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Halo: Reach Beta Thread


Thagomizer said:
Does anyone know what video this link is talking about? It links to a private video with a title I haven't seen.

new vidoc incoming?

It's German for "Halo: Reach - A visit in the recording studio"" Google translated it.


Thagomizer said:
Does anyone know what video this link is talking about? It links to a private video with a title I haven't seen.

new vidoc incoming?
I think that's the video about the german voice acting of the game, that revealed a couple of campaign spoilers. Someone posted it on gaf a few days ago.

edit- yep, Roche's translation confirms it


Dax01 said:
Hm. Maybe I'm significantly overestimated how much work I've had. Though, I guess it depends on what classes I pick and stuff.
I'm pre-med, taking 20 hours, and I have plenty of time for games. You'll be fine.
In all my years of Halo 3 online, I do believe I played a bungie employee today. He was rockin the Bungie tagline. It was a pleasant surprise when not calling hax :p
Deputy Moonman said:
Wish Reach was already coming out. I had some really frustrating times while playing, to the point of nerd raging, but I miss it already. What do you guys plan on doing to pass time up until september? I'm trying to find a job and I have no idea where I will be once it comes out.

Probably play a bunch of other games. Once Reach comes out it'll be all Reach, all the time.


Sai-kun said:
slave to a plant

I used to smoke crack, but after I read a Penny-Arcade article where Gabe interviewed his great-grandfather who was a crack addict I gained a new perspective. Now I just smoke weed with my young daughter.


EazyB said:
This is some of the dumbest shit I've read on the internet.

Trasher said:
This thread right now makes me want to create a character of myself in a game so I can kill myself virtually.
ProTip: When people in a thread are not discussing something you want, don't post in it. You guys just shit the place up with posts like this.
Letters said:
I think that's the video about the german voice acting of the game, that revealed a couple of campaign spoilers. Someone posted it on gaf a few days ago.

edit- yep, Roche's translation confirms it
So is there a link to watch this still? Was it like a leaked ViDoc or something? If so, i can wait for it.

But I dont want any campaign spoilers. ... damn myself for wanting to play Reach SP with no prior knowledge aside from everything publicly known so far.


GhaleonEB said:
ProTip: When people in a thread are not discussing something you want, don't post in it. You guys just shit the place up with posts like this.
Who said I didn't want shitty posts in the thread? Cracks me up, I love it. And the main reason I posted was to tell my Dax joke, everything else was just "meh, I'm here so I may as well post some more" stuff.

I agree about Trasher's post though. My Dax joke was hilarious but Trasher's joke didn't do anything for me. So stop shitting the thread up Trasher, I'm trying to catch up on the latest Halo Reach news but because of you I have to wade through crappy jokes to read the good stuff about Gabe changing the lives of HaloGAFers.

You need some of Self's weed. Chill the fuck out.


EazyB said:
Who said I didn't want shitty posts in the thread? Cracks me up, I love it. And the main reason I posted was to tell my Dax joke, everything else was just "meh, I'm here so I may as well post some more" stuff.

I agree about Trasher's post though. My Dax joke was hilarious but Trasher's joke didn't do anything for me. So stop shitting the thread up Trasher, I'm trying to catch up on the latest Halo Reach news but because of you I have to wade through crappy jokes to read the good stuff about Gabe changing the lives of HaloGAFers.
Yes Yes, lets post more random shit in the thread, less game related stuff please.
EazyB said:
Who said I didn't want shitty posts in the thread? Cracks me up, I love it. And the main reason I posted was to tell my Dax joke, everything else was just "meh, I'm here so I may as well post some more" stuff.

I agree about Trasher's post though. My Dax joke was hilarious but Trasher's joke didn't do anything for me. So stop shitting the thread up Trasher, I'm trying to catch up on the latest Halo Reach news but because of you I have to wade through crappy jokes to read the good stuff about Gabe changing the lives of HaloGAFers.

You need some of Self's weed. Chill the fuck out.

There's a joke about Trasher living up to his name in here somewhere. I'm too tired to think of it though.


Montage Discussion

I have two songs I enjoy, that I might want in the montage, but I am not sure if they are the right material, for either a montage in general, or just not mainstream enough if you get what I mean. I will link to them.

