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Halo: Reach Beta Thread


I have said it before, and ill say it again.

Ban the quitters from matchmaking until the game they just quit out of is not finished.
But not sure if possible though.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Dani said:
Your stream never plays smoothly for me, too high a bitrate or something. If you Youtube it it'd be great (because asking you to lower the bandwidth on your stream would be more time consuming?).

Don't worry about it if it's too much bother - the ad should be on the net tomorrow.

I'll do both. Lowering the bit rate of my stream is really easy. After the stream I can have it up on youtube a few minutes after.

Also, I'm not going to stream the entire show. I don't want to run the risk of getting my account banned this close to the Beta. I'll watch the show, wait until the commercial comes up and then hook up my stream. Actually, there's no point lol. I'll just throw it up on youtube a few minutes after it airs. Yea I'll just do that and put the link up here when it's uploaded.
subrock said:
or should it? not everyone wants to be a competitive halo player. if I'm just playing to have fun, why should I have to sit through 5 more minutes of 1 v 4 for the greater good of the haloverse. there are a whole bunch of reasons to quit that dont involve being an asshole/baby

/devils advocate.

I think quitting for Ranked games should have a penalty. If you dont want to be competitive then play social. I hate when I get in to a 4x4 team game and half the times (at least) one or more people quit so it doesnt effect their rank. Not directing this at your comment BTW, just saying.

NJ Shlice

Schmitty said:
And with the AC130, you don't have to drive it while aiming. It will be a pain in the ass with the Banshee

Very true. But having two weapons means not having to wait for the plasma cannon to reload. You can switch to another weapon and continue the onslaught.

It will definitely be harder to master. But the Banshee should be hard to fly. People who are good with it are beasts. I'm terrible with it, I stay out of the thing.


WJD said:
Why would Microsoft want to put the trailer after a game featuring 2 of the most mediocre teams in Europe? Surely Barca - Inter would bring a much larger audience.

because it was supposed to be and shouldve been Manchester united vs Lyon. but the crying german pussies got themselves here using the ref so now you have 2 teams no one cares about

microsoft should ask for their money back or get it switched to tomorrow night


Nutter said:
I have said it before, and ill say it again.

Ban the quitters from matchmaking until the game they just quit out of is not finished.
But not sure if possible though.

You are just gonna get people on your own team killing you if they force people to stay in the game when they don't want to.
One more thing, I don't think in game joins should be allowed but when 2 people back out at the lobby screen that match should not start and that shit happens way too often in H3.


I've only watched the Luke video so far but that one is so good if not because of the trash talking, then because of what's actually in the video. I suppose playing new players could have had something to do with it but he was actually getting kills with every weapon he touched. The plasma pistol seemed to be the one exception. When he managed to get a few kills with the plasma repeater without having to run up to melee someone I couldn't believe it. It SEEMS like the weapons are actually useful this time around. Invasion looks like fun but I'm not really into how it's set it up. The KOTH type rings just look stupid as hell. I wish they would have created a gold crate type thing instead of what they have there.


As long as they:
a) Don't lock you out of all play lists for leaving a game early
b) Don't remove the option to leave the game ala Gears 2
I'll support anything Bungie does to stop leavers.


Nutter said:
I have said it before, and ill say it again.

Ban the quitters from matchmaking until the game they just quit out of is not finished.
But not sure if possible though.

im just gonna shoot you in the back and then run out in the open screaming "shoot me", if you dont let me quit hammers and plasma pistols only on snowbound



It's stupid. People take Halo seriously like the first few months but a year or two later I sure as hell didn't want to torture myself sitting through a shitty game of Halo 3. They need to come up with a better way of handling how people leave games.
kylej said:
If you punish quitters, the people who want to play will suffer.
It probably would depend on how they're punished. I think two things could be done to slow down quitters.

1. When you quit out you have 5-10 ( or length of game in progress) minutes before you can re-enter matchmaking. Any amount of time that has to be waited before entering a new game is automatically going to deter a lot of quitters. This makes a lot of sense. If people need to go for a real situation, quitting out is no big deal. But people who just want to enter into a new game real quick will have to suffer the wait.
2. If you afk (30-60 seconds of inactivity), have more than 2 suicides (maybe 3 is better), or get booted for betraying someone, that's also an automatic 5-10 ( or length of game in progress) minutes penalty before you can enter a new game.

I can see how it might hurt the players who care to begin with, but after quitters start realizing that they're only decreasing their own playing time, things should begin to vastly improve.

Me? Anymore, especially in Halo3, I quit out all the time. I play a lot of multi-team. And once my teammate quits out, if the other teams are too good, there is no point in even trying. The fact that it just takes way too damn long to kill someone with regular weapons is a huge con in my opinion. On something like multi-team where your teammate quits, it really shows. Either a teammate jumps in and kills you right before or after you kill his teammate, or other teams mow you down from behind. And I don't play the hiding game BS (sit in a corner and pick people off as they run by); That's not my style. Halo3 killing people is just soooo slow... oh wait, unless you whore vehicles <--- forgot about that :p

And I can't stand odd games like team swords, team hammers, VIP, and rocket race. I don't understand why those aren't confined to their own playlist. Call it goofy games or something. I don't care.


