Yeah... not really.
Dunno if it's just my bad luck, or what... but the speedrun simply WASN'T going my way this morning. First few times, the jetpacking rangers facemelted me before I even got to the first building. This has happened before; restarting from checkpoint means they're still up there, so I restarted the level.
Eventually go through that - but couldn't get to the gutas; kept getting killed as I ran past elites. (This rarely happens to me, I'll give you that.)
I eventually just decided to thin the herd before running through to the gutas - but this is harder than I'd realized if you've run past everything in the FIRST section, because now you're pinched. Fine, I eventually finish it - but I pass the Guta section at about 8.5 minutes. wtf.
I sprint to the umbrella - and everything's already awake. I can't assassinate the elite and his grunt buddies, because they're shooting at me as I come around the corner. I'm really low on sniper ammo, too. I use the DMR that's right at the start of that section to finish off the grunts, and by the time I do, the elite's headed for the back - okay, no problem, I'll just rush Forky, glitch through the gate, and be on my way.
Didn't look carefully at my timer - got through the gate at 11:45. You can't run that last section in less than about 40 seconds.
I eventually made it by stopping after the first section, wiping out the bigger stuff FAST, and running the rest. Screen went black at about 11 minutes.
Total expired time was well over an hour, though.
Maybe I should have left it for another day - seems like it's a luck thing, sometimes.