Bankai - Faun

sharkara - strut

Still looking for recommendations. So far I have some interesting song ideas given, but nothing really stands out you know. My only requirement is that it cant be a really popular song, like something used in a big movie or something that might be played on MTV.


Zzoram said:
I haven't been following this thread or playing the beta, but is the concensus that this game is the best Halo yet?

I think someone at some point said it was the worst experience of their lives.
Cuban Legend said:
So is there a link to watch this still? Was it like a leaked ViDoc or something? If so, i can wait for it.

But I dont want any campaign spoilers. ... damn myself for wanting to play Reach SP with no prior knowledge aside from everything publicly known so far.
Nah. It was about a competition. Here in germany you could win a speaking role. A nobody has won and some german videogamesite made a video about this. Nothing really exciting. Just old videos and some scene with a fat chick and a ugly men.


Zzoram said:
I haven't been following this thread or playing the beta, but is the concensus that this game is the best Halo yet?

Pretty much, yep. Everyone not only thinks Reach to be the best Halo game ever, but the best game ever made period. No hate, or even a single complaint, anywhere in this thread! No, sir!


Zzoram said:
I haven't been following this thread or playing the beta, but is the concensus that this game is the best Halo yet?
In my view, it'll challenge Halo 2 strongly for my taste. We'll see what Bungie delivers in the MP maps.


Zzoram said:
I haven't been following this thread or playing the beta, but is the concensus that this game is the best Halo yet?
Couple of guys see hope in final version if proper tweaks are made, and there's one dude who loved the beta.

But general consensus: game is total shit.


Letters said:
Couple of guys see hope in final version if proper tweaks are made, and there's one dude who loved the beta.

But general consensus: game is total shit.
I think you are wrong there.

It is more 30-40% are excited. 30-40% are hopeful but had complaints. 20-30% are upset and think its total shit.

Of course I pulled those numbers out of my ass, but I have a big ass and its pretty good at telling the truth. :)

I personally enjoyed the beta, of course there are things I would like changed, but as far as the total package, I feel it delivered and hope that the final game has the changes they say they are doing.

So much hate, it is okay to hate, I just don't understand it.


Modesty becomes a woman
Alienshogun said:
Somehow I doubt that, but I'll have to take your word for it. From what I can tell he's an immature kid who thinks he knows whats going on in the world and has no clue. He also doesn't have the grasp of a "logical argument" yet.

His moral conundrum of the rights and wrongs of killing "people" in shooters and how he justifies what he plays is laughable at best.

From someone who was in Iraq as an infantryman twice, once during the invasion and again during the surge, I see no issue what so ever playing these games. The issue comes when people can't separate reality from fiction.

As for E3, it will be hype mode everywhere. I can't fricking wait.

Would an immature kid fly across the country to touch a doorknob?

I think not.
chapel said:
I think you are wrong there.

It is more 30-40% are excited. 30-40% are hopeful but had complaints. 20-30% are upset and think its total shit.

Of course I pulled those numbers out of my ass, but I have a big ass and its pretty good at telling the truth. :)

I personally enjoyed the beta, of course there are things I would like changed, but as far as the total package, I feel it delivered and hope that the final game has the changes they say they are doing.

So much hate, it is okay to hate, I just don't understand it.

Im part of the 30-40% that disliked it, but holds out hope, the thing is - it wasnt a bad game, but it just didnt have the Halo essence for me. If Reach wasnt a Halo game I wouldnt have been dissapointed but because it was, I was dissapointed at the new direction the gameplay took more than anything.

So yeah gameplay didnt suck (it was actually pretty good), it just didnt contain as many of the elements that I play Halo for.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Letters said:
Couple of guys see hope in final version if proper tweaks are made, and there's one dude who loved the beta.

But general consensus: game is total shit.
I think I'm that guy.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Letters said:
Couple of guys see hope in final version if proper tweaks are made, and there's one dude who loved the beta.

But general consensus: game is total shit.

