Damnit. We almost had one page without Armor Lock being mentioned.Falagard said:Haha, anyhow. Let's get back on topic. Armor Lock sucks. Discuss.
Damnit. We almost had one page without Armor Lock being mentioned.Falagard said:Haha, anyhow. Let's get back on topic. Armor Lock sucks. Discuss.
Dani said:Halo 3 improved upon almost every feature in Halo 2. Cry more dude, but it's true.
Loving the rose-tinted love given to glitches and exploits. Urgh.
Dani said:Halo 3 improved upon almost every feature in Halo 2. Cry more dude, but it's true.
Loving the rose-tinted love given to glitches and exploits. Urgh.
CyReN said:Have any reviews/previews come out for the new maps? Also how often do you do community customs? I may get on tonight to play.
and I finally got my h1 avatar.
Dax01 said:One of the dudes in the 343 podcast says Highlands is a mixture of Valhalla and Timberland. I haven't played Timberland at all, but from what's described here, the comparison has got me even more excited.
ಠ_ಠxxjuicesxx said:Maybe with H2's framerate. My god H3 was the slowest garbage ever. Nothing could save that, it just wasn't as fluid as H2. Made for a crap experience. Only kids who liked H3 were bad kids who sucked at H2. Whenever I see someone with H3 name background I'm like Easy Win!
MrBig said:You're welcome for the avatar; we do customs every Saturday at 3pm and 8pm EST.
The Real Napsta said:<3 Downrush
lol. It's hard for me to distinguish voices without having seen them speak in an interview or something beforehand. The only voice I can confidently pin down is Frankie's.lybertyboy said:"I proudly stand by that quote."
- One of the dudes in the 343 podcast
Steelyuhas said:I disagree, and it's not because of glitches. From a gameplay standpoint, I feel that H2 is superior in almost every way.
Dax01 said:lol. It's hard for me to distinguish voices without having seen them speak in an interview or something beforehand. The only voice I can confidently pin down is Frankie's.
Fooey to AL, this is an interesting turn of discussion.Falagard said:Lighting is the biggest problem. NPC navigation (for AI) would only be valid if we're talking about Forging Firefight maps, which would be cool but a different kettle of fish.
Can I suggest my idea of dynamically baking lightmaps on the fly?
Haha, anyhow. Let's get back on topic. Armor Lock sucks. Discuss.
I'll take it if he won't :3Oozer3993 said:http://i.imgur.com/mekSZ.jpg
It's not bad, but there's not a lot happening in it. Some more pictures might help, but the most important part is getting something worthwhile in your screenshots.Gui_PT said:
Running radiosity is a very cpu intensive process, and there's no way Bungie would even consider doing a sub-par lighting scan, or even a simple radiosity, which can take a couple hours for just a few lights. It's not overlayed onto a texture file, the lightmaps are rendered and automatically UVed onto the map geometry. They can get pretty big, depending on quality.Botolf said:So these lightmaps, generally how large are their filesizes? They kinda look like whole textures. I take it for it to be usable in something like Reach, you'd have to clone textures, so as not to overwrite the originals, and then bake the lighting onto them. Repeating this for every Forge2 (coined!) map might be problematic from a hard disk space perspective, non?
I still want to play that. ODST disappointed me with its "urban" combat. Then again, it would be hard to top Outskirts or Metropolis.CyReN said:With the Halo 2 discussion. Did anyone else play through waiting for the E3 2003' demo to happen or something along the similar lines of it? After the gravemind cut scene and the game going back to the main menu I felt like crap. ODST was ok but I really wish they had a level like that in it.
MrBig said:I recommend taking more, zoomed in shots of the same area so that you can get in more detail. The compression and artifacting in reach screenshots is just terrible. Good for you first one though
Blue Ninja said:It's not bad, but there's not a lot happening in it. Some more pictures might help, but the most important part is getting something worthwhile in your screenshots.
Also, what's up with the Gueta's face?
xxjuicesxx said:Maybe with H2's framerate. My god H3 was the slowest garbage ever. Nothing could save that, it just wasn't as fluid as H2. Made for a crap experience. Only kids who liked H3 were bad kids who sucked at H2. Whenever I see someone with H3 name background I'm like Easy Win!
Not quite.Oozer3993 said:Halo 3 was everything Halo 2 was supposed to be.]
Botolf said:Fooey to AL, this is an interesting turn of discussion.
