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Halo: Reach |OT3| This Thread is Not a Natural Formation


ZayneH said:
Elevation looks like it was picked just because it looked cool (or the creator thinks it's cool looking and thus, a great map). I mean, it does look cool, but people should remember that the coolest looking thing isn't the best thing to play in.

As for maps with more than 3 or so levels, where the middle is the highest, they rarely work. Wizard and Derelict worked because there were only two levels, with a outside ring, or platforms. Midship worked because it was a mesh of the two.

Keep it simple, stupid.

/semi-rant that would be more suited in the (now dead?) Forge thread

My feelings as well. All of the community maps are so over-designed and vertical. I think almost every one of the maps pretty much required the jet pack. This is really a problem with a bunch of Bungie's Reach maps as well, they are so overcomplicated and gimmicky. All i want is a somewhat simple layout with a bunch of ways to easily get around on foot. I want to fight the player, not the map, and i don't want to feel like i am taking the one ring to Mt. Doom every time i try to move from one section of a map to another.


GhaleonEB said:
Odd bug just now. 30 seconds into a game of Multi Team, the screen freezes. Initially I think it's because of a networking/host issue, but it stays frozen. After a couple minutes, I have to hard-reboot the system because nothing is responsive.

Just now I went back to look at the film, curious where it stopped recording. And it's 32 seconds long. When I hit second 32, it's the same moment I was frozen at. Okay, that settled I try to back out...but can't. When reviewing the film, the system crashed again at the same moment as in the game. So I need to hard reboot again.

I seem have have recorded a repeatable system level crash bug.

Post it on your fileshare?

It could be the first xbox/halo virus. :lol



Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
GhaleonEB said:
You scored one point. You didn't just get pooped on, they shat straight into your mouth and made you swallow. :p

Pooping on guys usually means you win - like this.

And after the Rocket Race discussion earlier, it's pretty funny that I just had my first and second game on it just now. Scored first place both times - and the second time I didn't have a gunner. :lol

Got the Achievement on the second game by splatting some guy that wiped out right in front of me. Poor guy.

Awesome mode.

Are you not understanding? Orange team, the kid with 0 points was the one talking shit.

I like how you're playing devils advocate and all, but I didn't get shit on, thanks for playing.

Not only did I outslay him, I out scored him without even trying. Yeah, he got shit on.

Sai-kun said:
no dude, you got shit on, big time.

Nope, and B.net doesn't think so either, since it's listed as a win, and part of my win streak.

Barrow Roll said:
I don't think Shogun should be boasting so hard that he shat on these kids when he technically did lose the game but who actually enjoys playing KOTH in multi-team "properly"? I mean, play to win and all that but getting blown up from grenade spam in like 2-5 seconds of being in the hill just isn't fun at all. The hill movement is random so there isn't even any real strategy to it. And you're probably thinking that if it's so bad then don't play multi-team but fuck it, I like farming challenges easily in multi-team especially since most challenges just involve grinding something like kills or assists anyways.

It's less boasting, and more laughing about that kid acting like he shit on me, when in fact it was the other way around.

Post match he messages me and asks how I liked his nuts in my mouth.

He started it, I finished it, he got shit on. Score board bitches!

As for your last point, I said that earlier. I'm only in there to farm challenges, blame Bungie. I also go in there for slayer to get the challenges, they pick objective, I'm not going to quit out when they picked a shitty mode, so I'm still going to play my way, again. blame Bungie.


GloveSlap said:
My feelings as well. All of the community maps are so over-designed and vertical. I think almost every one of the maps pretty much required the jet pack. This is really a problem with a bunch of Bungie's Reach maps as well, they are so overcomplicated and gimmicky. All i want is a somewhat simple layout with a bunch of ways to easily get around on foot. I want to fight the player, not the map, and i don't want to feel like i am taking the one ring to Mt. Doom every time i try to move from one section of a map to another.

Exactly. It's like these guys go in and think gee I need 500 levels and endless ramps that go nowhere.

