Score Attack: 5 second respawns, enable IWHBYD Skull.
2X Score Attack: Based on Score Attack, 5 second respawns, Weapon Drops and Hazards enabled, 2x Overshield, 200% Damage and Melee Modifier, 2 each grenade count, Boss Wave is Elite Spec Ops, Grunt B-Day, Cowbell, enable IWHBYD Skull, Update Loadouts so Grenades are set to Unchanged.
Gruntpocalypse: 5 second respawns, Weapon Drops enabled, enable IWHBYD Skull.
Skirmigeddon: Based on Gruntpocalypse, 5 second respawns, every wave is Skirmishers, added evade and hologram, enable IWHBYD Skull.
Sniper Attack: Hazards enabled, 5 second respawns, Updated Loadouts to include Sprint and Evade, 2x each grenade count, enable IWHBYD Skull.
Rocket Attack: Based on Sniper Attack, Hazards enabled, 5 second respawns, Rocket and Magnum starts, 2x each grenade count, update Boss Wave to be Hunter Kill Team, enabled Cowbell Skull.
FRG Attack: Based on Sniper Attack, Hazards enabled, 5 second respawns, FRG and Needler secondary, 2x each grenade count, enable Cowbell Skull.
Crashsite: Melee Modifier also 200%, enable IWHBYD Skull.
Mythic Attack: 5 second respawns, enable IWHBYD Skull.
Fiesta Attack: Based on 2X Score Attack, 5 second respawns, Random Primary and Secondary weapons, enable IWHBYD Skull."