Striker said:
The Arena theoretically is a good concept- I just don't play enough of it to get rated and I think thats the issue with the majority of the population. Maybe if they changed the way you get rated to expedite the process it would attract more battlebros.Ramirez said:Man, he had to iron out FFA Arena for the 59 people who care. Seriously, the Arena is such a waste of time, just axe it. The people it was made for play MLG, no one cares, the population reflects that every time I log on.
Lazslo said:The Arena theoretically is a good concept- I just don't play enough of it to get rated and I think thats the issue with the majority of the population. Maybe if they changed the way you get rated to expedite the process it would attract more battlebros.
Sounds like a good system. Honestly, I think the Arena ranking system would be fine if they just implemented it into all the playlists and you got playlist-specific division rankings. I mean, they're already calculating the scores, you can see them in all the post-game reports. That way, you don't have to try and stomach the hyper-competitive nature of the actual Arena playlist, and it might also give people who would otherwise just fuck around in the constantly 'social' playlists incentive to actually play, unless they don't care, and in that worst case scenario, it wouldn't bother them to get a bad ranking in the first place.oddworld18 said:do any of you guys play Assassins Creed Brotherhood? They have a surprisingly basic, but satisfying, implementation of arena. It ranks you weekly based on your top 3 scores plus a few more variables that it exposes, in-game.
There's a graphical representation of the grading pyramid. It shows you what level of the pyramid you're on (Seneschal), what position in that level (333/6782) and position overall in the player base (7840/769000). It's basic and easy to understand, and since it resets every week there's real incentive to try and improve week to week, because you can see exactly how your better scores impact it.
I thought it was really interesting that they accomplish the same basic goal without overthinking it.
edit: it's worth pointing out that for a system like this to work, it has to have a very wide range of divisions, not just the five we have in Reach.
Lazslo said:Does anyone think that more devs will adapt the active roster concept in future games? I could see it helping the CoD Franchise out- i guess we'll find out in two years... Whatever the case may be I just hope it's in Bungie's new IP
You already mentioned that, sir!Tashi0106 said:Ugh I'm playing sooooooooo shitty.
Devin Olsen said:Joined Multi-Team with 1 friend...
We get split up and sent to different teams.
Good fucking game.
Edit: I am seriously lost as to why in the fuck Bungie would set it up so there is a possibility for you to be split up from your part-mate.
I join a friends party for a reason, to play with them. So why would you split me up?
I am frustrated at how such a simple thing continues to be a problem.
Happened to me and Ram last night in two games.FourDoor said:Similar thing happened recently to my friends and I. 3 of us jump into multi-team since its now parties of 3 and guess what happens? All 3 of us are split into 3 different teams!
Ramirez said:Man, he had to iron out FFA Arena for the 59 people who care. Seriously, the Arena is such a waste of time, just axe it. The people it was made for play MLG, no one cares, the population reflects that every time I log on.
Trasher said:Happened to me and Ram last night in two games.
You're settin yourself up for heart break man.xxjuicesxx said:I know it sounds bad but all will be redeemed when we come to find out "ironing out" actually means incorporating the 1-50 rank in Arena.
Barrow Roll said:You're settin yourself up for heart break man.
I fucking hope soxxjuicesxx said:Believe?
Well fuck.Mojo said:
Mojo said:[/IMG
Dude, when you posted that, it was not even 9:00 in the morning.
Anyway: mowing down Elites with the plasma pistol/plasma rifle in Firefight in 2x Score Attack = MAJOR AWESOME.
Dax01 said:Dude, when you posted that, it was not even 9:00 in the morning.
How do I respond to this, I guess I could say, not all Halo players come from the US?Dax01 said:Dude, when you posted that, it was not even 9:00 in the morning.
Yeah I actually am tired of hearing that Time of the day excuse.Gui_PT said:I guess the rest of the world just doesn't play Team Objective.
Being 9 am over there isn't really a good explanation for the low player count.
electricpirate said:Only US players care about Objective? I dunno, it kind of sucks. I wonder how much is bungie's bad decisions in the playlist (Drop Shield, and evade) and how much is just the natural movement of the playerbase towards slayer that we've been seeing for years.
Ehh, either way,I have fun when I go in.
Shake Appeal said:Bring back Team Flag! I would play Team Flag until the cows came home!
Team Flag was such an awesome gametype in Halo 3. Avalanche and Valhalla over and over good.Shake Appeal said:Bring back Team Flag! I would play Team Flag until the cows came home!
At 5 months after Halo 3 launched though, it still had 1000+ when I played Objective at the same time of night, I never had trouble getting a TO game in H3 until much after release as I do in Reach now (and then someone quits half the time anyway)Dax01 said:It doesn't surprise me in Reach to see that the playlist only have 80 players at one point in time.
I believe if Bungie actually worked on the Playlist, it could be better. And it seems like a good majority of the population looking on the Heat map does reside in North America.Mojo said:
Dani said:I say the playlist has too many crappy gametypes. Headhunter, Hot Potatoe and Stockpile are a joke but instead of laughing players are just walking away from that playlist. Then you have things like Dropshield included so when you actually get a decent game, it's fudged up with typical stupidity.
Armour Lock, Dropshield and Jetpack do not belong in Objective. They easily break the flow of the game or lead to exploitable situations. If they took them out, increased the party size from four to five, made every game Pro or DMR starts only and removed Stockpile, Potatoe and Headhunter I'd say the population would double or triple within a week, easily.
wwm0nkey said:Yeah I actually am tired of hearing that Time of the day excuse.
Calm Killer said:Why? Most people are at work. How is that an excuse. Seems more like a factual statement to me.
I still wouldn't play Arenavhfive said:I fucking hope so
Alienshogun said:I know I annoy some of you a lot, but I need to share this great news.
Snipers, rockets, dmrs, needles rifles, magnum, plasma pistol, frags, plasmas. Jet pack pick up, evade pick up. I think thats everything.Sikamikanico said:Anyone know what is currently "allowed" in MLG?
I'm tweaking my arena map for MLG settings, need to know what weapons and AA's they allow. Can't find the information anywhere!
Ramirez said:I can't make a blanket statement for every night, but it seems when I do play, there's rarely ever more than a 100K people online at one time, Social Slayer in Halo 3 alone would have like 50-100K+ on Halo 3 on most nights. MLG would hover around 5-6K, in Reach it's not uncommon to see it at 500 or so.
Dax01 said:To note, there are about 800 players now in TO, so time of day (in the US) does make a difference. Maybe it wasn't that way in Halo 3, but it's that way in Reach.
Bregmann Roche said:Are those numbers so different because of the players per 24hours vs. players immediately online switchover that happened? I don't really remember how population was counted in 3. Either way the Arena being so underpopulated is pretty terrible.