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Halo: Reach Beta Thread

Major Williams said:
I just want to see in-game kills, deaths and assists.

Not just kills.

You could have someone with 10 kills mid-game, but 13 deaths. And you wouldn't know to tell him to hang back for a bit.

In Slayer that might be good. It could be a HUGE problem in objective modes though. 'OMG OMG my KDR!'
Sai-kun said:
The stats should be like TF2 :) That would be awesome.

That would be awesome. I forgot how cool those stats were. I'm not saying reach should have this... but I loved how after your team won, you could run around and OWN the other team.

I guess I'm taking over this thread... or at least this page. Whoops.


Church RvB said:
That would be awesome. I forgot how cool those stats were. I'm not saying reach should have this... but I loved how after your team won, you could run around and OWN the other team.

I guess I'm taking over this thread... or at least this page. Whoops.

TF2 has a lot more "stuff" than Halo, I feel like, in terms of stats (healing, backstabs, destructions, cap/def, dom/revenge, invuls and teleports.)

Actually now that I type that out, I think Reach could probably benefit from having a scoreboard of sorts like TF2. It would list:

Kills, Deaths, Assists, Headshots, Assassinations, and maybe extra stuff. It would be cool to have the Domination/Revenge system like in TF2. If it's a Territory gametype or something you could have Captures and Defenses as well.
Sai-kun said:
TF2 has a lot more "stuff" than Halo, I feel like, in terms of stats (healing, backstabs, destructions, cap/def, dom/revenge, invuls and teleports.)

Actually now that I type that out, I think Reach could probably benefit from having a scoreboard of sorts like TF2. It would list:

Kills, Deaths, Assists, Headshots, Assassinations, and maybe extra stuff. It would be cool to have the Domination/Revenge system like in TF2. If it's a Territory gametype or something you could have Captures and Defenses as well.

I think defenses being portrayed would be great. Defense wins games, but being credited for it never happens. A number next to your name goes a long way in motivating people.

It feels like there is a lot of opportunity to add things, but sometimes less is best. Too much stuff could be annoying. It's all about balance. I'm certainly not against any of the things you mentioned though.

The Domination/Revenge system is good in TF2. Reach has a Revenge medal now, but it's a little different. Maybe there will be a 'Domination' Medal. Kill someone three/four times without him killing you.
Sai-kun said:
TF2 has a lot more "stuff" than Halo, I feel like, in terms of stats (healing, backstabs, destructions, cap/def, dom/revenge, invuls and teleports.)

I think halo actually has more stats if you include medals (and stuff in general). Medal counts track all of your vehicle jacks, first strike, every weapon, every killing spree, beatdown, assination, every headshot, close calls, revenge kills, emp, combine, etc.

and that's broken down for each gametype and every match played, and in firefight it was also broken down for each wave. (that might be interesting to see implemented for invasion modes).

and the stat tracking on maps is a lot better too.


where in halo you can breakdown heat maps for every weapon, and for every game.

average kill distances for each weapon might be interesting, and a kill rate per weapon (general).

Actually now that I type that out, I think Reach could probably benefit from having a scoreboard of sorts like TF2. It would list:

Kills, Deaths, Assists, Headshots, Assassinations, and maybe extra stuff. It would be cool to have the Domination/Revenge system like in TF2. If it's a Territory gametype or something you could have Captures and Defenses as well.

Agreed, maybe just a list of medals beside each name. (with the number underneath each)


les papillons sexuels said:
I think halo actually has more stats if you include medals (and stuff in general). Medal counts track all of your vehicle jacks, first strike, every weapon, every killing spree, beatdown, assination, every headshot, close calls, revenge kills, emp, combine, etc.

and that's broken down for each gametype and every match played, and in firefight it was also broken down for each wave. (that might be interesting to see implemented for invasion modes).

and the stat tracking on maps is a lot better too.


where in halo you can breakdown heat maps for every weapon, and for every game.

Agreed, maybe just a list of medals beside each name. (with the number underneath each)

I meant more stuff in terms of what's shown in-game. Halo only shows a ping bar and Kills. TF shows all that stuff when you hit a button. :lol I know what B.net can do dude, and TF2 has pretty much all those stats as well, except by game because it's all dedicated servers.
Sai-kun said:
I meant more stuff in terms of what's shown in-game. Halo only shows a ping bar and Kills. TF shows all that stuff when you hit a button. :lol I know what B.net can do dude, and TF2 has pretty much all those stats as well, except by game because it's all dedicated servers.

Personally I don't see a reason why when you get the medal popping up showing you.
2 Minutes Turkish said:
I really wish Halo had a killcam.

I don't see a reason for it NOT to be there, but many reasons why it should.

I've been told it's because the CoD franchise has killcams as a trademark. Confirmation?


GhaleonEB said:
Orgy Time. Love it. :lol

I'm hoping the achievements are more along the lines of Annual and less about completing campaign missions.

Of course, with the Challenges, they can really go nuts after ship.

