It's in MLG and Team Objective.A27 Tawpgun said:Now that I think of it... I don't think I've played a single game of assault on reach...Breakpoint Invasion doesn't count.
The arm system is similar to Halo 2. Glorious, it is.
It's in MLG and Team Objective.A27 Tawpgun said:Now that I think of it... I don't think I've played a single game of assault on reach...Breakpoint Invasion doesn't count.
Posted by: Jeremiah
We're still doing internal testing, I'll be looking at community remakes of classic maps later this week. I'll keep updating this thread as things progress, but this playlist is still in the design/testing phase so you should not expect a March release. It might happen in late March but it's looking more like a headliner for the April update.
So perhaps they get a heavy look as well. Be nice, for sure.Posted by : Jeremiah
I looked at these tonight, along with about 30 other remakes. These two as well as his Lockout have very efficient forging.
Thanks for posting that. Interesting what Frankie said about Easter eggs and such.Falagard said:Not posted?
I am disappoint.
"Reach's new downloadable map pack is explained in detail in this interview with Frank O'Connor, 343's Director of Franchise Development!"
Steelyuhas said:Oh Tashi my friend, the MLG Sanctuary is good, but there is a significantly better one out there. This Sanctuary was submitted to MLG. xL
Also, some gameplay from Youtube:
The most important gameplay thing about this version that virtually no Sanctuary remakes for Reach (Asylum or any community remakes) have included is that car bridge is actually higher than snipe bridge.
Tashi0106 said:Looks good but I'd have to play it to see what makes it "significantly better".
Was OS removed then?
So we're looking at April for v3 in matchmaking?? That is such a fuckin bummer. Damn.
Striker said:I'm mucn more fond of Reflection than maps like Zealot and Countdown. I actually like Zealot flag, even though randoms never know how to coordinator in Objective. But Countdown is rather meh, and just generally hasn't been too thrilling. I guess this is just for MLG purpose, because otherwise, overall Reflection has better flow going on for it.
Alienshogun said:No, his point is it's an AA that you can't combat.
Perhaps it's mostly because I'm not as excited about Countdown as you guys are. I find maps like Asylum/Sanctuary and Zealot having more action and less of a hide-&-seek action going on for it.xxjuicesxx said:I usually agree with your stuff but I find this pretty inaccurate. Reflection's flow is really garbage its all rush to the middle and hold down lift. Also a lot of spawn points weighted at bottom lift lend you to either go up lift or go around to OS lift its shitty flow compared to a Midship/Sanctuary/Countdown symmetrical map. In MLG a second common strategy tends to be to hold down the back and let them come to you. ( I think its labeled Entrance by Bungie) Either way both those "flows" are pretty damn weak compared to even Zealot another circular semi-symmetrical map.
Striker said:Actually, N0F should add that Sanctuary, as well as the Lockout, Warlock, and Midship variants to the classic playlist.
All I know is he's confirmed 120% base speed.xxjuicesxx said:I'd love that, I'm not really sure what they are going for though with that playlist. Like are they trying to get the feel of the old Halo's gameplay but on the new maps, or old mappage? Or both?
Sadly I don't think they are. I believe Jeremiah said he wanted to see the population was before adding objective.Striker said:Now all I need is them to confirm Assault and CTF in the playlist and I'll drop my pants.
Hey You said:Its a shame that not only Bungie, but the community in general aren't big Objective players.
Shake Appeal said:I just wanted to put a smile on your face. You seem so miserable.
Even in Black Ops TDM dominates in terms of overall player population, but there's always enough peoople in the various objective game playlists.Bregmann Roche said:How are objective gametypes in other shooters doing these days? Is the death of objective gametypes (teamwork, delay of gratification, etc) a Halo-only phenomenon?
It might be. I'm pretty sure Objective games in atleast Black Ops are doing well. They have 4+ playlists for different Objective games, including CTF.Bregmann Roche said:How are objective gametypes in other shooters doing these days? Is the death of objective gametypes (teamwork, delay of gratification, etc) a Halo-only phenomenon?