I haven't had time to post my thoughts quite yet but "total shit" Reach is not and far from it.
Oh good, Halo talk.
Yeah, HyrdraNockz, Kapture, who we played against is Javier, a Technical Artist/Rigger at Bungie.



chapel said:
Montage Discussion

I have two songs I enjoy, that I might want in the montage, but I am not sure if they are the right material, for either a montage in general, or just not mainstream enough if you get what I mean. I will link to them.

Bankai - Faun

sharkara - strut

Still looking for recommendations. So far I have some interesting song ideas given, but nothing really stands out you know. My only requirement is that it cant be a really popular song, like something used in a big movie or something that might be played on MTV.

Liking the music ;)

Are you going to do like Bladed and include at least 1 clip per person?


Gui_PT said:
Liking the music ;)

Are you going to do like Bladed and include at least 1 clip per person?
Depending on time of the video, I would like to include all clips that were submitted to me, though I will include at least one per person that submitted a clip.
Music sounds fine Chapel. No qualms with that if that's what you go with. And once again...You're the one doing almost all the work so if anyone complains...Too bad.:lol
chapel said:
I think you are wrong there.

It is more 30-40% are excited. 30-40% are hopeful but had complaints. 20-30% are upset and think its total shit.

Of course I pulled those numbers out of my ass, but I have a big ass and its pretty good at telling the truth. :)

I personally enjoyed the beta, of course there are things I would like changed, but as far as the total package, I feel it delivered and hope that the final game has the changes they say they are doing.

So much hate, it is okay to hate, I just don't understand it.
Tashi0106 said:
I don't think anyone thinks the game is total shit. If they say so, I call bullshit.
Count me in with these two statements. Not only that, but to me it seems like the general public is having a much bigger influence on the final product of the game. Maybe I'm wrong, but was there this much interaction between gaffers, the general public, and the developers for the last two major Halo releases? I know I didn't frequent this forum that far back, so I could be completely off my rocker.


GhaleonEB said:
It's not a huge deal, and I don't want to make it sound like it is. But personally, I'm uncomfortable with military shooters because of their context. A while back I read the interview Gabe did with his grandfather on WWII themed games. It was an interview he did back in 2003 after Call of Duty came out. It made me realize how people who had been through war saw these games differently. I was never fond of the genre, but the interview affected me. And it made me think about my kids - who do not have a proper context for what realistic warfare is about - could be affected by it. I didn't want them running around shooting Marines. Or, for that matter, other people, at least not in a realistic way.

It's one of the reasons I'm comfortable with my kids playing Halo, and not Call of Duty. For the most part, their time with the game has been limited to just messing around together in Halo 3's Forge mode doing silly stuff with man cannons and grav lifts and mongoose and hammers. But now that Natalie is old enough to romp in campaign with me, it's a lot easier for her to understand "shoot the purple aliens" rather than "shoot the people with accents". I don't want her first serious exposure to realistic warfare to be in a video game.

Gabe's grandfather made the comment, "I think they can make games that will interest kids, that don’t have to include war. We don’t need to be killing each other in games. There’s other ways of strategizing and using the kind of skills that make those games popular."

That's stuck with me since. So I'm fine with people killing aliens, and players fighting each other in a stylized MP setting such as Halo's. But there's an aspect of something like CoD that I'm not going to bring into the house. Partly for me, and partly because I don't want my kids' first contact with war to be in games like that. Especially with actual wars going on right now that are killing people, and which I struggle to explain to them. Given the abundance of games out there, and how few I buy these days, it's not a big deal.
Not having read that interview, or many other opinions about realistic military shooters for that matter, I've nonetheless held for many years the same view you describe. It feels wrong to turn so grave a subject as war into cheap entertainment. I have found no excuse not to respect the immense suffering caused by large-scale human conflict.


I only got to play at the start of the beta but it wasn't terrible. I see tons of potential for Slayer Pro and MLG. Hitscan weapons + sprint + low jump = competitive goodness. As long as the Arena is cleaned up (remove ARs) and MLG works their magic I'll be happy.

Vanilla Reach is impossible for me to play. I'm not a pro I just don't want to deal with hammers hiding behind corners and kids spraying me with a jetpack. The insanity outweighs the fun I get from pooping on horrendous people.