I mean really do you need endless ramps running up to a wall with no where to go? Really? As I mentioned earlier some of the best maps I have played have been simple and hell dare I say not filled with multiple levels. I really wish I was better with forge because I for awhile tried to create one on the small plateau area near Blood Gultch. I just couldn't make it look decent when I raised the side with the steep slope without it looking like crap so I just gave up.

That is my one big wish for any future shooters from anyone which have modes like forge. Give us a simple tool to be able to raise the terrain level and maybe paint in a terrain type like say grass etc. It doesn't have to be fancy either.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Check your spartans, mine just updated!



tagged by Blackace
Mine didn't update :(

And, out of curiousity, in my constant tirade to bring positivity into this thread? What maps does HaloGAF actually find being GOOD in the game? I mean, I like all of them, except Asylum for the exploits. So which ones actually pass rigorous HaloGAF standards and stand out as great maps?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
enzo_gt said:
Mine didn't update :(

And, out of curiousity, in my constant tirade to bring positivity into this thread? What maps does HaloGAF actually find being GOOD in the game? I mean, I like all of them, except Asylum for the exploits. So which ones actually pass rigorous HaloGAF standards and stand out as great maps?

Countdown, tempest, Asylum (MLG remake).

Are the only ones I REALLY like.
Can Bungie.net even report a loss in Multiteam? Lowest I've seen is "Top 50%" even if me and my partner were in dead last.

And yeah, my Spartan updated finally.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Grimm Fandango said:
Can Bungie.net even report a loss in Multiteam? Lowest I've seen is "Top 50%" even if me and my partner were in dead last.

And yeah, my Spartan updated finally.

I don't think so, Ghaleon quit out of one of his games and still had it counted as a win.

May be onto something there. :D

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Deadly Cyclone said:
I may try to finish my first forge map for playtesting in Gaf customs soon, should be interesting to see how it plays.

I'm surprised you have time, what with moderating the HF forums, and that competition they are having. :lol
No dice on my Spartan.

enzo_gt said:
And, out of curiousity, in my constant tirade to bring positivity into this thread? What maps does HaloGAF actually find being GOOD in the game? I mean, I like all of them, except Asylum for the exploits. So which ones actually pass rigorous HaloGAF standards and stand out as great maps?
I like Anchor 9, Countdown, Powerhouse, Santuary (MLG Remake), and Tempest.

The rest are just okay or turrible.


drawer by drawer
I know this has probably been discussed to hell and back, but why do they give armor lock users the ability to see in third person when AL is in use? Just gives them another advantage...

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Deadly Cyclone said:
Damn you Alien. :lol

EDIT: Can I not just have my small life joys in peace? :D

Oh, I'm just funnin' ya.

BTW I'm all over Homefront like stink on shit. Perhaps I will see you there. :D

Judderman said:
I know this has probably been discussed to hell and back, but why do they give armor lock users the ability to see in third person when AL is in use? Just gives them another advantage...

No one knows really, and it's a major point of contention.

Unless someone actually knows, then they need to share!


Louis Wu said:
You DID get pooped on! Your team came in last, and you personally came in second-to-last, overall!

Oh, wait, you're laughing because you played slayer in an objective game?

Never mind, then.

People actually TRY to do objective stuff in Multi Team? It's so random and horrible, it's not even worth it. Not when I can dong on kids as they try to get to that 30 second random moving hill before it moves in 5 seconds. :lol

*still no Spartan update* woo


343i Lead Esports Producer
January 6th

It's my birthday!!!!! Yayyyyyyyyyyyy

Spoiler...im drunkk /spoiler

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
You don't even get per-action cR everytime you capture a flag, plant the bomb, hold the ball, capture a territory, score skulls or score flags. Getting +50 cR for every objective thing you do would motivate me to play the objective, but it makes too much sense for something as simple as that to be implemented.

The team who wins in Multi-Team is happy because they won, the teams in the middle still get credits like everyone else and I'm happy because I went +30 even though I'm in last place. Everybody's happy and feels satisfied in their own way in the end.