Maybe. I think Bungie should bring back Team Flag for two weeks. If its popular enough, I say it should be put as a permanent playlist. Throw Oddball,Assualt,Territories and KoTh in a TO.Geoff9920 said:Even in Black Ops TDM dominates in terms of overall player population, but there's always enough peoople in the various objective game playlists.
I think the big difference here is that I can't choose which objective gametype I want to play. It's not like I can go to a dedicated Assault playlist; it's all or nothing and if I'm playing alone - which I do since all my friends play black ops - I'm left at the whim of whomever I'm matched up with. I get that this is the way it has always been done in Halo, but it makes a difference to me. Then again, maybe the Reach Objective population isn't high enough to justify splitting the population further.
That was hilarious. I've see a squadron of plasma rifles in formation on the ground before, but not three of them. I keep wanting to go back and see how they arrived; I picture them flying in formation.NullPointer said:Nice clip Ghal. But I didn't know what the hell Fiesta Attack was so I figured I'd hop in and give it a test run. Insanity and wonderment ensued. So I guess I have a new game mode to fall in love with
First, I had a pack of reinforcements that arrived in the form of about a dozen plasma rifles that just fell from the sky, in formation no less. No elites holding them mind you - just a random plop of naked weaponry. Stunned by this phenomena I almost missed the fact that a dropship was zeroing right in on my position - it unloaded its pack of elites right onto a plasma coil frying a few while sending their scout toppling over the hills.
Posted here with a few gratuitous overkills (49 seconds if anybody's in a rendering mood)
I'm starting to think I attract strange behavior.
Edit: Thank you mystery renderer! I hope the first overkills weren't too much. I had to provide, ya know, context for the scene. Yep.
Team Flag were to be DLC required with Highlands and Tempest given heavy weighting (or only those two maps), Team Flag would be all I would play.Hey You said:Maybe. I think Bungie should bring back Team Flag for two weeks. If its popular enough, I say it should be put as a permanent playlist. Throw Oddball,Assualt,Territories and KoTh in a TO.
LunaticPuma said:I was forced to play Rocket Hog Race last night. Pure and utter garbage. It was boring, slow and a complete debacle. I don't even understand how this made it past the "hey let's try this" stage of experimentation. My expectations for Bungie have dropped significantly now. I can't believe what comes out of the studio anymore.
Urk, can you please elaborate on how garbage game types like Rocket Hog Race make it into Matchmaking?
A27_StarWolf said:You can't go into rocket hog race hoping for an epic competitive throw down.
Rocket hog Race is just good clean fun, something a lot of games lack.
Shake appeal is a joke character anyway, nothing he says even matters.Ramirez said:Pretty sure the last 3 pages were full of complaining, but for some reason when I complain, I'm miserable? lol, ok. I guess you felt the need to ride in and defend Urk's honor.![]()
It's an odd place for it. It's sort of like putting Griffball in the Team Slayer playlist. I like Rocket Race, the few times I played it, but it always struck me as odd that it's not in something like Grab Bag, or a Race playlist.Gui_PT said:Well then it should be in its own playlist. That way it won't ruin the fun for people who actually want to shoot weapons.
Want rocket hog race? Go to the Race playlis.. oh no, wait, it's in Multi Team
I'm not one for "Race" in general but the most fun I've had in it has been riding shotgun in the hog EMP-ing everyone with my g'nade launcher. Stops 'em dead in their tracks.LunaticPuma said:I was forced to play Rocket Hog Race last night.... It was boring, slow and a complete debacle.
GhaleonEB said:It's an odd place for it. It's sort of like putting Griffball in the Team Slayer playlist. I like Rocket Race, the few times I played it, but it always struck me as odd that it's not in something like Grab Bag, or a Race playlist.
For real? Multiple 3 person teams. And previously 2 person teams. EDIT: Sorry, of course this doesn't answer for it not having it's own playlist which is probably what you meant with that statement :\Gui_PT said:I'm sure there's a reason why they put it in Multi Team, but I can't think of it.