Monocle said:
Not having read that interview, or many other opinions about realistic military shooters for that matter, I've nonetheless held for many years the same view you describe. It feels wrong to turn so grave a subject as war into cheap entertainment. I have found no excuse not to respect the immense suffering caused by large-scale human conflict.

Halo turns human conflict into the cheapest entertainment, dude. It's a selfaware b-movie using old archetypes to tell a story that is just an excuse to shoot monsters in your Iron Man suit. Trying to take the moral high-ground in a Halo thread while possessing a Sin City avatar is paradoxical. In summary, smoke more weed.
I have no idea if I am suppose to bump the halo 3 thread from 2009, use the odst thread or here but I returned to halo 3 mp and since playing Reach my experiance with halo 3 is somewhat different.

I love halo 2/3 multi but always had some iffy moments and BR problems, after playing Reach however and becoming use to the play style in the beta it's changed how I play halo 3 online, aka I rush in less for the melee finish and use other weapons differently, manily the magnum.

The h3 magnum has always been a fun gun for me, it fires a little show and could pack more punch on body shots but I love to use it, it's like a pocket BR with pocket firepower. I can't explain why but after playing reach my pistol skills have improved vastly. I think people underestimate it because it fires slowly.

Just had this game in the double xp playlist, yeah yeah it's terratories which means a few free kills but they always shoot back, it's not like I approach from behind each time as most of my kills were in the middle.

http://www.bungie.net/Stats/GameStatsHalo3.aspx?gameid=1664276255&player=Diablohead UK

It was good fun :D
kylej said:
Vanilla Reach is impossible for me to play. I'm not a pro I just don't want to deal with hammers hiding behind corners and kids spraying me with a jetpack. The insanity outweighs the fun I get from pooping on horrendous people.
I think it's just something that you get used to after a while. A person hiding around the corner with the hammer is really no different than someone hiding around the corner with a shotgun. And the jetpacks just mean that sometimes you have to look up when being shot instead of to the left or the right. But even this isn't a terribly huge switch from the norm. Getting shot from above occurs on any map with multiple levels anyway.

kylj said:
In summary, smoke more weed.


kylej said:
Halo turns human conflict into the cheapest entertainment, dude. It's a selfaware b-movie using old archetypes to tell a story that is just an excuse to shoot monsters in your Iron Man suit. Trying to take the moral high-ground in a Halo thread while possessing a Sin City avatar is paradoxical. In summary, smoke more weed.
I had been counting on someone like you to miss the point to such hilarious effect, and right on cue, here you are. I was explicitly referring to games that realistically depict human vs human conflict in a military context. Kind of like a certain series that was mentioned by name in the post I quoted. So, uh, nice attempt to catch me in a contradiction. Go smoke more weed.
Gui_PT said:
If you're going to include any song from TOB, you should include the best song, Sector Sweep: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4hft34WRYw&feature=related

But I guess Mortal Combat works better.

Also, for my Halo replay, I think I've finally decided on the order:
Halo 1
Halo 2 - Up until the end of Metropolis
Halo 3: ODST
Halo 2- Pick up with The Arbiter
Halo 3


Monocle said:
I had been counting on someone like you to miss the point to such hilarious effect, and right on cue, here you are. I was explicitly referring to games that realistically depict human vs human conflict in a military context. Kind of like a certain series that was mentioned by name in the post I quoted. So, uh, nice attempt to catch me in a contradiction. Go smoke more weed.

And I've been counting on more dopes with infantile moral codes to conveniently hop in Ghaleon's backpack like you. We're all very impressed by your chivalry. Hopefully when Reach comes out you'll be able to clean your pussy enough to handle all the realistic human vs human conflict in military environments. Of course, if you really had such strong moral boundaries you would have no interest in Halo, which means you wouldn't be in this thread, which would be a benefit to all of us!
kylej said:
And I've been counting on more dopes with infantile moral codes to conveniently hop in Ghaleon's backpack like you. We're all very impressed by your chivalry. Hopefully when Reach comes out you'll be able to clean your pussy enough to handle all the realistic human vs human conflict in military environments. Of course, if you really had such strong moral boundaries you would have no interest in Halo, which means you wouldn't be in this thread, which would be a benefit to all of us!

What is this? I don't even...
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