I think they got the scale of Hemmorage all wrong. That and the game mechanics cause it to play in a totally different way. Hell even player behaviour (probably as a cause of this) on it has changed. It was so much more interesting when people tried to hold the hill in the middle back in the Halo 1 days. Hemmorage depending on the players can be awful.
Striker 5 shot kill and bloom will make it play extremely differently from Halo 1/2/3 - I personally think the classic maps should just be interjected into all of matchmaking rather than being put in theyre own corner, where theyre not going to really hit expectations anyway. Those maps are easily good enough to feature in Slayer/ Objective/ BTB etc.
Striker 5 shot kill and bloom will make it play extremely differently from Halo 1/2/3 - I personally think the classic maps should just be interjected into all of matchmaking rather than being put in theyre own corner, where theyre not going to really hit expectations anyway. Those maps are easily good enough to feature in Slayer/ Objective/ BTB etc.