You can make a Race playlist and give the various game types the team sizes needed.Account Attempt #4 said:For real? Multiple 3 person teams. And previously 2 person teams.
blamite said:Ugh, The Arena still requires me to play 4 games a day to be put in a division? shouldn't the 3-month season make that unnecessary? And how come Pinnacle gets removed, but the garbage that is Boardwalk is still in? Pinnacle may not be great, but it's still way better than Boardwalk.
Also, I can't understand why The Arena had to return to Halo 3's map selection? I don't like Uncaged, but if the alternative is Boardwalk I'd rather not veto it. But the game only gives you one option at a time, so I'm just going to end up playing bad maps out of fear that if I veto, I'll get an even shittier one.
One step forwards, two back.
GhaleonEB said:Yeah, peanut brittle. I did two batches, then butter toffee. Since then I've done salt water taffy (vanilla, orange and strawberry), caramels, nougat (subsequently dipped in caramel) and this past weekend ribbon candy (lemon and strawberry). Sunday was stove top caramel corn with peanuts.
I had this epiphany moment a few months ago, looking at my kids' Christmas candy and seeing how much artificial crap was in it. And also thinking about how I wanted to start a hobby where I made something, not just played, this year. And bam. I get to feed our sweet tooths with stuff made from ingredients I can pronounce, and have fun creating stuff at the same time. Though at the very sensible request of my wife, I only do one batch of treats per week. We can't eat it all so it mostly goes to friends and neighbors.
I've been taking pictures of it all with the intent to start up a blog about candy making, but haven't gotten that far yet. Here's the peanut brittle, and this was a batch of vanilla taffy. Suckers here, and the toffee.
(And now you're hungry too.)
So, um, I'm going to play some Firefight. :lol
Striker said:It's in MLG and Team Objective.
The arm system is similar to Halo 2. Glorious, it is.
Yep, I agree with this.bobs99 ... said:I dont only think people dislike armour lock because it cheats them out of kills but they hate what it does to gameplay. Its like putting a complete stop to a battle.
LunaticPuma said:I was forced to play Rocket Hog Race last night. Pure and utter garbage. It was boring, slow and a complete debacle. I don't even understand how this made it past the "hey let's try this" stage of experimentation. My expectations for Bungie have dropped significantly now. I can't believe what comes out of the studio anymore.
Urk, can you please elaborate on how garbage game types like Rocket Hog Race make it into Matchmaking?
None of these additions happen in a vacuum, everything that goes in does so at the potential expense of something else. You assert that the weapon wouldn't take long to re-model or re-balance, but we're not talking about a fan project here with no deadlines or milestones, we're talking about a million-dollar game development project that has to cut and forgo things as a matter of necessity. Tiny changes or additions can push back the process by days or more, and there are countless such required throughout development. What seems small to you is anything but.Gui_PT said:Wait, they have time to make a plasma repeater so the plasma rifle can be campaign only but they don't have time to include a weapon that has existed since H2? Which honestly wouldn't take long to re-model o re-balance it since only slight tweaks would be necessary.
I'm suggesting you can, with some manner of buff to the Focus Rifle. If not damage or some other stat, perhaps put more of them into the hands of the Elites? At some point the split-second lethality of a Sniper Rifle might be sufficiently counter-balanced by the suppressing power of multiple Focus Rifles in use. And if not that, the potential difference could be made up elsewhere, perhaps in loadouts or in other weapon spawning. There are plenty of asymmetric solutions that might be brought to bear here.Can't you have both? Variety AND balanced weapons?
Squall ASF said:Rocket Race had me raging last night. All I want to do is work on the weekly, Multi-team is a great way to do it, especially objective game types. I get a hundred kills from two or three matches, going good and then RR, RR, RR, RR are you kidding me? I hit the quit limit escaping that garbage and shut off my system in disgust. WTF is this garbage doing in an FPS??? There's people that for some unfathomable reason like it? ok, put it in it's own gametype under grab bag ala griffball! For the love of god, bungie, move RR to it's own play list. You can't even play Multi-team anymore thanks to this garbage. The worst part is there are a good number of people that vote for it simply to troll everyone else in the lobby![]()
Botolf said:None of these additions happen in a vacuum, everything that goes in does so at the potential expense of something else. You assert that the weapon wouldn't take long to re-model or re-balance, but we're not talking about a fan project here with no deadlines or milestones, we're talking about a million-dollar game development project that has to cut and forgo things as a matter of necessity. Tiny changes or additions can push back the process by days or more, and there are countless such required throughout development. What seems small to you is anything but.