So these lightmaps, generally how large are their filesizes? They kinda look like whole textures. I take it for it to be usable in something like Reach, you'd have to clone textures, so as not to overwrite the originals, and then bake the lighting onto them. Repeating this for every Forge2 (coined!) map might be problematic from a hard disk space perspective, non?
Why don't I recognize your avy?CyReN said:Have any reviews/previews come out for the new maps? Also how often do you do community customs? I may get on tonight to play.
and I finally got my h1 avatar.
Devin Olsen said:Why don't I recognize your avy?
Is that from a custom map? I never did end up trying any of those, they do look good though.
Yeah, I know what you mean about it being CPU intensive and taking a while. I have to use Radiosity for mapping in Source, and it can certainly take its sweet time with large scenes. The Portal 2 revision of the engine seems to be embracing increased use of dynamic lighting, and that's definitely most welcome.MrBig said:Running radiosity is a very cpu intensive process, and there's no way Bungie would even consider doing a sub-par lighting scan, or even a simple radiosity, which can take a couple hours for just a few lights. It's not overlayed onto a texture file, the lightmaps are rendered and automatically UVed onto the map geometry. They can get pretty big, depending on quality.
Ah, so no hard drive footprint? That's pretty badass (I am envious!).Falagard said:No, you misunderstand. The lightmaps are generated on the fly as the map is loaded (just before you play the map in mapmaking) using render-to-texture to bake the lightmaps. You add a couple seconds to map loading, but don't have to store or send around lightmaps to players with the map data.
I remember him from the MLG Forums... It has been so long though I am trying to remember what exactly he did/who he was. But his name is certainly familiar.CyReN said:Downrush
You know Bigsauce by chance with the Darkman avatar from G4 Arena? He lives in Michigan, met him at MLG Chicago 07', really nice guy.
Devin Olsen said:I remember him from the MLG Forums... It has been so long though I am trying to remember what exactly he did/who he was. But his name is certainly familiar.
Do you know Synide?
Edit: Why in the hell does the guy pick up the AR instead of a Pistol at 15 seconds in your video? lol![]()
Sage.GhaleonEB said:I won't get too deep into the Halo 2/3 thing, since we've done that so many times, but one thing I think Halo 3 got exactly right was the vehicle sandbox, and how they balanced infantry against it. It's just so head and shoulders above Halo 2 (and Reach, for that matter). It's one of the main reasons I love that game so much. On any given map, I could either romp around with the 'Hog or the Chopper (<3), or go on a vehicle killing mission. So many tools to take them down with, but they were still formidable. It was such a huge step forward from Halo 2 (tracking rocket launcher says hi), and Reach such a step back from it.
MrBig said:Running radiosity is a very cpu intensive process, and there's no way Bungie would even consider doing a sub-par lighting scan, or even a simple radiosity, which can take a couple hours for just a few lights. It's not overlayed onto a texture file, the lightmaps are rendered and automatically UVed onto the map geometry. They can get pretty big, depending on quality.
Ugh, yep my knowledge about game engines is about 4 years out of date. Glad to know you can now get good results from low-pass renders.Falagard said:Radiosity calculations are now being done in near real-time using completely different techniques than what was previously used for baking old school lightmaps. For example, a technique based on "instant radiosity" is being used by Crysis 2 for their global illumination, which basically bounces light rays around and then places hundreds of point lights to emulate radiosity.
I've also spent some time investigating a different technique introduced by GPU Gems 2 and then followed up by Lionel Berenguier involving using render targets are depth peeling to emulate light bounces for radiosity.
We're still doing internal testing, I'll be looking at community remakes of classic maps later this week. I'll keep updating this thread as things progress, but this playlist is still in the design/testing phase so you should not expect a March release. It might happen in late March but it's looking more like a headliner for the April update.
I hardly ever use the mongoose, but as long as it's not too high it would still make physical sense as spartans weigh about as much as or more than ATVs.Hydranockz said:When the mongoose flips, it feels as though it is rotating around a point above the mongoose and the movement feels far from natural... Anyone else notice this?
Striker said:
Nowhere near as bad as superjumping.Striker said:
Nowhere near as awesome as superjumping.Striker said:
Oh super jumping wasnt even that bad I could still destory anyone that super jumped on top of ascension. Also its not like it happen every single game, happen once every 30 or so games.Dax01 said:Nowhere near as bad as superjumping.