Sketch has said campaign will be there. To what degree, and if there are any other feature reveals in the mix, we don't know.
I like the idea that challenges can be used to reward not just outlandish tasks but also mundane ones traditionally tied to achievements. With Reach, Bungie has an excellent opportunity to zig where most other devs zag in terms of achievement design. Ideally, Reach will feature a set of unconventional achievements that reflect Bungie's sense of humor. I would prefer credit awards for simple feats like finding skulls or accumulating a certain number of headshots or grenade sticks, yet I wouldn't complain if there was an achievement for completing the campaign on Legendary, and several for noteworthy performance online. Mainly, I hope Bungie will shun uniform groups of achievements. ODST's huge batch of "Score over 200,000 points on level X in Firefight" awards is an example of what to avoid.


Ramirez said:
I can't wait til Reach comes out, so that after a month of playtime we'll lose half of the tards in this thread, and things can go back to being semi normal.
Yeah but normal isn't that much better. Maybe over time we can learn to stop arguing with each other, too. Maybe.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Speaking of toys, did you guys see those Megablocks Halo Wars toys?? I was shocked as shit when I first saw them. They're pretty cool, I just want a little Warthog to put on my dresser.
And of course a life sized BR <3 lol
2 Minutes Turkish said:
I really wish Halo had a killcam.

I don't see a reason for it NOT to be there, but many reasons why it should.

A reason I can think of is that with the kill cam you know exactly where the person who killed you was.
Captain Blood said:
A reason I can think of is that with the kill cam you know exactly where the person who killed you was.

It's very, very rare that I'm killed by somebody in Halo and I don't have a clue where the guy was, between highly-visible character models, tracer rounds, and the fact that the death cam tends to point where the shot that kills you came from.


Thagomizer said:
It's very, very rare that I'm killed by somebody in Halo and I don't have a clue where the guy was, between highly-visible character models, tracer rounds, and the fact that the death cam tends to point where the shot that kills you came from.
It's not the fact that you know where exactly they are, but it's that you get like 3 or 5 seconds to see where they go that is the problem. I don't like that, and I'm glad it's not in Reach.

I dunno, I just don't like kill cams because they can give you too much information about your opponents.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Trasher said:
It's not the fact that you know where exactly they are, but it's that you get like 3 or 5 seconds to see where they go that is the problem. I don't like that, and I'm glad it's not in Reach.

I dunno, I just don't like kill cams because they can give you too much information about your opponents.

Agreed. I don't like Killcams at all. I think the Halo 3 system is perfect. You can rotate the camera around your body and switch cameras to players on your team and rotate around them as well.


Tashi0106 said:
Agreed. I don't like Killcams at all. I think the Halo 3 system is perfect. You can rotate the camera around your body and switch cameras to players on your team and rotate around them as well.
CoD's killcams show the few seconds leading up to the kill but not much before it right? I think Halo's is much more revealing, the camera automatically swings around to follow your killer and you do get to see where he goes afterward. Not only that but you can switch to teammates and also use them as moving cameras while you wait. Again, not sure if CoD does that as well but aside from letter you go into a theater-esque free cam Halo's couldn't really be any more telling.

All that said, I don't mind it at all. I'm neutral to having a killcam after every death but game-winning kill thing CoD does is one of the coolest things about that piece of shit game.

Church RvB said:
Have you seen this page? Every other post is by me. There I go again! :lol
It was a trap.


[Edit] if anyone wants to get a few games in I'mma hop on and shake some rust off right now.

Tashi0106 said:
Gold already? Things that make you say hmmmmm
No no no, name is a little misleading looking at that post a lone but it's like content-complete judging by their previous post:


switching gears

This week ends the last week of polish for content in the game. At midnight tonight, the artists are shifting into hard core bug fixing mode from here on out until we hit ZBR (zero bug release). While content artists are bug fixing and engineering is optimizing for performance, the designers will be hard at work finalizing all the encounters throughout the campaign.

There are many tired eyes due to very late nights for everyone here. It’s often hard for developers to switch gears from cramming as much time as they can into polishing content for the game to closing the game out. It’s my job, as well as all the other leads here, to pull these people back to see the amazing game we have created together and make sure they fix all the bugs that really matter for the game to be as high a quality product as possible.



Monocle said:
I like the idea that challenges can be used to reward not just outlandish tasks but also mundane ones traditionally tied to achievements. With Reach, Bungie has an excellent opportunity to zig where most other devs zag in terms of achievement design. Ideally, Reach will feature a set of unconventional achievements that reflect Bungie's sense of humor. I would prefer credit awards for simple feats like finding skulls or accumulating a certain number of headshots or grenade sticks, yet I wouldn't complain if there was an achievement for completing the campaign on Legendary, and several for noteworthy performance online. Mainly, I hope Bungie will shun uniform groups of achievements. ODST's huge batch of "Score over 200,000 points on level X in Firefight" awards is an example of what to avoid.
Agree. And what makes this more likely is how Bungie has branched out the avenues they have to reward and motivate player behavior. Halo 3 and ODST all tried to find a balance in the types of achievements they had, but still filled in most of their slots with simple progression or exploration tied goals. ODST in particular had achievements tied to such goals as a number of headshots or EMP kills on a level. Commendations now track that type of behavior, and have credit payouts tied to them. Meanwhile, ODST's Firefight Achievements - score 100,000 on a level - are better suited to the Challenges. Between the two they free up about half of the Achievement slots, as they were allocated in ODST and Halo 3. So Bungie will have the opportunity to come up with a lot of other ideas for Achievements, hopefully drawing on the success of ones such as Annual from Halo 3.


