squidhands said:
I have to say that going in with randoms makes for a terrible FF Limited experience for me. In the few games I've played, I hear the "5 lives left" within the first couple of minutes of the game, while I have yet to come close to death. These idiots play it like the regular, unlimited lives version, and it just makes for a really fast, low-scoring game. If anyone wants to play some FF Limited this weekend and un-sour me to this experience, hit me up.
Aye. I've been beating that drum as methodically as I can. This is what I posted on the b.net thread about it:
I agree with you entirely that a shared pool of lives changes the dynamic of the game for the better. But the flip side is, it also makes the game very easy to grief and/or be spoiled by one bad player. When playing with friends (as in the ODST or customs context), that's not an issue, and it builds team cohesion. In matchmaking, though, I think it has a big enough impact that the setting should be changed.
In Multiplayer, a team of three can overcome one poor player. But in Firefight, that poor player can drain the lives of everyone else. I'll again reference the game I had earlier today, where I died once (actually I think it was twice, but the game record shows once), and the other player 14 times. I was punished because he sucked.
Even if the other two players were good and stuck around, that one bad nut would have hurt the game for all of us. And there's nothing we could do about it.
In the regular Firefight game types, friendly fire is turned off. That was done as a concession to the matchmaking environment: players were abusing the system to trigger the boot player option as method to grief other players. The effect is people can be much more indiscriminate in their play, which somewhat cheapens the combat. But it's a necessity give how the population plays.
Similarly, breaking up the lives into individual pools for each player to manage would damage team cohesion. But it would also thwart griefers or poor players from damaging the experience for others. I've only had two days of playing in the playlist, of course. But so far, the majority of games were spoiled by one or two players each time. It doesn't matter how good I am, or how hard I work to protect my team, that one dude spoils the game.
I think the lives setting should be adjusted due to the simple reality of the matchmaking population, similar to how friendly fire was turned off. Because the effect is the same: players are killing me by taking my spare lives away. The only difference is I can't boot them for it.
My games are typically like
this or
It's annoying, but knowing it's 1) a temporary playlist, and 2) taking on a full wave solo is fun mean I don't mind so much. But when/if the playlist returns full time, I really hope we get our own pool of lives. In an ideal world the pooled lives would work, but the matchmaking population do not make an ideal world.
Nice Challenges today. A game or two of Multi Team should do it.