Kuroyume said:
It's stupid. People take Halo seriously like the first few months but a year or two later I sure as hell didn't want to torture myself sitting through a shitty game of Halo 3. They need to come up with a better way of handling how people leave games.
well, hopefully in reach we won't have shitty playlists like we do in halo 3. this will also be aided if the actual maps are good.

i just don't want a repeat of sandtrap rocket lasers.


Tashi0106 said:
Oh please god do not include mid match joining in matchmaking. I was playing MW2 just the other day. I join a match mid game, strike 1. Someone on the other get AC130 as I spawn. It kills me, strike 2. I spawn and am killed again by it instantly, strike 3. I spawn and get killed again by it, strike 4? WTF?!?! I said fuck this and quit out.

This is still a much better idea than Bad Company 2 where you can seriously play a 1 v 5 match for 30 minutes without someone joining. Say what you want about p2p games, but both Halo 3 and Gears of War do much better jobs of creating compelling matches. If you are playing in a private squad of 4 friends, I can count the number of times I've gotten into a full 12 on 12 game on one hand, and I've been playing BC2 for nearly 10 hours.


WJD said:
Why would Microsoft want to put the trailer after a game featuring 2 of the most mediocre teams in Europe? Surely Barca - Inter would bring a much larger audience.

Maybe they got MS to play the trailer during the game to get more people to watch :D

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
<3 Tashi x2


Right, going to throw this out again today.

Anyone wanting to hook up with other GAFers during the Beta, use this Gamertag. Via the Friends of Friends and Active Roaster, come Beta time you shouldn't have a problem finding folks to hook up and frag with.

The first GT is now filled so please stop sending requests - send them to the new GT .


(that's all caps!)

Thought it might be a good idea to start filling it up early. If or when it reaches the max friend limit, we'll have another ready.

If you are already on the first GT, refrain from joining the second to allow more folks to hook up.

Feel free to use it. =)
Sir Fragula said:
So, we get some live action video today don't we?
Dax01 said:
Yup. 9 pm PST.
You mean tonight, which might as well be tomorrow for anyone not on the west coast. What gives with these odd times for information to be released? I know it's a minor thing, but I just find it weird.


jhferry said:
I think quitting for Ranked games should have a penalty. If you dont want to be competitive then play social. I hate when I get in to a 4x4 team game and half the times (at least) one or more people quit so it doesnt effect their rank. Not directing this at your comment BTW, just saying.
the reason I would play a ranked game vs a social is so I can maintain a rank and be more closely matched with players of my skill. I quit every once in a while, not rage-quitting like a baby, but it happens. I dont mind being penalized for it, even if it is one of those 1v4 type situations. I think what I prefer to have is a "fun" experience, and by "fun" I mean playing with people that are good, but not too good.
The fact that it just takes way too damn long to kill someone with regular weapons is a huge con in my opinion.

After lurking HaloGAF for a year I'd started to think I was the only person who thought this about Halo 3. Thank God there's at least ONE other person out there. That's why I was worried when they said 1v1 engagements would last even longer than Halo 3 - but this doesn't really seem to be evident in the vids from yesterday...
Deputy Moonman said:
You mean tonight, which might as well be tomorrow for anyone not on the west coast. What gives with these odd times for information to be released? I know it's a minor thing, but I just find it weird.

It'll be around earlier than that anyway as it's apparently airing at about 9PM UK time first.
It really doesn't take that long to kill anyone with regular weapons provided you're working in the right range and conditions for the weapon you're using, which most new players simply don't realize.

Also, lengthy 1v1 encounters (within reason) increase skill, as they mitigate against players getting caught out, require continued success with aiming, maneuvering, and thinking, and provide players with more time and opportunites to get creative. The best player in the world at CoD (as an example) dies in an instant no matter who it is that fires on him first (and the weapon being used by both is often irrelevant). That is not true of the best player in the world at Halo.
randomlyrossy said:
It'll be around earlier than that anyway as it's apparently airing at about 9PM UK time first.

Isnt the match ending at 10ish? Either way its airing on Sky Sports so even in America anyone who tunes into the channel in a few hours will see it right?

Shake Appeal said:
It really doesn't take that long to kill anyone with regular weapons provided you're working in the right range and conditions for the weapon you're using, which most new players simply don't realize.

Also, lengthy 1v1 encounters (within reason) increase skill, as they mitigate against players getting caught out, require continued success with aiming, maneuvering, and thinking, and provide players with more time and opportunites to get creative. The best player in the world at CoD (as an example) dies in an instant no matter who it is that fires on him first (and the weapon being used by both is often irrelevant). That is not true of the best player in the world at Halo.

Agreed with all of this, people dont take too long to die on Halo, in my opinion its just right .


I don't think there's any one or two quick and easy fixes for quitters and griefers, but if they had a smarter system...

