Hydranockz said:I ain't in the US, as a lot of us aren't.
cool_dude_2049 said:Those of you that are xbox rewards members, which all of you should be, listen up! You get 5% back on all marketplace purchases in March. So that means that you get 40 points back when you purchase the Defiant map pack!
bobs99 ... said:That sounds kind of like Far Cry 2's editor and dont get me wrong this would be epic but the map filesizes would be huge. It would be impractical as something that could be used to add maps and variants into matchmaking. I sort of like how 'lite' Forge is as it allows for a bit of versatility in how its used.
Tunavi I agree 100% man, the beta pistol was so much fun lol. Its kind of crap now though, bloody AR users.![]()
AweGui_PT said:PM me if you want to do the picture thing. I have a map all forged up with 8 falcons already (max allowed) We can discuss ideas (even though I know mine is better)
Devin Olsen said:AweYou guys are doing it today?
I sincerely hope something goes terribly wrong and this ends up getting postponed until tomorrow afternoon![]()
Falagard said:The map sizes do not need to be huge, there are ways of storing only minimal information. You probably do not know from a technical perspective what is possible, but I've done a ton of work with map editing.
For example, you don't necessarily need to store terrain geometry or even heightmaps, only points where the terrain was edited. Starting with a basic flat terrain, as the user raises or lowers a point of terrain, you store a single piece of data saying "the user raised or lowered the terrain at this point by this amount". Even if the user raises or lowers 2000 points on the terrain, that's a miniscule amount of data (let's say, 20kbs). Terrain caves can be done using metaballs with the same type of information stored (additive or subtractive spheres used to tunnel into the terrain or add overhangs).
See this thread in relation to overhang terrain:
Note that I was an active enough member on the Ogre 3D engine forums that when that was posted someone commented "Holy smokes. Just wait until Falagard notices this. He is going to freak" because I did a lot of terrain work with the engine.
Basically, the amount of data required to store fully edited terrains could be made small easily with modifications to the engine.
Hope the game does well for them.Tashi0106 said:Former Bungie doods who left and formed Moonshot Games finally announced their first game. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=423728
I figured some of you might be interested.
http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=407389jg4xchamp said:I remember there being a Reach thread(I used to lurk) with a lot of forge maps made by gaf people. Was wondering where I could find it. Also anyone know how to get the more updated versions of each map? ala arena zealot or asylum with the killzone if you go too high
bobs99 ... said:With a more detailed terrain editor wouldnt you need that stuff for literally every millimetre of editable terrain? With forge it just needs to store data about forge items, with a fully blown terrain editor info about every bit of terrain would need to be stored?
I know your saying that this information is minimal, but with a more complicated map im guessing your looking at least in the megabytes, which would make forge impractical for its current uses as a simple map editor for matchmaking..
Son of a bitch. I just launched food all over my keyboard. :lolurk said:I move to make Falagard's GAF tag "Metaballs."
http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=26330566#post26330566jg4xchamp said:I remember there being a Reach thread(I used to lurk) with a lot of forge maps made by gaf people. Was wondering where I could find it. Also anyone know how to get the more updated versions of each map? ala arena zealot or asylum with the killzone if you go too high
Ever use Star Editor for SC2? I'd like something simplistic like that, and it doesn't take up too much space. Heck, even something like H2V's overly complex system would be fine with me. I'm just tired of dealing with the same gray Forge pieces, and same hills and terrain.bobs99 ... said:EDIT: I kinda went on a tangeant in my post. - Basically are typical terrain editors small enough to be used like forge is? If so WTF BUNGLE but im guessing Bungie made the smart choice with keeping forge simplistic.
Or this.Plywood said:Far Cry 2 editor please.
The biggest pitfall might come in lighting, NPC navigation, and geometry if you allow wacky stuff like overhangs or caves (how would the user troubleshoot the terrain screwing up?). You could spring for dynamic solutions for these things, but it goes without saying that this would be very expensive in terms of memory. PC can handle stuff like dynamic global illumination and dynamic pathfinding without sacrificing too much else, but the same can't really be said for consoles. They don't have terribly much memory, and my guess is you'd have to cut a lot of corners to get it all working.Falagard said:You wouldn't need to store every millimeter. Imagine, for example, that you can't edit the terrain directly. Instead, you place a terrain influence marker, which allows you to change a circumference value and an influence amount. You can move that marker up and down, which modifies the terrain. All you are allowed to do is place these markers, change the circumference, and influence amount to edit the terrain.
Then, for the "metaballs" you can place spheres, change their size, and specify whether they add or subtract from the terrain. The spheres can be used to dig caves or place overhanging complex terrain.
Seconded.urk said:I move to make Falagard's GAF tag "Metaballs."
Far Cry 2 editor please.Karl2177 said:Ever use Star Editor for SC2? I'd like something simplistic like that, and it doesn't take up too much space. Heck, even something like H2V's overly complex system would be fine with me. I'm just tired of dealing with the same gray Forge pieces, and same hills and terrain.
I never picked up Far Cry 2, but from what people have said it sounds like it would fit it better than StarEdit.Plywood said:Far Cry 2 editor please.
urk said:I move to make Falagard's GAF tag "Metaballs."
