Brolic Gaoler
formerly Alienshogun
randomlyrossy said:I'd tend to disagree, like I said the guy with the power weapon still has the advantage. He just has to choose what he does next wisely, he can wait for the AL to run out and kill the dude or move on and take out someone else. I'm simplying obviously as the choice is often more complicated than that but I don't think it's game breaking. For one thing not everyone uses armour lock and with the exception of maybe the drop shield it's the only one that really (temporarily) nullifies power weapons.
Armor lock breaks 4v4, drop shield breaks objective.
Disagree all you want, an AA should not negate a power weapon. The player themselves should work to overcome the person/team who achieved map dominance to secure the weapon advantage, not hit a button that nullifies the situation.
bobs99 ... said:While I agree his posts are a little spammy, and that they wont change anything about armour lock. Im still glad there are people out there fighting the good fight. He might not single handedly make a difference, but as long as people out there are still bitching about it. Maybe... just maybe 343 or Bungie will take note and armour lock will be changed, or at least totally excluded from any future Halo games.
I just hate the idea that they will think Reach is fine and dandy because most people have given up on complaining. That seems to have been theyre approach with the beta, and it was a pretty bad approach lol.
That's pretty much what I'm doing, I love Reach, but certain aspects make it too much of a pain in the ass to enjoy.
I've been playing Gears and still checking in on this thread in hopes that SOMEONE will wake the fuck up and fix Reach.