Well, they've got the new system for analyzing your game play and rewarding you based on your actual contribution, right? What if their system could work both ways? Meaning it could also analyze bad behavior patterns as well, including quit statistics, label them as griefers, and punish them accordingly.

It can't be that hard to determine who's just basically terrible, and who gets off on sabotaging everyone else's fun, can it?


Dani said:
<3 Tashi x2


Right, going to throw this out again today.

Anyone wanting to hook up with other GAFers during the Beta, use this Gamertag. Via the Friends of Friends and Active Roaster, come Beta time you shouldn't have a problem finding folks to hook up and frag with.

The first GT is now filled so please stop sending requests - send them to the new GT .


(that's all caps!)

Thought it might be a good idea to start filling it up early. If or when it reaches the max friend limit, we'll have another ready.

If you are already on the first GT, refrain from joining the second to allow more folks to hook up.

Feel free to use it. =)

cool, sent gt: combatcarl2
bobs99 ... said:
Isnt the match ending at 10ish? Either way its airing on Sky Sports so even in America anyone who tunes into the channel in a few hours will see it right?

Ah possibly, I thought I read 9 earlier in the thread but I'm not a football guy so I've no idea what this match is or when it's on. Let's just say "tonight" to be safe at this point :lol
The match will begin around 7:45pm(GMT). Maybe they will show the trailer between the first half and the second half.( 8:40pm-8:59pm GMT). I hope i can help you. Btw. the match end about 22:00pm. Tomorrow you're able to download the 60sec version over the press server.(For us Europeans.)

Pacific Times: 12:40am-12:59am


All this talk about the focus rifle, it doesn't seem any cheaper then getting hit with a sniper rifle from across the map. I think alot of people haven't noticed how quickly it overheats, if you don't hit them pretty much right away from firing, you aren't killing them.

The Crawf

Hypertrooper said:
The match will begin around 7:45pm(GMT). Maybe they will show the trailer between the first half and the second half.( 8:40pm-8:59pm GMT). I hope i can help you. Btw. the match end about 22:00pm. Tomorrow you're able to download the 60sec version over the press server.(For us Europeans.)

Pacific Times: 12:40am-12:59am

The 60 second ad short premieres in the U.K. on Tuesday, April 27 via Sky Sports 2 at the full time whistle of the Champions League semi-final between Lyon and Bayern Munich.


Dirtbag said:
All this talk about the focus rifle, it doesn't seem any cheaper then getting hit with a sniper rifle from across the map. I think alot of people haven't noticed how quickly it overheats, if you don't hit them pretty much right away from firing, you aren't killing them.
Pretty much. How long does it take a Sniper ace to kill 4 enemies? 4 seconds? How long would it take a Focus Rifle ace to kill 4 enemies? You get slightly over one badguy before overheat, what's the cooldown period...?


That Champions League game is also being aired live on Fox Sports Net here in the states, but I haven't a clue if they'll show the commercial.


Lunchbox said:
they have 20 codes :|

if they had 2000 i might have had a chance. 20 are gonna go to all the cousins and friends of the g4 crew
Pretty sure 20 is how many every site got. IGN, Giantbomb, Ars Technica, etc. all had 20. So your chances aren't going to get any better elsewhere.
Shake Appeal said:
Maybe they were concerned that Banshees posed too much of a threat to players carrying the Spartan Laser.
:lol What's my incentive to get in a vehicle now besides being part of a really pretty explosion? Infantry FTW!

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
Sai said:
Codes're being handed out already?

It's gonna be rough seeing some of you guys playing this weekend. >_>

It is only for one weekend though. Just have to try to stay busy so time passes.

Watch streams of people playing.
Dani said:
The various sites state that they'll be going out on thursday.
Yeah, most people are handing them out the 29th, but a lot of contests have deadlines on the 27th, and a lot of the Twitter trivia type contests are taking place today and tomorrow. Eddie Makuch has already given 10 away with Twitter trivia.

Quick edit: If you look at Makuch's Question 4, he actually got it wrong (remember PEMDAS?), a fact that AJ/HaloGAF's Jironimo pointed out but that Eddie has yet to acknowledge.

Lunchbox said:
so you got 20 too huh. how bout your share some buddy, good pal of mine


Syracuse022 said:
Yeah, most people are handing them out the 29th, but a lot of contests have deadlines on the 27th, and a lot of the Twitter trivia type contests are taking place today and tomorrow. Eddie Makuch has already given 10 away with Twitter trivia.

Quick edit: If you look at Makuch's Question 4, he actually got it wrong (remember PEMDAS?), a fact that AJ/HaloGAF's Jironimo pointed out but that he has yet to acknowledge.
By "given away", that means he's put people on a list who will get the codes when they're sent. Bungie has not sent codes out yet, and won't until Thursday morning when the Beta is live. What they have done is let people know how many they'll be sent, so they can be earmarked away in advance.


GhaleonEB said:
Pretty sure 20 is how many every site got. IGN, Giantbomb, Ars Technica, etc. all had 20. So your chances aren't going to get any better elsewhere.

so you got 20 too huh. how bout your share some buddy, good pal of mine
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