O D I N said:That video had Michael Bay working with the camera guys from BSG. Good stuff.
Really? Holy crap lol.
O D I N said:That video had Michael Bay working with the camera guys from BSG. Good stuff.
A27 Tawpgun said:
So you actually believe that?A27_StarWolf said:Really? Holy crap lol.
Trasher said:So you actually believe that?
If my system hadn't started acting like a bitch a few minutes into any game I play, I'd definitely pop into some H2V. I blame Crysis: Warhead. I was playing that a bunch in the "Turbo Extreme" mode on my laptop, and it probably overheated my system. I got a laptop cooler but looks like the damage was already done. Unless there is something else wrong, but I don't want to reboot my entire computer to find out.A27 Tawpgun said:
"It's fun to play as the attacker, it's fun to play as the defender"A27 Tawpgun said:
Crucio said:Halo 2 really did destroy everything else. It was king for I say 3 years.
It was good to watch that ViDoc again.
lolA27_StarWolf said:I don't want to talk about it.
Asymettrical maps that were good for both offence and defensive rounds - High Ground, Longshore, and to a less extent Ghost Town & Last Resort.Striker said:"It's fun to play as the attacker, it's fun to play as the defender"
Very true, and they built it brilliantly in Halo 2. Burial Mounds, Zanzibar, Ivory Tower, Relic, Terminal, what happened to those maps in Halo 3 and Reach? They were non-existent.
Always loved Zanzibar, much moreso than Last Resort. At first I thought I liked the open area in the base, but in the end it wasn't the greatest idea. Most of it was unused. And Camp Froman really turned into Camp Froman. Hated that.Zeouterlimits said:Asymettrical maps that were good for both offence and defensive rounds - High Ground, Longshore, and to a less extent Ghost Town & Last Resort.
Dax01 said:Just got back from watching I Love You Phillip Morris. Splendid movie.
So, um, yeah...about Halo...lookin' forward to the playlist updates on Tuesday. That and the new ME2 DLC.
Dax01 said:Just got back from watching I Love You Phillip Morris. Splendid movie.
So, um, yeah...about Halo...lookin' forward to the playlist updates on Tuesday. That and the new ME2 DLC.
Hopefully I'm not the only one that noticed the Arbiter armor in that ViDoc.A27 Tawpgun said:
Halo 3 wasn't much different - look how quickly they ditched Ranked BTB and Team Objective in it.MrBig said:Watching that ViDoc made me cringe about the fact that their focus completely shifted from all about Objective to these multi-purpouse, slayer-oriented maps that we got on disc on Reach. What happened? Shishka? Sage? CoD?
i am cryA27 Tawpgun said:
HiredN00bs said:pray
Spend 10 minutes trying to improve your connectionmoop2000 said:Too many disconnects so sitting here with a 10 minute ban. Hey Bungie, try to distinguish between a quit and a dropped game.
That video eased the wait, and goddamn do I miss Halo 2's maps. Especially Headlong 1 Flag...
GhaleonEB said:If you only watch one of my "Ghaleon did what? on Beachhead," last man standing videos please watch this one. I have no idea how I lived.
That Vidoc brings back great memories- What a great, revolutionary game. It literally changed the way games are played now /Halo 2 Rant]A27 Tawpgun said:
Yeah it does look like a very early version of Headlong without all the awesome. Good call J-Wowxxjuicesxx said:I thought it was like a early Headlong.
With it being 1-CTF, that makes sense. The ramp section reminded me of the parts in Terminal's base myself. Headlong's interior got a makeover.xxjuicesxx said:I thought it was like a early Headlong.
holy crap i need to show my cousins this you make lots of good firefight videos i can see in your profile there are a lot of them. i will watch them all then maybe watch them again later or when my cousins come over i was literally holding my breath when you charged in like that it was so crazy but you must be very brave cause you didnt even hesitate. i play a lot of firefight but only offline because of lag or maybe i can try to play with you if you send me friend request i dont think im as good actually theres no way because those video show it but if you still want to we can be firefight friendsGhaleonEB said:If you only watch one of my "Ghaleon did what? on Beachhead," last man standing videos please watch this one. I have no idea how I lived.