Tashi0106 said:
Happy Birthday you DP. :p

Also Playing Multi-Team and getting blown up by everyone else playing slayer is sooo much fun. Oh wait, it isn't. There have been soo many instances, where all I had to do was "go" for the objective in the last minute and I would end being top 33% because most people really do only play slayer in the playlist even in the objective game type. So it basically comes down to play slayer and out slay them and actually rack up kills or just keep running for the objective and keep dying because some one else is playing slayer.


Neo Member
Daily Challenges:

One Spartan Army - 2000cR
Kill 400 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking.

Shootin' and Lootin' - 2500cR
Kill 250 enemies in any game mode in Reach.

A Satisfied Thirst - 1500cR
Kill 100 Grunts in Firefight Matchmaking.

That Pink Mist - 1650cR
Kill 20 enemies with a Supercombine from the Needler or Needle Rifle in Firefight Matchmaking.

nice Challenges :D


Instead of judging the cR outputs and stating which and which aren't appropriate (omg he's complaining about decent a cR reward), I will post that I am pleased with today's challenges and rewards. Can't wait to mow down 100 or some Grunts after work. :)
GhaleonEB said:
I haven't played that map, but I'm guessing from the picture that getting to the top level is paramount, as you have coverage over the entire bottom level from it. The map from the same name I made in Halo 3 had a high side and a low side, but balanced them with distance and cover elements.

Have links to the maps been put up yet? I'd like to scope them out in Forge.
It's all about being up high, with no real threat whatsoever from down below.

So far, I found a link to Capacitor, which according to the guy who posted it in Optimatch, may or may not be the one in MM (it doesn't have the contest tags, which is weird). The author of Reverence doesn't even have the map in his fileshare anymore, and has made a post on bnet exclaiming the virtues of the newer, better version that isn't in MM. Can't find much else, so I guess I need to fire up the maps that I've played and see who the author is.

I've read some pretty disheartening news in possible regards to the contest; object density is apparently a enormous problem with some of the more complicated maps and will most likely be rejected by Bungie. Ladnil has built a pretty great map in Genome, but according to MLG's KillaKC, Bungie said the map failed the framerate test due to object density. I have to say that this worries the shit out of me. I've playtested a lot of maps for the contest, and all of them were pretty rich in object density (including my own map). I never experienced any framerate issues with any of the finalized versions, but if a relatively simplistic map like Genome can't pass Bungie's tests, I'm now afraid that this will rule out a lot of great maps. :-\

BTW - Happy Birthday, Tashi (if it really is your birthday, you drunken bastard)!!

Louis Wu

Barrow Roll said:
I don't think Shogun should be boasting so hard that he shat on these kids when he technically did lose the game but who actually enjoys playing KOTH in multi-team "properly"? I mean, play to win and all that but getting blown up from grenade spam in like 2-5 seconds of being in the hill just isn't fun at all. The hill movement is random so there isn't even any real strategy to it. And you're probably thinking that if it's so bad then don't play multi-team but fuck it, I like farming challenges easily in multi-team especially since most challenges just involve grinding something like kills or assists anyways.
It certainly doesn't happen every time, but it's quite possible to win a game of Multiteam Crazy King AND go positive at the same time.

And when it happens, it feels great. :lol

Alienshogun said:
Nope, and B.net doesn't think so either, since it's listed as a win, and part of my win streak.
lol - you clearly haven't noticed that they've changed Multi Team reporting so that every single game is marked as a win.


dresses business casual
Multi-Team is only broken when there are MP challenges. Days like today will be more fun to play the KotH games in MT which are a lot of fun when people play to win. MT is also a great way to play objective games but still get cR from kills. Team Objective just lacks the cR payout to make it popular. It's kind of sad how Bungie's challenges and design choices have broken some of the playlists.
Ever since my Halo: CE Lan days, I've always loved the insanity of multi team/ FFA objective gamteypes. I have many, many fond memories of playing chicken with teleporters.

bring back fiesta.

Edit: Happy Birthday Tashi, I hope your head feels okay when you wake up ;).
Has there been any word when the new Firefight playlist such as "Arcade"(Fistfight, Nadefight, Rocketfight, Sniperfight) and "Limited"(Firefight LTD, Legendary LTD, Genny LTD, Crashsite LTD) will be released/updated?
squidhands said:
I've playtested a lot of maps for the contest, and all of them were pretty rich in object density (including my own map). I never experienced any framerate issues with any of the finalized versions, but if a relatively simplistic map like Genome can't pass Bungie's tests, I'm now afraid that this will rule out a lot of great maps. :-\

Probably doesn't pass 4p split testing?


