I just had a wonderful game of Firefight Limited on Coutyard; I get matched up with one dude, who doesn't move for a while. And when he does, it's to shoot a Grunt and then quit. So it's me, solo, against the entire Firefight Limited horde for half an hour.
Which is the way I'd like to be able to play in Score Attack. Yay!
I do decently, three deaths and nearly get through the Set. Score of 54,785, 286 kills and three deaths.
Here's a (crummy) screenshot of the post game report that's on my TV (pardon the flash, that turned out to be the most clear image):
Note his score of 47 points.
I hop over to bungie.net, as I often do, to look at the details of the game. This game, the actual one I played with this johnsonks fellow, does not appear on bungie.net.
It's replaced by this one, with him not quitting, going +70 with a score of 7,723 , me +35 with a score of 2,976.
That game never took place, but it's what was recorded. The epic game I just had, doesn't exist on b.net.
What on earth?