I can't freaking believe I got nailed by a Hunter circling back for the rockets, after the clip ends.
Hahahaha Eazy seriously stop man, we get it.Lake Minnetonka said:holy crap i need to show my cousins this you make lots of good firefight videos i can see in your profile there are a lot of them. i will watch them all then maybe watch them again later or when my cousins come over i was literally holding my breath when you charged in like that it was so crazy but you must be very brave cause you didnt even hesitate. i play a lot of firefight but only offline because of lag or maybe i can try to play with you if you send me friend request i dont think im as good actually theres no way because those video show it but if you still want to we can be firefight friends
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jSIFwjtYX8Cocopjojo said:Just owned some nubs in H3 Matchmaking.
Woulda had it if Ram didn't have to take care of his kid mid match.Cocopjojo said:Just got owned by some nubs in H3 Matchmaking.
Cocopjojo said:Just owned some nubs in H3 Matchmaking.
Cocopjojo said:Just got owned by some nubs in H3 Matchmaking.
Dude, BTB 1 Flag and Assault on Zanzibar were so much fun. Mass chaos, but so good. Headlong dominated. I liked how a lot of the maps in Halo 2 were designed almost specifically for the objective based game. Relic, Terminal, Zanzibar, Headlong, and Burial Mounds come to mind. And yet, even the slayer maps handled the flag and assault games really well. Lockout, Ivory Tower, Sanctuary, Colossus, Ascension, Beaver Creek, Elongation, Midship, and Turf, were equally fun. Oops, forgot Warlock. I loved that map.Striker said:Always loved Zanzibar, much moreso than Last Resort.
xxjuicesxx said:Ughh now that I remember H3... I'm 100% satisfied with the fact vehicles die easier in Reach. Fucking FOURTY THREE warthog kills. Thats all that needs to be said you can't kill vehicles in Halo 3! the weapons don't do anything to them...its basically pointless to shoot at them and they can just sit from afar and rape all game, especially if the one vehicle stopping weapon was taken...
...Remake Halo 3 with hitscan no spread BR and optimized netcode and 60fps and put me in playlist management.
Ramirez said:Team ARs, just as bad as ever.
Halo 2 had amazing asymmetric maps in both Team Skirmish AND Big Team Battle. Why its been so ignored in Halo 3 and Reach saddens me. That's why I often feel it seems like there were two different teams in charge. :\Deputy Moonman said:Dude, BTB 1 Flag and Assault on Zanzibar were so much fun. Mass chaos, but so good. Headlong dominated. I liked how a lot of the maps in Halo 2 were designed almost specifically for the objective based game. Relic, Terminal, Zanzibar, Headlong, and Burial Mounds come to mind. And yet, even the slayer maps handled the flag and assault games really well. Lockout, Ivory Tower, Sanctuary, Colossus, Ascension, Beaver Creek, Elongation, Midship, and Turf, were equally fun.
It seems like a lot of that Objective focus has been lost. Team Objective was my favorite in Halo2. Since then, I haven't enjoyed Objective nearly as much./IMG]
Vehicle-infantry combat perfect yo.xxjuicesxx said:Ughh now that I remember H3... I'm 100% satisfied with the fact vehicles die easier in Reach. Fucking FOURTY THREE warthog kills
Yeah there were also mongooses and GRUNT voice masking. 8)Lazslo said:Also This:
What could have been...
Funny you mention that, me and my friend popped in Halo 3 today to play. Unfortunately we kept getting booted back to the menu, we figured cause the maps wouldn't load. We lost ranks in the progress. Not cool! Then we went back and dominated on Reach.Cocopjojo said:Just owned some nubs in H3 Matchmaking.
Nah, we didn't run any customs. Around nine of us randomly decided to get on though and play a few matchmaking games.Kibbles said:Oh wow, didn't even know GAF had setup H3 customs.\