OK, I know I'm not good at Halo Reach (at least not compared to HaloGAF), but I got fucking wrecked last night in Community Slayer. I don't know if it was the maps or me just having a bad night, but I got run through like a Christmas n00b on Dec 26. It was bad.

I will give Community Slayer another shot though.

Oh and....


:D The only thing that will change, eventually, is when I have credits for the gold visor. Otherwise, my armor is set.
LosDaddie said:
OK, I know I'm not good at Halo Reach (at least not compared to HaloGAF), but I got fucking wrecked last night in Community Slayer. I don't know if it was the maps or me just having a bad night, but I got run through like a Christmas n00b on Dec 26. It was bad.

I will give Community Slayer another shot though.

Oh and....


:D The only thing that will change, eventually, is when I have credits for the gold visor. Otherwise, my armor is set.

Same here. Got Gold last night. Pilot + commando shoulders + robot arm = g2g for the rest of reach.
Can't wait to get home and hit up some FF challenges. Also going to dive back into Community Slayer to see if I can get some better maps.

Count me as one of the hopefuls that believe the best of the community-made maps are yet to come.

Also: my spartan still hasn't updated. Do I have to fill out some sort of form?
FUUU! i hate the random folk. I played Team objective today. There was a chance to get in both Stockpile matches the achievement. But no... I'll never get you. NEVER!

Maybe some of you guys are interested into game development. There will be 4 presentation about the Tech of Reach by the Bungieguys at this year GDC:

The Animation of HALO REACH: Raising the Bar
Speaker/s: Joe Spataro (Bungie) and Tam Armstrong (Bungie)
Day / Time / Location: TBD
Track / Format: Visual Arts , Production / Lecture
Description: The animation quality bar for HALO: REACH was much higher than HALO 3 and needed to maintain the feel of a HALO game. We discuss the challenges we overcame and the concessions we made to ship on time and on budget with better quality.
Takeaway: The attendee will gain perspective on the production, animation, design, and engineering techniques we employed to overcome the challenges of shipping animation in our last HALO game. They will also gain insight into general techniques that can improve any animation pipeline.
Intended Audience: Attendees who are interested in animation, and animation engineering, or who are simply interested in hearing about the challenges related to these disciplines that we faced during the production of HALO: REACH are our target audience. No prerequisite knowledge is required.

I Shot You First: Networking the Gameplay of HALO: REACH
Speaker/s: David Aldridge (Bungie LLC)
Day / Time / Location: TBD
Track / Format: Programming / Lecture
Description: Gameplay networking is easy once you have a socket open! Find out all the things that are wrong with that statement in this gripping tale of the perilous minefield that lies between sockets and game code. This talk describes in detail the patterns and processes that have allowed Bungie to repeatedly set new standards for gameplay networking quality. Come see how we develop competitive game mechanics that are fun over the internet, learn what kinds of network introspection tools you need to build into your next online game, and marvel at the low-tech way we measure lag.
Takeaway: Attendees will learn to recognize opportunities for optimization and lag compensation in their own gameplay networking logic, and will be familiar with the techniques Bungie uses to build great online action games, which can be applied to optimize any networking architecture. Attendees will never again refer to game networking as sockets programming.
Intended Audience: Aspiring or current engineers and designers on titles that include online gameplay. Some game development experience is recommended, but not required. There will be no math or code.