Played some halo 3 for the first time since april, and it's like I never.... played it before. Fuck I got owned hard, and kept messing up the button presses. :(

Plus got annoyed by the lower framerate, claustrophobic camera, slow bullet travel, and lag.

On the other hand I prefer much more the look of the menus with lots of blue! and big bright text! and with overall a consistent clean and sharp stylized look, not that washed out colorful puke mess from Reach.

As expected moving around the environments felt really good.

Not really sure I want to play more of halo 3 though, will probably just wait for Reach and hope for the best.


wwm0nkey said:
They hit content complete some time last month and just needed to polish...well now they just hit polish complete too so the game is 100% done.
They're fixing bugs, for zero bug release.


wwm0nkey said:
well maybe, but other than that what ever screens we see from here on out will be final.
nah, there can be animation and art bugs that make it into screenshots. We've seen several.


wwm0nkey said:
well maybe, but other than that what ever screens we see from here on out will be final.
They're polish complete but they've got a ways to go. Next up is screenshot complete when they're done with all their final screenshots. A week or two later they'll hit gif complete and that's when all the gifs you see in here will be final. My personal favorite milestone is video complete, you can probably guess what that's all about but you'd be wrong, it's when the final videos are ready. After that they add in the controls and ship it.
EazyB said:
They're polish complete but they've got a ways to go. Next up is screenshot complete when they're done with all their final screenshots. A week or two later they'll hit gif complete and that's when all the gifs you see in here will be final. My personal favorite milestone is video complete, you can probably guess what that's all about but you'd be wrong, it's when the final videos are ready. After that they add in the controls and ship it.
Don't forget the hookers and blow.


Letters said:
On the other hand I prefer much more the look of the menus with lots of blue! and big bright text! and with overall a consistent clean and sharp stylized look, not that washed out colorful puke mess from Reach..
The text in the game and lobby will be adjusted, I'm sure on it. The clean look of Halo 2's online lobby was the purest I've seen. I doubt they go back to it, but the basic, yet appealing style of its online was my favorite. Halo 3 had a close appearance, but it wasn't as smooth. Not to mention Halo 2's ranking system coloring. It also fit in well with the scheme of things. Miss it. :(

The blue filters I never cared for and likely never will. Loved Halo 1's main menu more than anything else, and hoping for something similar in Reach (for both main menu and online lobby).


343i Lead Esports Producer
wwm0nkey said:
They hit content complete some time last month and just needed to polish...well now they just hit polish complete too so the game is 100% done.

Nah when that shit hits Gold then it's 100% done.


Letters said:
Played some halo 3 for the first time since april, and it's like I never.... played it before. Fuck I got owned hard, and kept messing up the button presses. :(

Plus got annoyed by the lower framerate, claustrophobic camera, slow bullet travel, and lag.

On the other hand I prefer much more the look of the menus with lots of blue! and big bright text! and with overall a consistent clean and sharp stylized look, not that washed out colorful puke mess from Reach.

As expected moving around the environments felt really good.

Not really sure I want to play more of halo 3 though, will probably just wait for Reach and hope for the best.

I tried 3 right after the beta ended and it was just unplayable. The FOV had a huge impact - this is probably enough by itself to elevate Reach. My BR has never really worked, and I never knew why; hitscan pistols and DMRs felt far far better on my crummy connection. My K/D ratio in H3 was .75; in Reach it was 1.25. TLDR: Armor Lock + bloom makes BK have GG
Church RvB said:
I can't come up with any real reason. But I'm sure some people could say 'Most of the time it'll just be a boring DMR kill, or a dumb grenade kill.'

Other people might just say 'Get this shit out of my Halo!'

I'd like to see it in the final game.

Why would anyone say that. People may not want the Halo gameplay to go down the CoD route, but CoD has a lot of good stuff 'outside' the gameplay. Deathcam could potentially take the 'awareness' factor out of the game so I wouldnt want that, but winning kill cam would be pretty nice.

Letters said:
Played some halo 3 for the first time since april, and it's like I never.... played it before. Fuck I got owned hard, and kept messing up the button presses. :(

Plus got annoyed by the lower framerate, claustrophobic camera, slow bullet travel, and lag.

On the other hand I prefer much more the look of the menus with lots of blue! and big bright text! and with overall a consistent clean and sharp stylized look, not that washed out colorful puke mess from Reach.

As expected moving around the environments felt really good.

Not really sure I want to play more of halo 3 though, will probably just wait for Reach and hope for the best.

After playing 'smoother' games Halo 3 feels weird, but it only takes a hour or so to get used to it :p
I havent been able to check because I cant get on Xbox, but apparently File Shares and file downloads are messed up? Im guessing the Reach beta fileshare stuff being taken offline is related? Either way does anyone know if Bungie are going to fix it? I guess Reach is priority but =(
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