GhaleonEB said:I won't get too deep into the Halo 2/3 thing, since we've done that so many times, but one thing I think Halo 3 got exactly right was the vehicle sandbox, and how they balanced infantry against it. It's just so head and shoulders above Halo 2 (and Reach, for that matter). It's one of the main reasons I love that game so much. On any given map, I could either romp around with the 'Hog or the Chopper (<3), or go on a vehicle killing mission. So many tools to take them down with, but they were still formidable. It was such a huge step forward from Halo 2 (tracking rocket launcher says hi), and Reach such a step back from it.
Thermite said:If by almost every feature you mean Campaign missions, you're correct. Glitches and exploits aside, Halo 2 was head and shoulders above everything Halo 3 offered as far as the multiplayer experience goes. Hit scan BR > spread BR. Midship, Sanctuary, Colossus, Pinnacle, Headlong, Waterworks, Turf, Relic, Terminal and Ivory Tower > Vallhalla, The Pit, Citadel, Construct, and Avalanche (no other original Halo 3 map is worth mentioning, IMO). Not to mention Halo 2 had a far better ranking system that actually allowed you move up or down no matter how many matches you played, whereas with Halo 3, it became virtually impossible to move up a rank after a certain set of matches thanks to trueskill.
And before anyone says it, yes, I know, opinions and all that.![]()
Striker said:http://i52.tinypic.com/2hdpob8.jpg[IMG][/QUOTE]
Oh yeah, the Spartan Laser. I forgot about that thing.
:lolCocopjojo said:Nowhere near as awesome as superjumping.
wwm0nkey said:Oh super jumping wasnt even that bad I could still destory anyone that super jumped on top of ascension. Also its not like it happen every single game, happen once every 30 or so games.
Man, you must have had some bad experiences in Halo 2...Dax01 said:Nowhere near as bad as superjumping.
Team Objective, Firefight Limited and Co-Op Campaign.Lingitiz said:Are there still alot of gaffers playing Reach? Been thinking about jumping back in after taking about a month or so off. What seems to be the best playlists to go into right now?
Oh Zanzibar sniper super jumpers...good times :lolCyReN said:I rarely saw it happen too, even if they got up there we would just kill him or play the team 4v3 (or w/e variation it would be).
I did like doing it on Zanzibar in the cracked window (in customs).
I didn't really mind BxR that much to be honest. Yeah it sucked but its not like they could do it when I was far away or medium distance from them.Bread said:Superjumping was one of my favorite things in Halo 2, along with sword flying. Custom games were the shit back then. The only glitch/exploit I didn't like in Halo 2 was BXR and all those. It completely changed the game, and allowed people who weren't good to succeed just because they could do it quickly.
I'm loving Reach right now, especially Arena because of the DMR. It's reminding me a lot of H2 pre-exploits.
Guardian is worth mentioning.Thermite said:If by almost every feature you mean Campaign missions, you're correct. Glitches and exploits aside, Halo 2 was head and shoulders above everything Halo 3 offered as far as the multiplayer experience goes. Hit scan BR > spread BR. Midship, Sanctuary, Colossus, Pinnacle, Headlong, Waterworks, Turf, Relic, Terminal and Ivory Tower > Vallhalla, The Pit, Citadel, Construct, and Avalanche (no other original Halo 3 map is worth mentioning, IMO). Not to mention Halo 2 had a far better ranking system that actually allowed you move up or down no matter how many matches you played, whereas with Halo 3, it became virtually impossible to move up a rank after a certain set of matches thanks to trueskill.
And before anyone says it, yes, I know, opinions and all that.![]()
They trollin. They hatin.Dani said:Team Objective, Firefight Limited and Co-Op Campaign.
wwm0nkey said:Oh super jumping wasnt even that bad I could still destory anyone that super jumped on top of ascension. Also its not like it happen every single game, happen once every 30 or so games.
modding was always bad in Halo 2, there was a 50/50 chance of running into them after you hit level 35. Super jumping could at least be countered and easily countered.xxxstylzxxx said:At it's peak it was pretty bad from what I remember. Super jumpers on maps like Ascension, Turf, Headlong, Burial Mounds, Terminal and even Sanctuary and Lockout to some extent made for some pretty dreadful experiences especially if you were playing a ranked match with default settings. (SMG starts FTFUUUUU!!)
Between that ,along with the rampant cheating that took place due to either deranking or the collective obsession with having that number next to their gamertags, Halo 2 MM has made me appreciate how well Reach's MM works aside from some questionable decisions in regards to playlists (Multiteam) and gametypes. (I'm looking at you Team Objective)