HALO: REACH Effects Tech
Speaker/s: Chris Tchou (Bungie LLC)
Day / Time / Location: TBD
Track / Format: Programming , Visual Arts / Lecture
Description: The goal of effects in HALO: REACH was to provide a more atmospheric, dense and visceral experience. We found a number of graphical techniques to be particularly useful and effective. A greater density of small transient particles was handled by a custom colliding particle system run entirely on the GPU. This system handled 24,000 colliding particles in the shipping game in less than 0.3 ms per frame. A greater presence of atmospheric and smoke effects was enabled through a low-res transparent rendering system that could effectively sort with high-res transparents through dynamic layer grouping. Finally, the depth buffer proved to be an effective way to cheaply create the illusion of world interaction on a number of effects, most prominently used in character shields, boundary markers and electrical effects. Lots of video and details provided!
Takeaway: Attendees will learn some practical, effective and cheap methods for enhancing effects on the Xbox 360 platform, including cheap colliding GPU particles, low-res sorted transparents and depth-sourced shading effects.
Intended Audience: This presentation is geared primarily towards graphics engineers and technical artists. Although there is something for everyone, full understanding of some parts may require knowledge of rendering and shading techniques.

Automated Level of Detail Generation for HALO: REACH
Speaker/s: Xi Wang (Bungie LLC)
Day / Time / Location: TBD
Track / Format: Programming , Visual Arts / Lecture
Description: This presentation introduces the LoD system created for HALO: REACH. The basic idea is to use a low-res vertex-shaded model to render far away objects. It starts with a voxel-based geometry decimation which can robustly simplify the geometry of game objects. We also designed a BRDF-fitting module, which can fit the many complicated material models used in our game to a simplified general material model. Both geometry and material simplification are farm-based. It is a fully automated LoD pipeline for content production, which massively reduced the workload of the content team, and boosted runtime performance significantly.
Takeaway: Attendees will learn some practical algorithms and ideas about LoD, like robust mesh decimation and an automatic shader/material simplification method. They can incorporate those techniques into their own LoD solutions. Also, the overall design of the farm pipeline will provide some general knowledge about how to design an automated LoD system to make it work with the real game production pipeline.
Intended Audience: Graphics engineers, tool engineers and tech artistes.

And Seth Gibson from 343 will be part of a presentation, too:
Technical Artist Boot Camp: Lessons in How to Create and Be an Effective TA
Speaker/s: Scott Goffman (Blizzard), Steve Theodore (Undead Labs), Adam Pletcher (Volition/THQ), Keith Self-Ballard (Volition, Inc.), Jeff Hanna (Volition, Inc), Bryan Moss (THQ Digital Phoenix), Bronwen Grimes (Valve), Rob Galanakis (Bioware) and Seth Gibson (343)
Day / Time / Location: Tuesday 10:00- 6:00
Track / Format: Visual Arts , Programming / Tutorial
Description: Over the past decade Technical Art has become an increasingly important discipline in game development. The number of TAs in the industry has grown tremendously and every year they take on more responsibilities, devise new innovative solutions to problems, and create bigger and more powerful tools. Still, though, most Technical Artists are home grown. Many are transplants from other disciplines. While some are coming in to the industry with specific TA educations most are not. This means that the skill sets between TAs are often quite varied. The self-invented TA culture makes it difficult for studios without TAs to truly see the benefit. Hard for studios with TAs to expand their ranks by hiring great candidates, and frustrating for technical artists themselves as their valued skillset at one company may be worth nothing at another.

To help the alleviate this problem well known and well respected Technical Artists from across the industry would like to invite you to sit with them for a day and learn their views on what it takes to be an effective TA. Their hope is that by exposing academia, studio management, and displaced industry professionals to Technical Art that they will foster discussion and expand educational and professional boundaries.

Topics for the day will include: How a technical art discipline can expand and enhance the both the artist and programmer culture at a studio. What different types of programming technologies are used by technical artists How to extend content creation applications with powerful scripts How to to visualize, create, and maintain art creation pipelines How database knowledge can empower TAs to make tools and pipelines that are self policing and expose a wealth of data that can be invested new workflows and methodologies. Shader creation techniques that can enhance visuals without impacting rendering performance How TAs can push the visual limits of a game by using known art techniques in unconventional ways.

Louis Wu

Bregmann Roche said:
Also: my spartan still hasn't updated. Do I have to fill out some sort of form?
They're still working on this. (Mine not only hasn't updated, it has never actually existed on B.net.)

Pete Rock

GhaleonEB said:
Scored first place both times - and the second time I didn't have a gunner. :lol

Got the Achievement on the second game by splatting some guy that wiped out right in front of me. Poor guy.