Botolf said:The biggest pitfall might come in lighting, NPC navigation, and geometry if you allow wacky stuff like overhangs or caves (how would the user troubleshoot the terrain screwing up?). You could spring for dynamic solutions for these things, but it goes without saying that this would be very expensive in terms of memory. PC can handle stuff like dynamic global illumination and dynamic pathfinding without sacrificing too much else, but the same can't really be said for consoles. They don't have terribly much memory, and my guess is you'd have to cut a lot of corners to get it all working.
Dax01 said:I played a crap ton of games in Halo 2. Custom games with MLG settings, matchmaking, and glitches in custom games, etc. The unbalanced sandbox, the ease of use to do glitches in matchmaking (button glitches, superjumps, etc), and the amount of modding found in matchmaking, ruined the experience. I have over 5,000 games of Halo 2 I doubt you can say, with absolute certainty, that I didn't participate in a good number of games playing it the "right" way (whatever that is).
Halo 2 was a broken mess; a broken mess that was not meant to be. Had Bungie's development gone smoother, or had they been given more time, the Halo 2 we would have gotten would have been dramatically different than the Halo 2 we all know.
Botolf said:Seconded.
Do you honestly feel that way considering the BR in Halo 3 and the inferior maps in comparison to Halo 2?Oozer3993 said:Halo 3 was everything Halo 2 was supposed to be.
I suggest resizing your avatar before you lose it. Here, I even did it for you.jg4xchamp said:Thank you
Thanks. I'm actually not completely happy with how some of those ("That Awkward Moment" and "Decoy") turned out, though I've got "Mostly At Night" and "Blue Balls of Steel" to offset them.Dani said:Love your pano work Blue Ninja!
Dax01 said:I played a crap ton of games in Halo 2. Custom games with MLG settings, matchmaking, and glitches in custom games, etc. The unbalanced sandbox, the ease of use to do glitches in matchmaking (button glitches, superjumps, etc), and the amount of modding found in matchmaking, ruined the experience. I have over 5,000 games of Halo 2 I doubt you can say, with absolute certainty, that I didn't participate in a good number of games playing it the "right" way (whatever that is).
Halo 2 was a broken mess; a broken mess that was not meant to be. Had Bungie's development gone smoother, or had they been given more time, the Halo 2 we would have gotten would have been dramatically different than the Halo 2 we all know.
O D I N said:I just need to say that Crown of Flies is one of the best maps I've played on. Mad props Squid. I played it for the first time today, and loved it.
Crucio said:Sparkast 03 is out.
Right from HaloWayPoint Twitter: "Did someone say new Sparkast? 343 Industries & Certain Affinity talk about the Defiant Map Pack. http://bit.ly/aCmK4o"
Recorded at GDC, in 1up studio. Talking about the Defiant Map Pack,
http://halo.xbox.com/Content/assets/en-us/Podcast/343Sparkast_003.mp3Dani said:Direct link?
You're welcome for the avatar; we do customs every Saturday at 3pm and 8pm EST.CyReN said:Have any reviews/previews come out for the new maps? Also how often do you do community customs? I may get on tonight to play.
and I finally got my h1 avatar.
I find myself in agreement with you, good sir.A27 Tawpgun said:tbh I didn't feel it was that good. It wasn't that bad either.
Kingdom however, is amazing.
O D I N said:I just need to say that Crown of Flies is one of the best maps I've played on. Mad props Squid. I played it for the first time today, and loved it.
Oozer3993 said:Halo 3 was everything Halo 2 was supposed to be.
Kuroyume said:Horrible?
If so Halo 3 delivered.
Kuroyume said:Horrible?
If so Halo 3 delivered.
Yup. Some of the MP maps aside, Halo 3 improved upon (or just plain fixed) Halo 2 across the board. And then layered goodness on top of it all.Dani said:Halo 3 improved upon almost every feature in Halo 2. Cry more dude, but it's true.
Dani said:Halo 3 improved upon almost every feature in Halo 2. Cry more dude, but it's true.
Loving the rose-tinted love given to glitches and exploits. Urgh.
Tashi0106 said:Former Bungie doods who left and formed Moonshot Games finally announced their first game. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=423728
Again do not hate Halo 3 in the slightest but Halo 2 just had a special quality. Can not exactly put my finger on it but just playing it bring a lot of joy. Again im not just saying this because thats how I remember it, I have been playing it on PC and with friends via LAN and Split-screen for the past 2 months, Halo 2 is just a great game.Dani said:Halo 3 improved upon almost every feature in Halo 2. Cry more dude, but it's true.
Loving the rose-tinted love given to glitches and exploits. Urgh.
Barrow Roll said:Halo 3 with hitscan weapons and Halo 2 maps would be pretty golden. Aaand some new gun sound effects.
GhaleonEB said:Listening to the podcast, a making-of video for the Defiant map pack should be hitting today. Sounds like it will be really interesting, look back at the early versions as the maps were iterated on. I was hoping stuff like that would ramp up this week.
I recommend taking more, zoomed in shots of the same area so that you can get in more detail. The compression and artifacting in reach screenshots is just terrible. Good for you first one thoughGui_PT said: