Prophet Steve said:The question marks, what the fuck. That's 1296 possibilities if I am correct.
EDIT: There are hints or something?
Whenever I saw that .gif, for whatever reason, I always thought Marty was caressing a giant fish he caught.
Prophet Steve said:The question marks, what the fuck. That's 1296 possibilities if I am correct.
EDIT: There are hints or something?
Links?JonCha said:Just checked out some of the YouTube video videos of the Classic playlist in action. Looks 99% identical to Halo 2 / 3 (especially 2).
well its a bit in line with Halo 2 but stillJonCha said:Just checked out some of the YouTube video videos of the Classic playlist in action. Looks 99% identical to Halo 2 / 3 (especially 2).
JonCha said:Here. Check out his channel for lots more.
Damn that is a nice remake. I've got the classic slayer gametypes, but where can I find classic objectives and maps?xxjuicesxx said:MIDSHIP!
wwm0nkey said:If anyone wants to play some classic right now send me a message (GT= wm0nkey with teh 0 as a zero)
Also if you have any remake maps that would be great.
As always, until these go live they are subject to change. Im pressing hard for 300% Speed and unlimited Armor Lock, but Jeremiah hasnt been returning my emails or my phone calls. I wonder if he's okay.
Halo games without any gimmicks are amazing.wwm0nkey said:well its a bit in line with Halo 2 but still
Halo 2 > Classic Settings.
Still though the Classic settings are AMAZING compared to default Reach.
Following the Waypoint Twitter? It's incredibly difficult to claim a code off of it or their Facebook account since you're competing with people who are probably sitting at their computers all day long.A27 Tawpgun said:Both codes been used up baaah
MrBig said:Damn that is a nice remake. I've got the classic slayer gametypes, but where can I find classic objectives and maps?
I've already got the beaver, tombstone, prisoner, rat race, and some other.
A bunch of us are on right now playing classic settings on classic maps.Devin Olsen said:Anyone down for some Defiant/Regular/Classic Customs? Or perhaps even just MM.
Copying the settings. The current slayer settings Bungie testers (and the community) are using for playtesting are really good, someone posted them in one of the last few pages. The ones posted in the BWU are outdated now and kinda bad.Prophet Steve said:How can people already play Classic slayer, is it available as a custom game or something? People that are just copying the options?
Devin Olsen said:I'm getting on now.
BTW - Played doubles all last night with a friend, we had a pretty awesome setup going on.
Note the Astro's daisy chained together too
That Grunt is freaking adorable! ...but I have no idea what they were going for with the Elites.wwm0nkey said:Concept art from Halo: Faith
Yeah we both have A40's hooked up together. Incredible quality, I recommend them to everyone I know.CyReN said:Legit setup, do you use the a40s with it? I opted out of them and got the Sennheiser PC350.
wwm0nkey and crew sorry I had to get off one game. Had to run a errand.
They look angry and constipated.Flipyap said:That Grunt is freaking adorable! ...but I have no idea what they were going for with the Elites.
Man, Grunts are the best.
Demoncarnotaur said:Ugh, im not going to bother trying to crack or copy paste codes. Im way too slow for that. =P
I can't wait til tuesday. I know, embargo, embargo, but those who have the maps.. Should I be excited?
Ohhhhh I want the PC350's sooooo bad.CyReN said:Legit setup, do you use the a40s with it? I opted out of them and got the Sennheiser PC350.
wwm0nkey and crew sorry I had to get off one game. Had to run a errand.
That's what I was doing before, but today I did that challenge in regular Firefight Limited and it was waaaaay more fun. Made me wish for a Covie Firefight variant. It felt good not to circle around ammo crates in Limited, I wish they'd at least move around the map as the set progresses.GhaleonEB said:They look angry and constipated.
Not sure why I never noticed before, but FRG Attack in the Score Attack playlist has Needler secondary, with unlimited ammo. You can get 100 supercombines for the daily Challenge in one game, two max. I was just messing around yesterday with it and got 80. If I'd noticed that before I'd have played a lot more of it. :lol
actually have no ideaBlueblur1 said:wwmonkey or anyone else that has Halo 2 Vista, is there a way to install it to a difference drive? Like, besides the main HDD that has Widows on it.
Tashi0106 said:Ohhhhh I want the PC350's sooooo bad.
Oh nice. Yea I was planning on an Astro Mixamp and the PC 350's. I've heard such great things and already own some Sennie headphones so I'm going to pull the trigger on those when I can.CyReN said:I actually got them modded (to open ear). They are a lot better then the a40's (they are still good). If you have the money check them out.
Here's some pictures.
Can't make it to customs tonight, but I'll be on tonight around 11/12am est if anybody wants to plays. Gt - Cyren CE
That's not the game, it's LIVE UGC filtering.Devin Olsen said:This game is all kinds of silly.
I can't upload content with the name Assault in the description... And I also cannot upload content that has suicide in the name.
CyReN said:I actually got them modded (to open ear). They are a lot better then the a40's (they are still good). If you have the money check them out.
Here's some pictures.
Can't make it to customs tonight, but I'll be on tonight around 11/12am est if anybody wants to plays. Gt - Cyren CE
wwm0nkey said:Was discussed earlier in customs but I demand ideas on how to troll Frankie at E3 if I happen to run into him or if he will even be there.
Halo 2 XBLA is obviously going to be mentioned :lol
Urk we just got done playing ~10 remakes on the new classic settings, both slayer and objective. Would NoF want the films?urk said:That's not the game, it's LIVE UGC filtering.
You can install the game. I can't woot! High five!Blueblur1 said:wwmonkey or anyone else that has Halo 2 Vista, is there a way to install it to a difference drive? Like, besides the main HDD that has Widows on it.