Ghaleon, you need to stuff a Grunt pinata full of those hand crafted sweets. Maybe at a birthday party?Alienshogun said:Impressive!
Striker said:I'm mucn more fond of Reflection than maps like Zealot and Countdown. I actually like Zealot flag, even though randoms never know how to coordinator in Objective. But Countdown is rather meh, and just generally hasn't been too thrilling. I guess this is just for MLG purpose, because otherwise, overall Reflection has better flow going on for it.
A27_StarWolf said:I don't know, I have always enjoyed rocket race, and I always will.
I don't think it needs its own play list, if you dont want to play it, dont vote it.
If you have to play it anyways... Why not just enjoy it?
On the contrary, I don't see the decision to emphasize asymmetry between the sides as a bad decision. If one weapon was to get the "long range accuracy" spot, it should have been the Focus Rifle because it's more unique than its predecessor, and indeed unique in the arsenal.Gui_PT said:I'm sure a few dozens of professionals would take a long time to do that. Also, they plan all of this ahead, as I'm sure you know. They planned to actually make 2 plasma rifles and change the 2nd one to be the plasma repeater. They planned the focus rifle and no covenant sniper. Which means they knew what they were doing to those weapons. It shocks me they didn't know they were making a bad choice.
To me, it's not a matter of time management. It's a matter of bad choices(which I guess ends up being related to time management, but you know what I mean)
xxjuicesxx said:This looks great, I really do prefer the green ground to the all steel Sanctuary, the colorful distinction makes it easier on the eyes in my opinion. Bungie's was alright the MLG one was better but this does really seem a bit better than both. We should try it in customs or something soon. Good find.
Striker said:Bungie should use that Sanctuary. Looks good, and more accurate to the original.
Perhaps it's mostly because I'm not as excited about Countdown as you guys are. I find maps like Asylum/Sanctuary and Zealot having more action and less of a hide-&-seek action going on for it.
Actually, N0F should add that Sanctuary, as well as the Lockout, Warlock, and Midship variants to the classic playlist.
Matchmaking in a nutshell. You can't make everybody happy with it, nor can you expect to.A27_StarWolf said:If you have to play it anyways... Why not just enjoy it?
NullPointer said:Matchmaking in a nutshell. You can't make everybody happy with it, nor can you expect to.
Oh I'd agree and I've definitely got my own ideas of how I'd rearrange the hoppers to separate core Halo gameplay from the various flavors of craziness out there. But even in my heart I know that those changes would please me and possibly piss of the majority.Alienshogun said:Actually you can, if you remove all the frivolous BS.
Halo is the only game I'm aware of that forces multiple game modes that you may not want to play on you no matter what hopper you choose.
Other games let you pick CTF, Domination(territories), Team DM, etc. Halo is the only one that makes you play stupid shit because 13 people still like the mode.
Say what you will about the gameplay of it, but Resistance 2 handles this particular issue fairly well. Custom games are handled via a Client/Server PC style setup and all others are done via matchmaking. Something like that could work.NullPointer said:Oh I'd agree and I've definitely got my own ideas of how I'd rearrange the hoppers to separate core Halo gameplay from the various flavors of craziness out there. But even in my heart I know that those changes would please me and possibly piss of the majority.
Bungie knows the actual numbers though, and maybe, just maybe the community naturally gravitates towards the game types we can't stand.
Halo 4 really needs some kind of custom games matchmaking. I know its a tough nut to crack - doesn't mean we don't need the problem solved.
A27_StarWolf said:I don't know, I have always enjoyed rocket race, and I always will.
I don't think it needs its own play list, if you dont want to play it, dont vote it.
If you have to play it anyways... Why not just enjoy it?
lolz just read this. Looks like I'm not the only one referencing Mario Kart.Alienshogun said:Because some people want to play Halo, not a shitty version of Mario kart.