Small team Asymetric stuff is great in Reach; maps that struggle in other modes really shne (Boardwalk, swordbase, and Pinnacle, I'm looking at you). The weapon balance and arming settings generally work well (2 flag settings are a hair too long, but other than that it's all good).
Untily you go into team objective, get 3 drop shields and one guy with a sword and evade camping the flag, at which point I vow to never come back to the playlist again.
I play in a casual Reach League, and we played Assault on Boardwalk, loadouts were sprint and hologram, DMR/AR starts, no Radar. Shit was just amazingly fun and intense; there were these great battles over the rocket launcher, you had to use creative jumps to get angles on people, and the game was decided in a totally epic last minute push. Shit was amazing, and if people could get those experiences in TO maybe people would play it more.
I mean, I'm on board with about 90% of bungie's decisions with regard to Reach's matchmaking and loadout setups; but the inclusion of Evade and Drop shields in objective gametypes are things which I simply don't understand. They make the game worse in every concievable way.