Awesome mode.
Glad you had fun with the updated gametype, your experience highlights two of the primary fixes in this version: allowing players to drive without a teammate by not forcing either player into a single role, and allowing players to be killed once they dismount the vehicle.

For those of us with a memory, in Halo 3 this resulted in the remaining "VIP" player left to either quit the match, assuming he had a brain, or walk around pointlessly trolling other teams with his rocket launcher and invincibility. This is about the time the assassination glitch reared its ugly head, creating a subclass of degenerates whose sole purpose in life was to grief players by shooting them off the Mongoose, then chase them around the map on foot in a game of grabass trying to get the backslap in first. It actually hurts my brain to think about how bad this was for the overall gametype, in the context of the fact that to legitimately play a round everyone had to basically adhere to honor rules, which does not fly online as you all well know.

Now not only has this all been addressed, but you can race for the checkpoints solo because the Goose is a little more nimble and less prone to rolling without the extra weight, and maxed out you get an extra 5-10KPH. The lone driver can actually be quite a threat in the overall scoring picture, as well as on the field if he is inclined to watch for tipping passengers.

I kind of wish they had made the achievement to legitimately win a round of the gametype at 15 points instead, but I can't really complain as it's just a reason for it to be online in some fashion, albeit not readily available. Although getting an overkill on two teams who have a nasty collision and roll right next to each other, or a sick splatter as your gunner ganks the rest, those are just icing on the cake :lol


The gametype is definitely casual but it can also be competitive, most of the time when I go in with six players our three teams are on top with double digits and single point spreads, while the remaining teams are basically getting to grips with the new mechanics while being rocketed straight out the box. The best part is the consistency to the physics, once you get a feel for the rocket speed and explosion radius the combat gets ridiculous real quick with everyone booking it for a destination, trading hits and flying off every which way.

That's my main problem with it not being a playlist aside from overall availability, most players don't have the consistent votes, the time to round them up, or the inclination in the context of ulterior motives driving them in Multiteam (assist challenges, etc) to really get a feel for the gametype and see just how unique and enjoyable it can be relative to a lot of other things offered by Halo, let alone the contemporary shooter genre.

Just like Grifball & Infection are melee centric combat gametypes centered around a certain objective, this is a gametype based on quick vehicle navigation and ranged explosive projectile management. This type of diversity offered by Halo has always been its strongest suit, which is another reason why I hate to see it squandered for the population at large with arbitrary matchmaking restrictions.

If anyone wants to party up and roll sometime hit up my gt, pretty much all I try to do in Reach if I'm not Forging another RR map. Who knows, y'all might have some fun taking a break from the AL/Arena/Community Maps raaaaage cycle :D
Hypertrooper said:
FUUU! i hate the random folk. I played Team objective today. There was a chance to get in both Stockpile matches the achievement. But no... I'll never get you. NEVER!
I recieved the achievement in the Noble playlist. Stockpile on Breakpoint came up and I groaned. Few minutes into the match and I notice that half the other tream dropped. We had two flags in our goal so I placed them both outside. There was random teamates throwing them back in (and who could blame them) so I hopped onto my mic and let them know that we can get an achievement if we wait to score these while we get the others. No words were spoken back to me but immediately two sped off with a warthog as I hiked on foot to the other one. Got back, we all through the flags in, celebratory crouching as the timer ticked down, achievement get. It was the best lemon to lemonaide moment in Halo I've had.


I feel sorry for Lars, he did a lot of good work with Firefight to make it much funner than what was built into ODST, however he was let down by the networking team. The Firefight lag is unacceptable.
Louis Wu said:
They're still working on this. (Mine not only hasn't updated, it has never actually existed on B.net.)
But arent you using the default Noble6? Or did you change your spartan for the custom games?
I'll settle the dispute:

Ghaleon you were playing Elite Slayer in multi team, you lose.

Shogun you were playing CRAZY KING in multi team, you lose.


Happy Birthday Tashi my birthday is next month on the 6th! good halo players are born on the 6th? possibly! must conduct further analysis.
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