.

Ah, matchmaking just put me in a game with Cuban legend while i typed this.. wtf, he must be cursing me, gotta go play.
Anyone hope that there are a lot more camera controls in the final? I want to be able to rotate the camera so I can get different angles and set up shots easier. How cool would it be if we could do dutch angles and the like?
Also, are we going to start seeing Campaign now that the Beta is over?

I want to see the Hunters. ODST was the first game where Hunters were an "OH SHI-" enemy, and I hope they stay that way in Reach.
Thagomizer said:
Also, are we going to start seeing Campaign now that the Beta is over?

I want to see the Hunters. ODST was the first game where Hunters were an "OH SHI-" enemy, and I hope they stay that way in Reach.
E to the 3
Dr. Zoidberg said:
Screw those guys that whine in every pre-game when people don't vote for slayer pro every time. They can go to the arena if they want to play that flavor of game.

I've taken to deliberately voting against anything people start whining for even if it was my first choice to play. Can't reinforce that behavior!
It's really sad to see the Beta go, but I enjoyed my time with it immensely. I'm actually glad Bungie changed things up as much as they have and didn't play it safe with yet another evolutionary Halo release. After so many years I have to admit I was getting a tad burnt out of the conventional Halo formula-- I haven't played any Halo 3 MP in over 7 months, and after suckling on the Reach food nipple, I don't feel particularly compelled to do so between now and fall, even though H3 MP was my favorite to date. Coming into the Beta, my hype for Reach was measured, but having now experienced a bit of what's in store, I really cannot fucking wait for the full release. The campaign should be spectacular and the MP is a breath of fresh air.

That's not to say some things can't be improved, and I'm glad Bungie is already tweaking.

Random thoughts:

Outside of perhaps damage radius, I hope they don't nerf grenade too much. Limiting you to spawning with a single grenade, and by extension limiting the amount you can harvest from corpses, with no extras placed around the maps seems sufficient to me.

Armor Lock is a bit too potent as is. I know it's being modified, but I'd like to see the ability set up so that any press of LB, no matter how brief, requires a full cooldown. That, and tone down or even remove the EMP and not allow players to come out of the lock in any direction they choose-- doing so has certainly saved my ass a few times though!

I'm actually fine with Spartan movement in terms of speed, since I use Sprint constantly, although I wouldn't mind seeing jump height increased slightly. There's no way the ledges in the Powerhouse yard should be that difficult to scale, or Ghosts virtually impossible to vault over.

The DMR is fucking sublime-- don't monkey with it too much Bungle-- and accounted for nearly a third of my kills. The shotgun is similarly effective-- easily the best version since CE.

I'm abysmally bad at dealing with melees. Absolutely dreadful. I get my ass beat down roughly twice (!) as often as I do theirs, so I'm glad the delay between melees will be increased. I need all the help I can get.

From what little seat time I had, I thought all the vehicles, (with the exception of the Ghost), felt vastly inferior to their Halo 3 counterparts. Sluggish, cumbersome, and generally ineffective, as opposed to the agile instruments of death they once were. Maybe I need more time to adjust, but I didn't really need any before. The Banshee has always been garbage to me since CE, though, so I can't hold that against Reach alone.

Finally, I cannot compliment Bungie enough on the technical strides they've made over Halo 3. The visuals, in terms of particles, lighting and especially animation make H3 seem much older than 3 years, and I had no real problems with how that game looked. Also, the netcode is some of the best I've ever experienced. Major props for that.


Dax01 said:

I can play this game too!
Lunge isn't necessary, and in fact, can be quite frustrating sometimes because it tries to "auto correct" which causes people to miss and (in some cases) fly in a direction they did not wish to go in the first place. I don't like it in any Call of Duty. I don't like it in Battlefield Bad Company 2. And I most definitely did not like it in Halo 2/3.

Bungie has greatly reduced the effect in Reach, and I appreciate them for doing that, but the fact that it still exists could lead to more problems.

Now please, enlighten me on how this was a good idea.
Thagomizer said:
Also, are we going to start seeing Campaign now that the Beta is over?

I want to see the Hunters. ODST was the first game where Hunters were an "OH SHI-" enemy, and I hope they stay that way in Reach.
MEh. Hunters have been largely the same for all 4 games. I want to see something different. Encounters still pretty much played out the same way in H2-3-ODST as far as hunter encounters went IMO - shoot orange spots, avoid getting melee'd/plasma cannoned as they slowly walk around the closed in battle area. Sure, hit points changed, maybe some AI tweaks here and there, but I want something else BIG and DIFFERENT now.

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