8. Get back to basics with the Objective playlists. These playlists are constantly unattended too, and as a result end up with a low player count. Problems like Bubble Shields being in the playlists sit for way too long. This playlist needs constant attention and minor balancing after seeing what issues can be abused or what gametypes lend them to uneven fairness. A level of attention near Starcraft 2 balancing is needed here. Is there a box that you can nade to knock it over the flag making a steal impossible even after they manage to successfully get the right kills and reach your base? That needs to be taken out in the NEXT update. Not 4 later! Are flag return times too long on certain maps and not long enough on others? That requires each gametype to mind each map. If they choose Sanctuary and Multi-Flag at the voting screen load up Sanctuary Multi-flag gametype not Multi-Flag gametype.
9. Part two of #8 nerf the appearance and usage of these new gametypes like Stockpile and Headhunter. These gametypes arent particularly bad really. I get that they were a highlight and a new thing to come out of Reach and now have Achievements tied to them. That doesnt mean they need to be in the spotlight, not anymore. Get back to the basics and weight Multi-Flag much higher, put back Neutral Assault. These new gametypes (stockpile and headhunter) should be tertiary game types after secondaries like One Flag and Multi-bomb. Fix up 3 plots and put it back into rotation especially into BTB.
10. Stop tying credits to just playing the game. Tying credits to wins and performance will help everyone play properly. Idling in FF ruins so many of my matches that I could be playing with real people that are also going for real kills. Previous Halos never had idlers being such a problem.
11. Bring back weekend playlists even if you cant do bonus credit weekends. I want to play 3ball for a few days and then I want to play Team Flag for the next 3 days. Be generous on that weekend too Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Thats why its a 3 day weekend. Good playlist to test out gametypes, especially Instagib. Run out of ideas? Run the Armory pick a new weapon to use each week. Team Needlers. Team Rockets. Team Swords. Simple. Fresh gametypes every week. A godsend to the bored players. Weekly playlist updates not possible with Reach? Make sure it is in the next game. Its MP crack it brings the numbers. This way you dont have to make dedicated playlists for every community favorite. Grifball, Living Dead, Rocket Race are flavors of the week not permanent places, no offense, hell I love the occasional Grif and Zombies.
There's a lot to Juices' post, much I agree with, much I don't. But I think these points are spot-on. Four months after launch we have the bubble shield in Team Objective and Crazy King with a 30-second hill timer in BTB, and instead of addressing things like that we get objective SWAT games, Bro Slayer and Rocket Hog Race. The playlists have been getting better with each update, but it feels like the fundamentals are being neglected in favor of new game types.
Many of the playlists are still a bit of a mess. They could really use the kind of laser focus to refine and reshape that Juices describes.
Reach has a pretty good investment system, but the way it's balanced rewards idling, not playing. (See: the Firefight playlists.) I know Bungie can adjust these things, because they've done so to the Slot Machine, and to the Game Complete bonus to various hoppers (Firefight accrues at about 1/2 the rate of Multiplayer, and Score Attack at 1/4, and they've changed since launch).
I think a lot of the kind of game types being worked into matchmaking would be better served as weekend playlists. Rocket Hog Race is an example of that, and it's the reason I don't play Multi Team any longer. (Well, that and Elite Slayer.)
I wish someone would take a step back and re-evaluate the playlist configuration, and re-focus them.